Chapter 22

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Seeing his wife crying sitting in corner make his heart churn in pain.  Specially that time when her surrounded people  are in full  swing of happiness. And she is sitting here crying without   Letting any one give clue of her inner battle " which is killing her inside second by second. Being a billionaire " he always thought "he can do anything. With money he can buy whatever he wish for. But today he is feeling helplessly for not able to erase the pain from his wife's life "who is suffering so badly. He wanna comfort her. He wanna tell her that everything will be fine. But it will be just words. He knows he can never erase the pain which has left mark on her heart after their baby departure.  He bite his  lips controlling his  sob and went towards her with slow steps.

Ann's.. he calls her name standing near her. As she heard her name from his mouth. She immediately wipe her tears and straighten up trying to hide her pain. 

Hey ... he sat besides her keeping hands on her knees. 

What are you doing here ??? You should be out with your family right. She says softly passing him smile trying her best to control her tears.

I'm with my family"With you. He  whispers caressing her face with his hand rubbing the thumb on her cheek making her take breath shakily.

Shivaay everyone would be waiting for  you outside. I think you should go.  She  suggested him removing his hand from her face.  But instead moving from there he gave her a long stare and then divert his eyes towards the baby's stuff. Tears gathered in his eyes seeing the things. Today  if their baby would had  been made it. Then he would had been nearly one now. But  god didn't let them see their  baby growing up and took him away from the them.

I'm sorry  I didn't mean to get them out. She immediately take the stuff and try to get up " but he didn't let her and stop her to moving. 

Don't go ... he whispered taking the ultrasound X-rays from her " which has their baby's development pictures. 

I... I was  four months pregnant when I'd went to the doctor for check up and they had done my ultrasound. ( she  whimpers trying hard to control her emotions ).  It was first time I'd seen my baby.  He was breathing shivaay. I could hear his breathing. ( she sobs ).doctor said he was healthy baby. There is no complications in my pregnancy. ( tears made their way from her eyes making her vulnerable). It was first time i was happy  genuinely. And I wanted to share it with you. But....  ( she stopped talking  looking down  drown in past when she was pregnant and needed her husband the most. But he was no where to be seen. Either all the time he was in office. And if not there then he was with his friend.

Shivaay blink his eyes  and kept his hand on his mouth feeling like to kill himself for being such a jerk for not  being with  his wife  when she needed him most. How unlucky he is. He should had gone with her when she went for check up.  At least he could had seen his baby moving in computer. But he was so lost in his own world that he couldn't enjoy that moment as well. And his wife was going alone for routine  check up. 

I'm sorry ... all he can say sorry as he has nothing to say to her else. He can't promise her that everything will be fine. He can't say that their baby will be back.  He can't do anything expect regretting for life time.

Ann's he whispered her name and take her palm In his hands. He brought it near his  lips and kiss them  softly. 

I wish I could do something to erase your pain. But I'm helplessly. There's nothing which could help me to do it. I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for each and everything which I've done in the past. I've been a jerk for not seeing my wife's suffering. I wish ..I wish ...I would had been with you that time then you didn't have to face all this. I'm sorry. He sobs and take her in hug wrapping his arms around her securely. Anika kept her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes to let her tears soak in his shirt.

Whatever happened in past. I can't correct it. But I promise I'll make sure that you don't face such thing in future. I'll make everything fine. Anika blink her eyes and lean her chin on his shoulder having no expression on her face. She knows right now "he is promising but later  not even single promise will be fulfil by him. After all he loves his family more than anything else. 

After few minutes

Anika broke the hug and step away looking at him. He smiles at her having tears in his  eyes and kiss her forehead then both cheeks and then he aim to take her lips in deep kiss. But before he do she turn her face  away not wanted to intimate with him. He understood her trauma and let her go.

I'm going to freshen up. She grabs her baby's stuff and left from there leaving him alone there.  He kept hands on his thigh and squeeze his eyes for not able to assure  his wife that he has been changed. 

In evening

Shivaay comes down stairs scrolling his phone " when his eyes  fell on the family ladies who are busy  selecting things  for wedding  . He run his eyes around hoping he will find his wife here. But when he didn't find her there he sighs and rubs his life  forehead....

Where are you Anns. He whispered looking around and then went upstairs aiming his  head towards his room. 

In room.

Anika is doing her work on the laptop trying to divert her mind when shivaay came inside having big smile  on his face. 

Anns let's go. He grasp her wrist and started dragging her with him. 

Where ??? she frowns keeping her laptop aside. 

Come let's go.  Here wear your shoes. He itself made her wear her shoes and dragged her with him.

Where are you taking me shivaay ?? She ask while walking with him towards downstairs. But suddenly she stopped when she saw all family sitting there and Stuff is scattered all around. 

Come sit. He pulled her and made her sat on a couch and itself sit besides her. 

Why did you bring me here. ?? She whispered looking around  the oberoi ladies"   who stopped whatever they were doing... but shivaay didn't bother about that and grab a bracelet in his hand.

This is pretty. Doesn't it. He held her  wrist and started making her wear it.

Shivaay what are you doing ??? Anika  Whispered looking at grandma who is looking at her sternly.

I'm making my wife wear bracelet. Is there any problem. He ask raising his brow looking at every person " who is sitting infront of him.

It's for rudra's fiancé shivaay. Not everything is about your wife.?? Grandma stated in her thick voice  making shivaay sigh. 

There's  so many jewellery here. And I don't think so you gonna buy all of it for rudra's fiance grandma.   So let me choose for my wife as well . Saying this he grabs a ring and  put in his wife's hand making anika sigh in defeat.

Shivaay .... she Glares him.

Anika it's looking so nice on you.  Gouri interrupted passing her smile.

See I've told you. My choice is really good isn't. Shivaya grin caressing her fingers with his own admiring the ring in her hands.

Anika heaves out breath and pass smile to gouri which she reciprocated while grandma rolls her eyes in irritation .

I think it's enough now shivaay.  I really not fond of these things. Thanks for this anyways.  Saying this she about to get up when suddenly her foot jammed when she saw malika standing in the door having brightest smile on her face. 

Malika she gasp making shivaay look behind. He widen his eyes and stood up in anger.

What the hell are you doing here ?? Without bashing around he came on the point making malika gasp with his scream. 

Shivaayyyy grandma glares him ...  shivaay about to speak something "when he stopped seeing bhavya rudra's fiance and her family enters there behind malika. 

Mr malhotra jhanvi and grandma immediately changes their expressions and went towards them while pinky and her family stayed back. 

We were waiting for you only.  How are you  Mr  and Mrs  malhotra. ??? Grandma says welcoming them in the house.

Malika who is standing near them "she  held her hands infront and pass smile to shivaay which he didn't reciprocated and  pulled his wife closer who is all shocked and traumatised with sudden appearance of malika infront of her .

Come inside. Why  are you standing outside. Grandma says welcoming them inside. Malika smiles and move towards shivaay who  just glaring her holding  his wife securely. 

Shivaay my buddy ... she grin and move towards him to take him  hug and brought gap between him and her. 

Keep distance. He whispered in his strong tone giving  her death glare. 

Aww seems like you are still angry shivaay.  But I guess it should be other way round.  Shouldn't it . I mean instead angry on with me " you should be on someone for trying to take your best friend's life.  But you are holding her in your rooms like"   she is the one who suffered. Malika  scoffs looking at anika who turns her face away  not feeling to answer this shity woman" who is nothing but manipulative and annoyed. 

You are still playing victim card. don't you after doing so much.  I can't believe you can be such pathetic person malika. I feel hate for myself for considering you my best friend once. when you were nothing but a back stabber. Hearing him she snap her eyes at him and clench her fist tight.  She hissed and open her mouth to say something when her mother calls her.

Mals why are you standing there. Come have seat with me. Her mother called her glaring shivaay and anika both of them for putting her daughter's life danger.

I didn't pay victim card. It's just your wife "who is trying to gain your sympathy by smearing lies on your face. But don't worry. Soon you gonna regret to trust on her. And then you gonna come running to me. She smirk tracing her finger on his chest. Which soon jerk away by shivaay.

Mals darling come here. Yet again when her mother called her she smiles at the shivika and went towards her mother.

I can't stay here I can't. Anika breath heavily coming out from Shivaay's hold and stormed towards her room making shivaay panic. He look at malika with pure hate and immediately run behind his wife " who is climbing the stairs fastly.

Anika what are you doing stop ??? He got panic when he saw her packing her stuff moving in room in fast pace.

I can't stay here shivaay. I need to leave. She take out her clothes and dump in the bag and again went towards dressing room to get her stuff .

Anika stop can't go like this. Let me explain. Please stop. He try to get grip on her arm "but she closed her eyes and jerk his hand away breathing heavily.

What do you wanna explain me shivaay. What the fuck you will explain to meeee ??she screams throwing the clothes on the floor.

I'd kept telling you don't take me back to your house. Don't do it. But you fuckin didn't pay single attention to my words. and brought me back here "where everyone hates me. On my face "you are saying that you are doing all this for me. But in actual you just care about your big fat family nothing more. That's why you didn't care how much your wife will be hurt coming here and you brought her here without showing a little mercy. For god sake if you hate me so much then why the fuck you don't let me go. Don't just break me more and more everyday. Let me just go. She cry screaming on top voice feeling hell exasperated seeing him promising her for that  which he would never fulfil.

It's not the way you think I brought you here because ... he step toward her to take her hand. But she didn't let him and step back.

Yes you brought me here because there was some left to break me completely. Didn't you ??? She hissed looking side eyes while having tumbling chin.

Sh. No he shook his head clutching her elbow" but she just remove his grip and she pushes him away.

It is shivaay. It is. I know that you hate me. You fuckin hate me since I've entered in your life. Since I've came in this house. Each and every day you hurt me. You always reminded me that I'm nothing To you. You don't wanna keep any relationship with me. Still I tried my best to comfort you. I'd done all your shit. You spilled later and I fulfilled your wish first. ( she snorts while  crying ) I used to do your chores. I used to wait for you late night. So that I could see you. I used to stay hungry so that I could eat food with you. ( she breath shakily ) But what you used to do ha. ( Hic) You never cared about me. Infect if you used to see me infront of you than your mood used to get spoiled. She points finger at him having uncontrollable tears which are trickling from her cheeks continuously) You never appreciated me shivaay. All the time I was bad omen for you. Even when I fell pregnant. Still you didn't care to change. Infect you made my condition more vulnerable and never cared that I needed you the most with me. ( hiccups with sniffs ). And why would you do it. ( she sneers ). When you had such a fantastic malika named company. She used to entertain you very well. That's why you didn't care about your wife neither your own child. All you care about your own self and your friend. Who used to fill your ears against me. And to be honest. I can't blame her either. As my own husband was not in my favour. If once you would had stopped her. then next time she would never had done it. But no you kept listening to her and never cared about me. Not even that day " when I'd lost my child and was fighting for my own life as well. ( she sighs tiredly while  whimpering).  That day I just wanted you to be with me. I wanted you to hold my hand and tell me that you are with me. I shouldn't care about anything. But what did you do ha. (Hic ) You left on vacations witn you friend. Because you preferred your comfort more than me. As your friend said it you shouldn't be there with me. Without thinking anything you left and didn't come back for whole two weeks. I was dying shivaay. ( she stressed her words ). I was in Immense pain. ( she points at herself ). I'd lost my fuckin child. And all I needed was myself husband with you. But you were not there shivaay. ( she sniffles looking at him being hurt ). You never been there whenever I needed you. So stop this shit that you care about me. ( she  weeps hitting his chest ). As I know you don't. ( She shakes her head in dejection )All you care about you and your family. I'm nothing to you. Not even human who feel something. I can't stay here shivaay. I just can't. ... she sobs having hiccups and took the clothes from the hanger.

Anika I'm sorry please don't go.  It's not the way you think. I don't hate you.   Trust me. He follows her behind  while pleading her to not leave him but she
Is least bother to listen to him and packing her luggage.

You do hate me shivaay. You do. That's why you brought   me here despite knowing how much it gonna pain me getting hate from others.and not only that. You knew all along that malika gonna be here. After all She Is cousin of your newly sister in law. So
You brought me here to hurt me more. You can't see me in peace shivaay. You just wanna hurt me so
Much that I prefer to Die instead living my life. As these she talked about her death colour flew away from his face and he got pale.

Dont talk about your death for god sake. I can't lose you anns. Stop thinking all wrong about it. It's nothing like you are assuming . I Didn't know that malika is cousin of bhavya. Infect it's my first time
I'm Meeting her. . Stop Taking me Wrong plz. He sighs tiredly grasping her wrist but she pulled
Her hand back and shook her head snivelling.

You are lying shivaay. You are lying. Now you are saying all this to calm me down. As you don't want me to spoil your brother's wedding. But don't worry I won't do it. I will Leave from Back Door. No one even ever got to know about it. You just enjoy your time with your family and friend. I Hope it will be great moments for you. She wipe her tears Harshly snd zip up the Bag for leaving.

Don't come behind me. Saying this she swoop by him taking steps fastly. She about to keep her foot out
Of the door when suddenly someone clasp her wrist and pulled her back In the took and in no time she's been locked in the room making her shell shocked.

Shivaayyyy she screams and raise her hand to slap him but he didn't let her and yanked her towards him making her chest hit with him

Stop anikaaaaaaa. Just stopppp all this nonsense. You are not leaving meeee he screams tightening his grip around her.


Precap. Shivaay says to grandma to kick malika out. Otherwise if she will be here then he won't stay there.

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Note :::

Response on this book is just  just ethereal . I mean  don't you think 5 comments and  50 likes are too much you guys are giving me. I'm surely really impressed.  Anyways if it continues then definitely it will be my last book here 😊.....


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