Chapter 19

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In morning

Anika open her eyes lazily and take a tired yawn. Stretching her arms around the bed. She  is still feeling sleepy. But movement  Around her couldn't let her sleep and unwillingly she woke up. She slowly open her  eyes fully and found her husband standing in the corner of the bed  packing something.

Good morning , he smiles at her while wishing her good morning. How she wishes she would had got this smile and  a small good morning wish in the past as well. But always she met a grumpy shivaay. Who  never behaved in normal way and  always  spoiled his morning as well as hers with his sour mood. But after almost three years of their marriage "she able to get the smile. Which really didn't fascinate her at all. It's too late now. Things have been changed. Now her all wishes , all desires for having  happy family have been drained. Now nothing makes her feel anything anymore.  The wish of living have been finished.

You didn't wish me back. His question brought her  back to earth. She sniffles settling on the bed and nods her head.

morning , she whispered and stood up without eye contact with him.

You are fine right??? He asked question again trying to interact her.

Yeh she kept her answer short and left for   Freshening up.shivaay so wanted to talk to her. But seems like her mood wasn't in place " so she ignored him and went inside the washroom silently.

After some minutes

She comes out in Fresh pair of clothes and  directly went towards the mirror without eye having contact with shivaay and started combing her hair.

You are ready to leave ??? He asked making her frown. She immediately turn and gave Him questioning look.

What do you mean ?? Where am i going. She says In her stern voice  earning   smile from him. Which is rarest thing she ever seen.

Oh yh I'm sorry I forgot to tell you last night. Actually I've some business trip in France. So I thought why not I take you with me as well. With this your mood will be fine also and you will able to see fresh things. He  informed her while zipping up the bag.

I'm not going. I'm fine in this apartment alone. You can go for your business trip. I really don't want to spoil your vacation.  Saying this she Rest the comb and left outside leaving him Bewildered.  Here he had planned everything for her. Literally he made lie of his business trip to take her in some fresh air . And this girl is saying " she is not going with him. What  the hell. He grit his teeth snd stormed out fisting his hands.

What do you mean you are not coming with me.what will you do all alone in the apartment ha.  He says keeping his sanity cool without creating some mess infront of her which he regrets later.

Whatever I was doing past three years " when you  always chose to go alone on business trip. And if you needed the company then you were taking your friend with you.  Hearing her Shivaay's tongue got tied and he just got speechless not able to say anything. 

You can go alone this time as well. I'm here to take care of myself. Moreover I'm thinking to join the office again. Sitting at home will make me sick more. She says calmly pouring  the coffee in her cup. 

That was past.  And I was an idiot to leave you like this. But now I want you to come with me. I can't leave you alone here specifically that time " when  the situation is so dire.   Anytime you would get some  attack  " which will make your condition worse. And I can't afford that. So better if you come with me. He says hoping she would listen to him. But he was utterly wrong.

I can take care of myself. You don't worry.   Moreover it's not first time I'm facing this situation.  I've experienced exact same issue " when I'd lost my child
People were calling me child killer and what not.  And your family they were literally torturing me with their taunts and everything. So when that time I'd handled it alone. Then I can do this time as well. Just don't worry about me. I will be good alone here. You can go On your business trip . Or if you want " take some of your friend with you for example malika. Saying this she grabs the cup and left from there leaving him restless and angry seeing her behaving so stubborn. THere he is trying things to make her feel ease. And here she is  not bothering to put single contribution in it. He closed his eyes tight and went behind her. 

Anika why are you doing this.  Why are you behaving stubborn. You never done it before. And then what's wrong now. He asked  controlling his rage.

I'm doing nothing. But I'm just simply denying to come with you. Moreover you are going for business trip right.and I guess you won't have proper time there.  So what will I do there. I don't think so there would be something which will requires me to be there. So better if you  go alone. Finish your work and come back hmm.

Shivaay bite his bottom lips keeping hand on his hips and take a long sigh controlling his rage.

You can't do this anika. You ....

Discussion has ended here shivaay. I'm not coming. Anyways I'm going  office. Have a great journey.sue smiles wishing him.

Office ??? He frowns.

Yes I've decided to go back to the work. Can't sit here at him like a mould. And don't worry. I'm gonna go with khana. so it will be save. Saying this she grabs her bag from the cabinet near the door and left from there.

Arghhh he screams and break the  vase which was laying on small table near the pillar.

In office

As she kept the foot in office. All people look at her like they have seen some Alien or something. They first few seconds gawk at her and then they started whispering something  Which is enough audible for her to listen.

Anika you came. Arsal's eyes twinkle seeing her infront of him. He immediately marched towards her and held her hand having brightest smile on his face.

Ar. I didn't expect you to be here. I thought you would  be taking rest. 

I couldn't sit at home that longer. so I decided to join the work back. She says in her calm tone bringing smile on her face. Which is obviously fake. But still she managed to maintained.

That's really good you have done. I'm glad to have you here. Welcome back.  He says feeling really happy to have her there. He thoughts she won't come back ever. The way shivaay was behaving. But maybe he was wrong and look she is standing in his office.

Can I go to my office she asked softly pointing towards her office.

Yh sure. He smiles and showed her way. As he stepped away she left from there.   Arsal so wanted to talk to her. But then he dropped the idea and let her be in her own  space for while till she doesn't get comfortable.


It's been three hours she  is in the office and continuously  working. She is trying her best to divert her brain and somehow she successfully done it and  just engrossing herself in work more and more. She was  in process of calming herself" when two ladies  enters there who don't get along with her properly. 

Oh so look who is back miss anika ups I'm so sorry miss trying to attempt a murder.  I'd thought might she won't come back. Bht look how shamelessly she came back and now sitting in this office like a saint without giving shit about the things which happened before five days.

I mean this girl has literally  pushed her husband's friend from the stairs. She nearly died. And look at her she is here like nothing happened. Wow I need guts like her.

What do you want Emily. Just leave me alone. Anika. Says looking at both woman sternly.

No I just wanted to know how do you get  guts to do all this. Don't you feel any fear or something. I mean you literally tried to take someone's life. Anika closed the file and exhale  the breath.

Yes I did. I did tried to take her life.  I've pushed her from the stairs. Is that what you want to here ha.  Both ladies got silent  and step back without uttering anything

Listen girls. Stay away from me. Don't even dare to interfere in my personal life. Otherwise if I'm capable of pushing that malika from those stairs. Then I guess it won't be hard for me to  kill you as well.  as these words left her mouth both ladies gulp and immediately left from there saving their asses.  Anika huffs and lean on the chair closing her eyes. She had managed to forget things. But these people successfully brought  her her back ,where she was standing before.

In evening

After finishing the work , Anika grabs her bag and decided to Leave. As it's already late and she doesn't want to travel in dark.

Hey Annie stop ... arsal calls her from behind on the way out and come running towards her.

Are you fine arsal. Do you need anything ??? She asked looking at him tip to toe.

Yah I'm fine. Actually I just wanted to ask that why don't you come with me. I mean " shivaay is not here. So I guess I can drop you. He says having smile and excitement on the same time for thinking about the time which he gonna spend with her.

Err it's fine. I can go by texi. Infect I can khana to come and pick me up. You don't need to stress yourself. She says making him disappointed with her answer. But still he didn't accept the defeat and speak.

No don't need to call anyone. Why would you ask someone else to pick you up when I'm here. Just let me drop you. Come let's go. He raise his hand to touch her. But next second he stopped when he heard the most unwanted voice.

You don't need to waste your time for dropping my wife mr jaffari.

Shivaay??anika whispered his name turning her back and  got shocked finding him standing infront of her having his hand in his pockets.

What he is doing here ??? Arsal murmur clenching his wrist in anger.

Hey , shivaay whispered coming near anika and
Slid  his arm around her waist pulling her closer.

How's your day.?? Anika tuck her hair back and nods hee head.

Good she whispered.

I'm glad to hear that. Anyways shall we leave. I guess it's getting pretty dark.anika look at arsal for few seconds and mutter yes.

See you later mr jafferi. Enjoy your way back home. Shivaya pass him tight smile and dragged his wife along with him holding her waist.

Come have seat. He open the door and made her sit inside and then he drove away from there not before giving look to arsel who is feeling like to take his life for coming all of sudden and spoiled his and Anika's moment.

In car

You supposed to be on your trip. Aren't You ??, then what are you doing here ??? anika ask looking at him sternly

I didn't go. He simply answer taking the turn towards their home.

Are you serious ??, why didn't you go when you itself said that it's your business trip and your presence is needed there. Shivaay grit his teeth snd stopped the car in mid way making her squirm little. In no time he fetch out his belt and then pulled her towards him making her fall in his arm or better to say she settle in his lap while in clutches of him

Can't you bloody understand that I wanted to go with you. It was just bloody excuse for me to take you with me. As apparently a simple reason won't had convinced madam to come with me. That's why I lied to you thinking you won't argue and will say you are ready to go. But no you just smeared NO on my face and just came in your office without even saying bye to me.and you  asking me why didn't  I go. Why don't you understand a simple things ha.  Anika flinch hearing his harsh tone snd closed her eyes letting the tears fall from her eyes. As shivaay saw this " he got soften and regretted to behave so ruthlessly when he very well know about her Current situation. He immediately loosen his  grip from her arm and free her. Anika sobs and went back on the seat bending her head down.

Ann's he raise his hand to touch her. Bhr she didn't let him and move  away still casting her eyes down.  He take a defeated sigh and hold his head Resting  his elbow on the car window.

After couple of minutes " he slowly move towards her and held her palms which she was  fidgeting with each other while looking out still having tears in his eyes.

I'm sorry he whispered softly placing soft kiss on her palm.  Anika look at him with teary eyes  and speak in cracking voice.

You are not obligated to do anything for me shivay. Stop binding yourself with me unwillingly. Trust me if you will ask me to leave you once.  then I promise" I  will make sure that my even shadow doesn't come infront of you.  I won't say anything to you shivaay. You don't do all this to make me happy. Hearing her he shook his head snd take her face  in his palm wiping her tears with his thumb.

You are thinking wrong. I'm not doing for you everything. I'm doing for myself as well ok.  You must be thinking that all of sudden I'm nice to you because of my guilt. But it's wrong .... I truly want us to be happy with each other. I'm tired of running away from you. Now I need chance to fix everything between us. So that we could also live like a normal person. Just give me a chance  Ann's. I promise you won't regret it.  Just a single chance.  Please he pleads  tracing his thumb on her cheek Having hope that she would listen to him. But before she  answers his phone rang.  First few times he ignored-but  when it didn't stop. He groan and pick it up

Where are you shivaay ??? We have brought gouri in hospital. She is in Labour.

What ??? I'm coming. We are on the way. Just in half an hour we will be there. Hmm take care of yourself and gouri. and keep updating me ok. Saying this he cut the call and look at anika who is sitting with him having frown.

We are going hospital .... Gouri is in labour. He informed  her and drove away from there in fast speed along with anika.

After half an hour

He stop the car infront if the hospital and Then took anika along with him inside while  holding her hand.   They come towards ott area and stopped seeing their family surrounding  something and they seems happy.  Seems like baby has already arrived.

Shivaay ... om calls his name  as he got his sight infront of him.

You came ... he come towards him and showed him the baby.

It's baby girl .... He announced having happy tears in his eyes. Seeing the new born baby shivaay and anika both got vulnerable and started looking at the baby longingly. Shivaay  squeezes anika's hand and smiles.

Here hold her ... shivaay nods his head and took the baby in his hands.

Aww she is so cute and tiny.   Isn't Ann's.  Anika  nods her head having tears in her eyes and raise  her hand to touch the baby. But before she do someone held it in mid way making her squirm.

Precap ..... they go back in oberoi mansion because of rudra wedding

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