Mocking Moon

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The moon mocks at me,
As if to say,
'O admirer of my rival,
Hence ends the rivalry.
She left you in the dark,
I'm all lights for thee.

The days under my light
You said to her,
"I see you, how beautiful!
Can't help, I love the sight.
Outshine you? Cannot dare
The moon and the moonlight."

Now what plays the Fate.
It was thee
Who laughed me right away.
Told your love, "Even eighty-eight
Moons together do not shine
The way you, love, elucidate."

When you're sobbing here,
Telling me how
Broken to the deeps you're
Seeking shelter in despair,
Moonlight that you ever scoffed
Soothe your soul and skin so bare.'


So here's what I wrote, in the past few days. Homework is keeping me busy, and I don't know why but words are coming dry.
I think the ending doesn't feel very right to be called an ending. Tell me what you feel, please. I need some opinions on that. And hope you like a bit of the poem.
Thank you all, with love!

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