Chapter 31

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Anika open her eyes slowly and leisurely toss on the bed turning her face towards another side thinking shivaay must be sleeping besides her. But when she look at her aside" she got confused finding herself alone. As per as she knows "shivaay never wakes up that early. Max his day start from 8 am. Then where he has gone at this early morning. She frowns and slipped out of the bed. She wear her slippers and about to head out of the room in search of him. But stopped" when she remember about last night and in none seconds,, her worry fade away.  Evidently After whatever happened last night somewheee she is feeling herself  To going away from him. She had considered this man everything of her. Whenever something happened. She gave him importance more than anyone else despite his hate towards her. But last night " when she heard about his betrayal" it made her shook from inside and she is afraid to trust on him as well as not feeling to worry about the person who never cared  about her ever in their marriage pace. Thinking about this she heaves out a long breath and left to freshen-up.

On the otherside

Give me the jug... shivaay orders khana" Who's standing besides him holding the jug in his hand.

Yes chief. Saying this he immediately passed him the water and in no time shivaay splashed on malika's face " who is apparently laying unconscious on the chair hanging her head one side. Simultaneously" As water connected with her. She jerk off from the sleep and started coughing feeling her throat burn with sudden pressure of water " which passed through her mouth. She attempt to raise her hand to wipe her mouth but next second shock spread her face when she found herself being tied from all around.

What the hell ,, she screams and started moving her hands legs vigorously feeling tension all around her.

Good morning my dearest friend. I hope you had a really great night here on this lovely chair. Hearing Shivaay's thick voice"  she snapped her eyes at him and got shocked finding him standing having thick smirk " while his hands are buckled on his back looking all devil in human disguise.

Shivaay ,, she whispered and tug her hands and legs on the chair to get herself free. But it's so difficult for her to do and she screams in frustration.

Why I'm here shivaay. Why did you tie me. Just let me goooo .... she screams and Twist her wrists being in grip of rope " which made her wrists get bruise and she get more and more irritated  feeling helpless to not able to do anything. Shivaay chuckle seeing her struggling and sat on the chair   Keeping  his leg on another one and tap his foot on the floor.

Seems like you are not liking  all the arrangement my dearest friend. which I've specifically done to you. Hww ,, that's so sad. Normally you always like the place wherever I'm present. But seems like things are different today. He grin knocking his finger on the arm rest of the chair.

Just shut the fuck up snd let me go. What are you trying to do shivaay. Do you know what will be consequences"  if you will tie me here like this. Soon my family will get to know and they will sue you. She screams tugging again and again on her hands feeling helpless and restless on the same time for not able to move like this.

Who will tell them that you are with me. Just look around " there's no one who know you here. They are all my trusted men. And the place where I've kept you. It's far far away from the city. So not even a bird can fly here without my permission. So forget that your super dad gonna get to know about this place or about you being kidnapped by few days when they will get tired for searching you. They will itself declare you dead and then they will hardly remember that they had daughter named malika " who was such a sophisticated and kind woman  that she didn't scare a little to take someone's life. Malika  shook her head aggressively and open her mouth to say something but  before she does " she's  been gaged by him with a ball in her mouth.

You are not allow to speak miss malhotra.   You cannot speak when shivaay singh oberoi is speaking. You have seen my politeness  and friendly side enough.  I've been behaving really good with you while hurting those people " who meant to be keep happy by me. But because of you " I'd got so blind that I didn't see right and wrong in anything and broke my wife's heart as well as courage you to take my baby's life.  You have toyed  with me so bad malika. But not anymore. This time you will suffer and i will watch. You don't know how many things I've  planned for you.  Neverthelessly I'll take all the revenge which you done with my wife and her life.  If I didn't show you hell " then my name is not shivaay Singh oberoi.  Surely in few days you will beg for your death. Saying this he shoves her away removing his hand from her chin which was clasping her so tight that his fingers print left on her skin. 

You are so done malika. So done. He gave her disgusting and hateful look and  turn his  face towards khana who was standing  all along with bim since he entered here. 

Be a good host ok.  Miss malika is our precious guest. She shouldn't feel less in anything. Make sure she gets all the  treatment "which I've  told you. and one of them is to keep her hungry until she begs for death. Hearing him malika widen her pooled up eyes and wiggle to come out from the clutches of rope. But it's so tight that she can't even move hand and while trying to get out of it she is just hurting herself nothing more.

See you later my dearest friend. He pushed his hands in his pant pocket and left from there having a smug smile  making malika whimper in helplessness.

On the other side

It's been four hours she is waiting for him. But till now he didn't come back. She agreed she was angry on him. And wasn't talking to him properly. Bht that's doesn't mean " he can leave her like this without telling where he is going. At least he should had left a small message on the phone or a note for her. But nooo!! he chose to get up  and leave the house without informing.  Surely when he will come back "she will  give him full lesson for leaving like this. These thoughts are going on in her mind when his car came in and stopped near the entrance. She stood up and waits for him to get out.

Shivaay  comes one from the car and closed the door  aiming to go inside and see his precious wife. But he stopped"  when he found her standing looking at him with her beautiful brown eyes "which always makes his heart beat faster than usual. He smiles looking at her and  leisurely walks towards her folding his arms on his back .

Hey beautiful ,,he held her hand and  placed a soft kisses  on her palm making hard for her to control the blush. Seeing his wife struggling for smile " he tuck her hair back caressing her soft cheek and kiss her forehead. 

Someone was waiting for me desperately ha. He slid his hands around her waist and pulled her closer against his front. 

I wasn't waiting for you. She stammers looking around except him  out of shyness.

Is it. He mumbles and nuzzle into her hair making hard for her to inherit the breath because of his closeness.

I missed you so much whole day. You don't know how hard for me is getting to stay away from you. He whispered in her ear and bite her lob making her hiss but soon he soothe her with his tongue massaging her navels with his large hands. He about slid his hand under her shirt when suddenly anika part away when she heard noises from outside. She bewildered and look at him shockingly like he done  some crime or something big . Shivaay raise his hand to clasp her elbow " but she didn't let him and went inside making him feel guilty somewhere to touch her without her will. He had  promised himself that he won't cross his limits"  unless she approved it. But he don't know how his desires for her triggered and he forgot about everything and touched her.

You are stupid shivaay. A big stupid man. He trail his fingers on his forehead in tension and went inside.

In room

Anika feels anxious whenever he try to touch her. It's not that he is doing first time. They had proper physical relationship while being together. But since they are having issues in their relationship. She is feeling not good with his closeness.

Anns " hearing her own name form Shivaay's mouth she snapped her eyes and look at him anxiously. Seeing her face " he understood something is going in her head. And he is the only one who can clearly it. No one else.

Baby " he goes towards her and sat besides her taking her palm on his hands ....

Why are you so scared of me. Do you think I'll harm you. He said softly caressing her fingers with his own.

But anika didn't say anything and bend her eyes down having short of words. Shivaay sighs and made her face him raising her chin up.

Yesterday I've told you right. There wasn't any  sort of physical relationship between me and malika. She was just my friend nothing more. I never been attractive towards her. It was clear from my side that She is just a friend nothing more. Look if you want" I can give you proof of that as well. That's not that hard for me. But I want you to trust me like this "not on the bases of proves. Moreover you know that how malika is manipulative. She has done so many things to separate us. Then how can you believe that she would say truth in all this. I love you ok. Just you. And apart from you. I never been with anyone else. Okie. Saying this he gently pulls her towards him and hugged her tightly resting his hand on her hair.

Anika closed her eyes and unwillingly kept hand on his back giving him reason to relief.

I love you he whispered in her ear and peck it softly

After sometime

Shivaay is working on the laptop"  while anika is sitting besides him watching tv. When suddenly something caught her eyes unexpected while changing the channels.

Miss malika melhotra has been kidnapped. According to the sources she had went in her college reunion and after that she didnt come back. Her parents and police are searching for her everywhere. But seems like she's fallen in serious trouble.reporter announced on the tv showing again and again malika's pictures on the screen .

Anika gasp and clutch Shivaay's hand in fear who seems careless about it and  just busy in his work. .

Shivaay look at the tv. malika is kidnapped. She nudge him pointing at the tv. Where the first headlines are  only about malika and video of her parents " where they are crying and asking people to help them to search their daughter. Infect a big amount they have offered to the person " who would get their  daughter back.

Don't listen these non sense Aniks. Just change the news and watch something light. Shivaay suggested looking at her being botherless making anika shock with his behaviour. She thought he would be startled or  bewildered . But he is just chill like nothing happened.

Here watch these cartoons. Don't stress about useless people. Saying this he itself changes the channel and passed her remote.

Shivaay i .... She try to initiate with him but he didn't listen to her and stood up keeping the laptop on the table.

You watch cartoons. I'm going to make dinner for us. He patch kiss on her forehead and left from there leaving his wife suspicious with his behaviour. She don't know but she is feeling like he has something to do with all this. Surely he has done something out of her knowledge. Thinking about this she bite her nails in tension and glance at tv where cartoons have been played by him.

Shivaay " she whispered his name and decided to go behind him and investigate about  the real matter of his behaviour. As the way he reacted " surely he know about the kidnapping and everything.she comes in kitchen and found him busy cooking her favourite meal " which is actually pizza and garlic bread along with  dessert of course.

Anika you came. I thought you  gonna watch the tv. He smiles chopping the tomato to make pizza sauce .

Shivaay " she goes towards him and made him face her holding his both arms.

Shivaay didn't you understand what I said.  I said malika is kidnapped. Yesterday after the party someone kidnapped her.  And till now they didn't find her anywhere.  She  exclaimed trying to put in his brain that his best friend is kidnapped. but to her underestimate " he is least bother to listen to her and calm her down holding her shoulders.

Stop  worrying about her Anns. Jusr let it be na.  Why we should care that who kidnapped her and who not.  Let her parents search her on their own . I'm sure it must be her some another  trick to fool her family and us. So just let it be. Don't think about it. Moreover you have seen her many times doing such stunt and one of them was throwing herself from the stairs and put blame on you remember. So I  guess this time as well she is doing all this to gain  attention nothing  else .  Just don't give  importance to useless people like her and relax.  Ok.  He smiles caressing her cheek and then take her in side hug  pulling her closer.

Don't pay attention to anything. I don't want you to think about  unnecessary stuff.  Hmm anyways here help me to make pizza. I'm starving to have something good. Anika open her mouth to say something but he trailed her off and went towards  fridge to get ingredients for pizza. Anika's suspicious grew more and she kept thinking about his  odd behaviour while staring nothing on particular.

At night

Yeh fine .... Keep her awake. Don't let her sleep. She dared to take our  peace right. Now it's her turn to loose her mind.

Shivaay "  hearing his wife's voice he cut the call and turn passing her smile. 

With whom you  were talking ?? She ask raising her brow in question.

Just khana. He was telling about the security situation. That's all.  Anyways didn't you sleep yet. It's late night.   He says holding her hand in his palm playing with her fingers. 

I was going to sleep. But maa called. She said grandma wants you to help malhotra's to Search malika. As  they are lacking to get big authority help. She speaks softly while gazing at him trying to find any  expression"  which could give her clue what's going on in his brain.

Grandma is playing trick to get me home back. That's why she is using malika's kidnapping. But In actual I know she doesn't give shit to malika's kidnapping. It's all drama to get me back. 

But shivaay I ....  But she cut off when her husband carry her in his arms and eye her to not say anything.

Can we talk  sometime for ourselves wifey. Since you have heard the news. You are talking about  that nonsense woman.i wanna spend time with you.  I wanna know you stop talking  about others and  let's  discuss about our life. Hmm  saying this he took her towards the bed and made her lay down there and itself jumped besides her resting his elbow on the pillow while  he lean his head on his palm while staring his lovely wife longingly who seems hella nervous because of continuous stare.

Shivaay she whispered his name while  fidgeting with her fingers.

Yes baby",,he intertwined his fingers with her and peck them softly one by one. 

Why are you wasting your time on me.  Didn't we have decide to get divorce before few days.  Hearing her he stopped whatever he was doing and grew serious  crouching on the bed folding his legs.

Precap ..... he saw her getting down from Arsal's car

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