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(will be re-edited)

When I start gaining my consciousness back, it's to a feeling of confusion, body heavy and frozen in place.

I try to move, an arm, a leg, to lift my head, but when I realize that I can't no matter how much I try, limbs not reacting to anything I do, my eyes open slowly to find myself on a weird bed with a warm blanket over me.

I feel so darn weak and I hate this feeling, something that keeps me from defending myself if I need to. What if something dangerous happens to me? How do I counter-attack if I can't react?

It's unnerving to say the least, nose catching a few smells that I don't recognize, brain trying to understand just how much in danger I am when everything seems to show the opposite, because they aren't disgusting, aren't making me feel sick in the stomach, and that? That's not normal.

It's then that I start remembering what happened in short flashbacks that take my breath away, heart drilling a hole in my chest, head pounding because it all goes too fast.

The attack at the circus, the need to protect Hoseok, the fear that something would've happened to him, when I was shot, dragged and kicked, the human who had the stupidity of standing in front of me while showing me his back, just how easy I could have teared him apart, yet the simple thought of it made my soul seethe with disgust and repulsion, as if doing that would have killed me from the inside.

The gunshot I took when I saw the weapon being pointed at the human who made me feel things I don't understand, his scent soft and comforting, something that made me want to crawl to his side to feel safe and run away at the same time because I've never experienced anything like it before, my instincts claiming that I need to stay away from the unknown because curiosity killed the cat.

Yet I took the gunshot for him, didn't I? Even though I should've known better, I couldn't stand still, even if it hurt like hell to move. Why did I do that? It just doesn't make sense, after everything we went through because of humans, why did I go against everything I built to protect us?

What followed next is a blur, memories here and there all jumbled together and making me unable to really know what happened until another smell fills my memory, something sour but nothing unpleasant, except for the fear that kept mixing in with it.

An odd feeling that warmed my heart as fingers would stroke my fur, a soft soothing voice reaching my ears and begging for me to stay strong.

Then I remember being moved around and settled down on a cold surface before being thrown into complete darkness.

And now, here I am, but this time, I'm alone.

No comforting scent, no sign of anyone I know, nothing to help me understand what is going on.

Just white, white everywhere.

I exhale softly, wishing I could move and hide, my position in the middle of the room something that leaves me incredibly exposed and vulnerable, something I absolutely despise, it doesn't make me feel safe, it's dangerous. Just how easily someone could come in here and hurt me.

I don't know this place, I don't know the people here and everything smells different and so far, different has always meant dangerous, which means I need to be on my guard.

Are Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon and Jungkook fine? Are they safe? Did Hoseok survive the attack, was he badly hurt because of me? So many questions that force me to keep trying to move, a low tingling under my skin, like an uncomfortable itch that makes me hiss in discomfort. Why is everything so complicated?

I keep pushing to move, my instincts pleading to get control of my body again, to not stay so still when anything can happen to me and finally, I manage to move to the side a little, except that it ends up making me fall off the bed with a loud thump and the pain that shoots through my whole body is enough to have me growling loudly in shock.

The smell of blood quickly reaches my nose and when I realize that it's coming from me, my nostrils flare, eyes shut tight as dizziness takes over, everything too much to handle, I feel too weak, the cold floor harsh under my body.

I try to stand up again, it's instinctive, that need to hide somewhere out of sight, to not remain out in the open like that until I can understand, but my legs won't obey, body too heavy for them, limbs sluggish and when I hear feet run over the room in which I am, my heart falls into a frenzy because I haven't managed to hide before the door opens and a sour scent enters in the room with force, surprise and shock that crawls over to me and wraps around me like a vine.

"What happened here?" a voice blurts out before I get to see the scent's body walk around the bed to find me on the ground, pitiful and ill-shaped, exposed. In danger.

"Oh sweet girl... what have you done?".

I growl out a warning when the man walks closer, too close to me and he stops, hands raising up to show me that he's unarmed, no wish to harm me. "It's okay, sweet girl, I'm only here to help you" he murmurs, as if I haven't heard that one before.

But I can smell him, I can tell he doesn't intend to do anything bad, as hard as it is to believe. All I can smell from his scent is worry and a need to care for me, but I can't let that change my mind so easily.

It could be a ruse, humans always use so many of them, fake facades to get to us as they want before they stab us in the back.

He slowly points at my wounds, ones I can't see because I can barely lift my neck to stare at my own body, but I can feel them, the wet and warm feeling that coats my fur, the smell of my blood thick and unnerving.

"Your stitches broke, I need to do them again, can you allow me to do that? We can't have the wound stay open, it'll get infected" he asks gently, voice soft, so soft that it makes me confused.

Where's that underlying anger, malicious tone that I usually hear? Where's that tiniest hint that always tells me the human near me is about to do something harmful?

Why can't he just be like the others so I can know what to expect? It's so much easier to expect something bad because then I can have a reason to not trust, but this... why does he make me want to trust?

I only trust family, I only trust the ones closest to me, so why do I feel like he can be part of that group as well? Who is he?

He slowly, very slowly steps closer, hands where I can see them until he moves one to slide across my fur, the act echoing with one of the flashbacks I had and it clicks that they are the same person, but uncertainty makes me try to move away from him nonetheless, my inner voice telling me that this is a trap, it has to be.

"You're a sweet girl, you went through a lot, didn't you? You did your best to survive, to protect the ones close to you. You're safe here now, your pack is waiting for you and they're worried about you so you have to get better, okay? Can you do that for them? I can help you, but you need to trust me, sweetheart, I can't leave this wound unattended, can you let me do that?"

My... pack? Does he mean my family? They're all safe?

Sensing that this man is telling the truth, I close my eyes and let out an exhale of relief. If they're safe... then I don't care what happens to me, as long as I know them in security.

Taking my reaction as approval, his arms slide under my body and with a groan, he lifts me up from the ground and back onto the bed, the comfortable warmth getting rid of the cold the floor had transferred to me, something I wish to snuggle into, if it weren't for my stupid body.

"Now please avoid moving unnecessarily while I go get what is needed for the new stitches, I'll be back very fast, sweetheart, I promise" the man requests of me before leaving the room with hurried steps, his scent staying behind around me, a comforting smell that I just can't wrap my head around.

Why is it so soothing to me? I huff in annoyance, answers so hard to find no matter how hard I think.

Instead of continuing with something I don't... can't understand, I let my thoughts wander to my family, the only subject that warms my heart instantly.

I really want to see them again. Namjoon, Jungkook, Yoongi, Hoseok, all of them, it feels like I haven't seen them in ages and I miss them so much. The hyena must be so worried about me, the last view he had of me one in pain and near death, I don't want him to believe this to be his fault, because it's not.

Has he been coping well with what happened? Has he been calling for me? How heartbroken was he when he never saw me coming to him?

The simple thought of having caused him more pain breaks me, heart squeezing so tight it physically hurts and it's impossible to avoid the tears that make their way out and wet the thin fur of my nose.

How much time has passed since that eventful day? Where is the human who tried to defend me at the circus? I could smell him on the doctor along with another curious smell, which means he must have been with them not too long ago.

My thoughts come to an abrupt end when the door opens loudly and when I look at it, my body now facing it, something the man must have thought for the best, it's to see-


The black lion's eyes fall on me, round and wide open, surprise very clear on his face as he must not have expected me awake, ears straightening up in his fluffy mane before he's running over to the bed quickly.

With his front paws on the bed and his body leaning towards me, he quickly nudges my nose with his, his warmth healing a part of my heart that still feared for the worst before licking my face with an energy that feels foreign coming from him.

It's such a big relief to see him, to feel him near, his presence so comforting and when he's nudging my neck soothingly with powerful purrs, I can't help more tears from rolling over my cheeks at seeing him so strong and spirited.

A whimper leaves my throat as I let it sink in that they really are safe and sound, that they might be getting stronger and healthier, all of them just as I can see Yoongi has and he soon whines in reaction to my emotions before leaning his forehead against mine to comfort me, his small grunts his attempt at letting me know that everything will be fine now.

I take in his smell, something new about it, a little earthy and bitter, as if not completely developed, but it brings forward the same type of feeling within me as the doctor's smell does and it makes me even more confused.

What is going on?

A cackle suddenly reaches my ears and a new light and sweet smell reaches my nose before my eyes quickly find the source as Hoseok rushes over, his smaller body not allowing him to touch me the way Yoongi does and the shock on his face at the realization makes me want to laugh, an amused chirp leaving me and making the hyena whine as he turns in circle around us, not happy about his situation.

Seeing him so full of energy, confident and happy like I've never seen before is the only confirmation I needed that this place really is safe, nothing harmful for us here, for them and it leaves me feeling such a deep and strong satisfaction that my purr comes to mix in with Yoongi's unexpectedly.

I let my tail hang down from the bed and use the tip of it to stroke one of Hoseok's ears, heart swelling with love for him when he closes his eyes and focuses on the feeling, small cackling noises leaving his throat as he lets his heart register that I too am fine now.

The blood is nothing new and although the sight of it should put them off, they seem relaxed about it, as if they're convinced that it will be taken care of, that they don't need to worry about something like that anymore.

They obviously trust the people here, that much I'm sure of, and coming from Yoongi and Hoseok? That means a lot.

But what about Namjoon and Jungkook? Where are they? Why aren't they here?

My eyes wander towards the door, but I don't see them anywhere, nothing that hints at two more bodies getting nearer and I don't know how to feel about it. Are they just busy somewhere or did something happen to them?

Yoongi's tongue swipes across my eyes and cheeks to get the tears out of my fur and I force myself to believe that if these two are fine and in such a good mood, then so are the other two, so I relax and wait for the doctor to come back under the administration of the big black lion while Hoseok chirps softly, unable to stop his happiness from bursting out.

They don't seem worried to be found wandering freely around the place, but when the doctor comes back in the room, I can't help but tense up, tail wrapping around Hoseok securely as I watch the human closely, orbs trying to see if there are any signs that he's going to punish my family, but he only hums at the sight and shakes his head with a small laugh.

"Should've guessed you guys would find your way here instead of going for your bath. You do know you need to get your wounds disinfected daily, do you?" the man scolds them gently, not an ounce of anger in his voice as he gazes at our group with strangely warm eyes.

Yoongi huffs and brings his attention back to me, nose grazing mine as his eyes fall on my wounds, blood already drying and pain subsided lightly. He's not leaving until these are taken care of.

"Alright, alright. You two are going to have to give me some space though, no getting in my way while I take care of her" the doctor says and Hoseok walks around the bed to sit next to Yoongi, his eyes observing the hands about to touch me with dislike, already imagining how painful it must be.

I feel the sting before I see it and I growl out in pain, tail going to slap the doctor's hands away from me but he shoots me a look that has me looking away sheepishly, a gruffy huff leaving me because it's not my fault if he didn't warn me before doing whatever it is that he did!

The man chuckles at my reaction and I frown, not appreciating how funny he finds this situation, but then Yoongi chuffs out what seems to be a laugh as well and I can't allow this betrayal.

I nip his ear softly to tell him to stop that, he can't laugh at my pain but he only stares back with amusement since we both know that I can handle more than this little sting. It doesn't make it okay though.

"I'm sorry for what's going to follow next, but I can't give you anything to keep the pain away while I stitch this up again, not while we're trying to filter your blood to get the drug out of your system. I'll try to do this as cleanly as possible so you won't feel too much but I can't promise anything" the doctor says and Hoseok whines at his words, worried eyes going from me to the doctor and to me again, clearly hoping he could put an end to this.

I wish I could reassure him that it's all going to be fine, but I myself am not too sure about this one.

And so, when he starts undoing my stitches to start over, the pain is very real, hisses and growls leaving me when the sting is particularly strong and my tail eventually goes to wrap around his wrist, the only hint of control I can have in this situation even though it doesn't change much, but he doesn't seem to mind, a smile on his lips at the sight of it, as if he's pleased by my act.

It makes me embarrassed for some reason, eyes avoiding his when he turns to look at me to make sure I'm fine and I hide my face in Yoongi's mane to try and relax through the pain.

"You're doing good, sweet girl, just a little more before I'm done" he encourages while Yoongi nuzzles me softly to keep me distracted, Hoseok's eyes peeking up at me from the floor with a pout, unable to do anything to help, something I know he hates.

The doctor eventually steps back, the pain a low buzz that won't stop, but it's not as bad anymore as he removes his gloves to clean his hands at a nearby sink before he's coming back to smile at me.

"It's all done, you endured this like a strong cub, sweetheart. Now I want you to avoid moving until I say you can, even if it's hard, okay? We need the stitches to stay in place but since most of your wounds already managed to heal quite a bit, we'll try to make you walk a little in a few hours after I bandage this up, it should have taken place by then" he explains and I perk up at the idea of being able to walk once more.

I really itch for the possibility to move by myself, it feels like I haven't done so in ages and it's awful.

He then stares at Yoongi and Hoseok and settles a hand on his hip. "As for you two, I'm sure Taehyung is currently looking everywhere for you at the moment and he won't be happy if you make him wait too long so go get your bath, the sooner you do it, the faster it's out of the way" he tells them and I watch as they both whine, pleading eyes on the doctor as if this would make him change his mind and save them from this predicament.

"I'm sorry, I really wish I could let you stay, but we have to follow the schedule for the next few days. Once you're fully healed and your blood cleared, you'll be brought to another aisle of the building with wider rooms, it'll feel more homey and then you can all stay together. For now, you're wounded and sick and we need to get you all back on track. I won't repeat myself, shoo" the doctor insists, much to the two hybrids' dismay.

They both shoot me one last longing look before making their way out of the room, tail drooping low and sad between their legs, something that pulls on my heartstrings, I really want to go with them, to keep them close, our meeting here wasn't long enough.

The doctor sighs and turns to me with a downcast smile. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, I know you must be anxious to see them all and to be able to stay with them but we really need to take care of your condition first. You were badly hurt and you've been unconscious for a week so we need to keep a constant eye on you" he says as he grabs a chair to sit next to the bed in front of me.

It takes me a moment to register what he said. A week? Not a day, but a week? That explains why I feel like shit.

"Don't worry, we'll take baby steps and see how you recover. I'm thinking that in two days or three, we could allow you to stay with your pack without the constant supervision, but that will depend on how careful you will be" he says as he gazes at me the way someone would if they were having a conversation with someone who can reply using words.

It feels weird to not be treated as a stupid animal but as a person, a person who can understand, who has feelings that are finally acknowledged for the first time in forever.

I let my tail hit the air slowly and chirp softly to let him know that I understand. If I could use words, I would tell him that as long as they keep coming to visit me like that from time to time, I don't mind staying here for as long as needed, but that will have to wait.

He chuckles and leans his chin on one hand, elbow propped on the chair's armrest to keep gazing at me, his eyes kind as he takes me in while I do the same, his position allowing me to get a good look at him.

His short black hair surrounding his face, straight bangs covering his forehead, it looks almost as black as Yoongi's fur and his greyish eyes, hooded and almost permanently creased into a happy smile look so kind that I wonder how I could ever doubt him as someone dangerous. I can see why even Yoongi would trust him. There is nothing dangerous about that man.

"You probably don't know since you were unconscious, but your pack has been coming by at least once a day to see you. Jin is usually the one going to fetch them, sometimes along with Taehyung when no one is busy around here so they can see you and scent you, it helps them sleep better at night knowing that you're recovering well, although these two sneaked in without permission, I don't think they were expecting to see you awake today" he continues with a laugh, amused by the scene that greeted his eyes when he came back earlier.

I huff at that, the surprise in their eyes was definitely strong. It warmed my heart to see them so happy at seeing me and I can only imagine how it's going to be for Jungkook and Namjoon. I miss them both very much and I really hope I get to see them soon.

"Depending on how it goes with getting you to walk later, we could go see them, if that's something you want. Don't be surprised though when you see cages, most doors are open now, it's just to keep everyone close to the infirmary until we make sure it's safe to bring them to the dormitories. If you can't make it there, then we'll see if we can bring them here instead, we can't possibly leave the tiger and the snake in the dark now that you're awake" he lets out in the open, a possibility that has my ears standing up tall in interest.

I meet his eyes, try to see if he's saying the truth or not, somehow not quite ready to believe that things could be so easy. I can't just wish for something and have it handed to me, things don't work that way. Do they?

But when I stare deep into his orbs, he smiles and nods, his scent remaining strong and pleasant in its sourness and there and then, I know I can believe him, no matter what he says, he would never lie. It's weird how convinced I am of that fact, but there is no doubt in my mind.

My tail hits the air again, slow and repetitive movements as I close my eyes for a short moment, instincts the calmest they've ever been. I could get used to this.

The doctor shifts on his chair and hums to himself.

"Since some hybrids have already managed to shift back to their human form, we've given them new rooms with regular check ups so I'd say here is getting quite empty and silent now. The only ones left are your pack, two other small groups along with a few solitary hybrids. Once you can shift back as well, then you'll be good to go, you'll have a room with a bathroom of your own, but the kitchen and living room will be open to everyone, measures we've taken to avoid hybrids locking themselves away constantly" he continues explaining as if I ask specific questions, but it's nice, to have an idea of what happens here. It allows me to see just what kind of place I'm kept at.

"Hey, Jimin, I wasn't sure if you were here" we suddenly hear and the door opens to allow a body in, the name I just heard registering in my mind. So the doctor's name is Jimin?

"Oh, hyung, just in time, our sweet girl has woken up, I was telling her a little bit about this place if you want to join us" he replies and I pay attention to the smell that slowly spreads throughout the room, attention caught because...

That's the man who brought me out of the circus, the one I took the gunshot for, right? The scent is the same.

I raise my eyes to meet his wide and large ones and I watch as they fill with tears immediately.

My heart clenches painfully at the sight and promptly, it's a wish to run to him and curl around his legs that takes over me, to show him that everything is fine and that he doesn't have to cry, not for me, not for anyone. It's even worse when I can't act on it, but my state isn't being very forgiving at the moment.

"Oh my gosh, you're awake! Sunshine, I can't believe it! How do you feel? Are you okay? Do you need anything? Oh right, she must be hungry, are you hungry? I'm going to go make her something to eat!" he exclaims, thousand questions thrown my way before he runs out of the room just as fast.

I stare at the door, taken aback by how quickly this went before bringing my gaze to the doctor, to Jimin. He blinks and turns to stare at me too, just as confused as I am.

"Well... I guess that just happened".

I chirp in approval. That just happened indeed.

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