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1) Hate the OC, not the person. I'm serious, if I see any hate between two roleplayers, you will both be eliminated. No exceptions.

2) Roleplay in third person AND past tense. Please.

3) No Mary Sues or Gary Stus. I won't accept your character if they are OP.

4) Cursing is allowed, but sensor it. Like sh!t, sh*t, etc.

5) Take the sex to PM or time skip it! I don't want this to be reported!

6) Wait until your character is accepted. Don't just join. Password 1 is to tag two friends.

7) Do not control other people's characters!

8) Okay now I'm making this rule because this one thing is always really annoying. DO. NOT. MAKE. ALL. THE. CHARACTERS. KIND. AND. SWEET! I will only accept a certain amount of characters that are kind and caring. Password 2 is how many pets you have. YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD MAKE DRAMA! Make a pervert, a player, a manipulative bïtch, etc. Please.

9) You may have two Selected OCs AS LONG AS one is a boy and one is a girl. You cannot have two Selected of the same gender. You may have as many staff as you would like.

10) Royal admins (except the Prince Consort) cannot have a Selected character. They may have any staff OCs in addition to their royal character.

11) When speaking out of character, use (), //\\, [], or {}.

12) If I ask you to change something about your character, please do not be mad!


Rules for the Selected:

1) Romantic relationships with someone other than the princes or princess will result in elimination and punishment will be given. (This one can be broken. Warning: Your character might get caught)

2) If a Selected is found break any laws, they will be eliminated and punished according to that crime.

3) There is no timeline for the Selection. It could last from days to years. Password 3 is your favorite book.

4) A Selected cannot leave the palace of his/her own accord. He/She must be dismissed by the princess.

5) Every Selected must be a virgin.

6) It is strongly advised to not refuse the princes or princess when they ask you to do something. No matter what.

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