One Shot

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This idea struck me up while chattering to my friend. This was the time when Nk had gone off-air. Aditi kept herself busy in herself while zain was being proposed some horror episodic show produced by the horrific producer. After that, he was offered KKK and zain has said yes for the same. One day Aditi and zain were spending quality time with each other when suddenly Aditi spoke

Aditi: Zain actually umm...

Zain: why are you hesitating Adi what's the problem?

Aditi: Zain, I was thinking to go to Udaipur back and thought to groom myself up little.

Zain: Aditi why Is this sudden plan? And you can groom up yourself here too what's the necessity to move to Udaipur.

He is being clueless about why Aditi is saying to go back to Udaipur.
Aditi: (not meeting eyes) I'm just feeling homesick nothing else, saying this she kept her head on his chest and keep his hands on her hair to ruffle slowly.

He started doing what is being told to him by his girlfriend. Slowly, he felt her dozing off and he took her carefully to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed and wrapped her with a duvet. Zain left the room unaware of the fact that why Aditi was mentioning going to Udaipur so early while their show has just been off-aired.

After 2 hours she woke up. She heard the ping on her phone. It was a message from her sister aprajita
Aprajita: di Mumma was asking about your decision. Did you talk to jeeju?
Aditi: No Appu, I haven't talked to him yet I don't even know how would he react I mean he is delighted that I'm with him soaking in each other warmth and company.
Aprajita: I know.. But you know our parents have said yes to both of you but can't approve of this decision. you know right.
Aditi: Hmm. I understand I would talk to him.

Resting phone on the side table, she hopped out of bed to look upon zain to know about his whereabouts. She was about to leave the way from hall to kitchen there she saw him doing pushups. A small smile crept on her face seeing him. She went up to him and sat upon his back. He continued doing his exercise not flinched by her weight. Aditi got flabbergasted and said

Aditi: how are you not feeling my weight at all. I'm not a feather-like you are behaving.

Zain: chuckling, if I had felt your weight I would have made you down from my back. I admit you are not feather but

Aditi: cut him between but what do you think I'm fat saying this she adorned cute angry pout. Zain pecked on her lips.

Aditi: Zain what was that? Shuttering by his actions she fumbled.
Zain: Nothing I was saying that you.
While Zain was about to assert something she said Zain I want to discuss something important with you. Glancing the seriousness, he nodded his head and said

Zain: I will just go and freshen up and will discuss after having dinner as it is almost a time and the maid has cooked our food while you were sleeping. Saying this, he got up
Aditi went to the kitchen opened a Fridge and took out the bottle poured chilled water in the glass and gulped down nervously. After that, she started heating up the food in the oven and kept on the dining table near to the kitchen area. 2-3 minutes later Zain came and they both started eating well. Zain was relishing his food and noticed Aditi ain't munching anything from her plate and immersed in her thoughts. He called out to her but she didn't respond. He shook her, she came out from her thoughts.

Zain: what happened why aren't you dining. Is the matter grave? Sensing her, he dragged her to the hall and made her sit on the sofa and kneeled down in front of her and said softly.
Zain: Aditi, tell me evidently what went on?

She mustered courage and began to tell him that today morning her mother phoned her up to know what we both decided further for our relationship and she said to him that she even told her mother that they agreed on live-in but her mother declared her that she has accepted their relationship but will never give permission to stay together under the same roof without marriage. It's not acceptable in our religion and I won't either let you cross the line. She ordered me to take the next flight to Udaipur. Zain was listening to her  intently and spoke

Zain: Aditi, for this you were tensed? He whacked lightly on her head smiling.

Aditi: that's mean you are not mad hearing me out. Aditi released a breath of relief and hugged him tightly.

Zain: why did you even think I would go mad on you. Hmm?
Aditi: coming out of the hug, I felt you were so happy when you told me to stay under the same roof even I agreed on that and if I uncovered what Mumma has said to me you will feel bad.

Zain: Adi, I know but one thing I didn't tell you that same thing my mum wanted me to do. She said the same and had similar concerns for us. That time I thought you would feel bad but didn't receive the strength to tell you. Adi, I know we love each other so much even every couple, in the contemporary era, is in live-in but don't you think the feeling is different when two people binding together in front of God promising each other that they won't ever leave each other side. These live-in won't provide any sense of security to couples. This life is so uncertain. We can't forecast the future so we should go ahead with the idea of what our parents proposed. Right adi?

Aditi nodded her head while she got a bit emotional the way zain interpreted to her the whole scenario. After all, our parents always think the best of us. Irrespective of the fact that people are striding forward leaving behind the limits our predecessor has set but the individuals who do follow with a tint of modernization survived better the most.

Zain: So tell me when do you want to go?

Aditi: oh, you want to get rid of my presence near you, hmm. She spoke glaring at him. Zain bewilderedly said no, that's not what he meant. Hearing him, Aditi started laughing loudly and said

Aditi: I'm just pulling your leg Zain. Wait a minute I will tell you when will I go.

She got up and went straight to her room confusing zain with her actions. She came back with her phone in her hand. She summoned him to see her and called Apuu, within a minute she lifted the phone.

Aditi: hello appu, listen I will show up to Udaipur and you will inform the same to Mumma but not before this month as I want to spend a lot of time with my Zain.

Apuu: okay dii, whatever you like. I will tell mum.

Listening to them, Zain's eyes welled up and he kept his head in her lap and hugged her waist tightly. Aditi tensed up

Aditi: why are you crying Zain?

Zain: He shook her head and said you know you are the best I am lucky to have you in my life. 🥺

Aditi: the feeling is mutual. She didn't push him to tell her the reason she comprehended him after reading his eyes.

After one month, She left for her home town and zain to Argentina, for his shoot of Kkk. It was tough for them to leave each other and even cried a lot since they both considered their morning to be a morning after discerning their faces. But still, they went on with their parent's wishes and happy too. Aditi kept commuting with 4-5 months interval to Mumbai to meet Zain. These two were the ones who never ever thought in their life they would live without catching a glimpse of and meeting each other, now these two made out the best of each other even on distance. I think that's would true love looks like. Life is being tested even the parts which weaved life encompasses all aspects of the test of life. We should know or find ways to go back to light after facing problems. Every problem has a solution and every decision has its own benefit which may be hidden in the deepest corner of it. This unveiled at the right time. The same case was of AdiZa, initially, they found it difficult and eventually made it together.

This is my first attempt if you like it drop your comments
What's your take of you all in this matter? 
Thankyou shubhangi1600 for the cover

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