Draw the squad

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I got inspired by Reina_de_Naipes to do a draw the squad thing. I used OCs, a whole LGBT squad man.

Based on this picture

It's not that good but ok... I need to practice more

Also it's only line art. If I stop being lazy maybe I'll color it.

Basic information From left to right:

Name: Griffin

Age: 22

Gender: Male (Actually FtM) (he/him)

Born and raised in America, Family is of German origin. Repeating as a third year because he failed to get a good amount of credits.

Gay af.


Name: Nova (Actually just a nickname but she legally changed it cause she thought it was cool)

Age: 19

Gender: Female (she/her)

Also born and raised in America, Doesn't live with family. Interracial both Filipino (Mother's side) and American (Father's side). Does go to college but, opts out of learning because she knows so much already. An extremely intelligent hacker.

Also Gay af

Behind Nova

Name: Miguel (A little generic but comes from a religious family).

Age: 21

Gender: Male aligned Nonbinary (meaning he's not exactly a boy but sometimes feels more a boy than a girl sometimes. Doesn't align to the gender binary). (Prefers they/them, occasionally will accept he/him but it's a very rare occurrence)

Moved to America from Portugal for college, family's on a little on the poor side but they make do with scholarships. Pretty fluent in English and extremely fluent in Portuguese. Decided to stay in America for more education and job opportunities. Mistaken to be from Spain A LOT.

Homoromantic (meaning prefers romance with the same gender or also males) Asexual (not much of a sex drive)

Note: Forgive me if he looks too much like Lance.

On Nova's left

Name: Ayanna

Age: 21

Gender: Female (she/her)

Also moved to America with her family from Barbados before college. Doesn't hang with the group that much because of various activities she signed up for but she enjoys them. Humble but also proud, like really loves herself and her ethnic roots.



Name: Varuna

Age: 18 (is the youngest)

Gender: Agender (doesn't align with a gender. Always prefers they/them)

Born and raised in America with a family of Indian origin and a mother that struggled learning English. Doesn't struggle as much as Miguel with languages but does mess up now and then. Also has a lot of scholarships to pay for tuition. Met Nova in a big LGBT group and is the newbie to the squad.

There's one more to the squad but there were only five spots.

I will work on these guys a lot more to include a backstory, interest, etc. to flesh them out a little. They can be modified to fit into a fandom as well as they're really ordinary.

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