Chapter 8

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Now that Minji is left alone with Burn Knuckle, they are all chatting and laughing, all the typical boy stuff. She swallowed down the last of her food and took a napkin to wipe her mouth so she wouldn't ruin the make up. Vasco seems to be a nice guy, or at least nicer than she thought, and he didn't really care about looks much. Minji started to see him a little reliable.

She slowly stands up and put her cup of water on the empty tray before lifting it up.

"Guys, I'll get going first." she smiles and brings her tray to the washing counter and makes for the exit to go back to her classroom.

-----------IN CLASS----------

Minji pulled out her chair and was planning on sitting down and taking a nap when she heard some giggles from behind. The laughter was slight suspicious and they were looking straight at her while laughing too. Minji did a quick check around her desk to see if anyone did anything and she found sticky glue both on the chair and the table.

'Man, who the hell did this? Damn annoying!'

She sighs and walk to the teachers' desk and take a piece of cloth to wipe away all the glue. After finishing, she puts the cloth back to it's place and proceeds with her much needed a nap.

Not even 5 minutes later, a group of girls entered the classroom and headed towards her desk.

"Hey bitch, wake up." Somebody raises her voice and Minji slowly opens her eyes, not wanting to deal with anymore drama.

She looks at the girls, and somehow recognizes the one in the middle with long black hair, but she didn’t know why or how. However, that’s not the problem, the problem was they were disturbing her sleep. Minji sits straight up and faces the girls, annoyance evident on her face.

"Are you talking to me? That’s not exactly a nice way to call someone you barely know now is it." She shot them a cold glare.

"You don’t deserve any better, because you are a bitch." That familiar one raises her voice loudly and points her finger at Minji's face.

"Who are you?" She looks directly into the other’s eyes and talks in a very low voice. Right now, she was highly agitated but her voice remained calm as always.

"Don't care about our identities, we came here today to have a little talk about what you did to our baby Hyunnie in the cafeteria a while ago." The blond haired girls standing on the right, next to 'that one' took a step forward and slammed the table.

"What did I do?" Minji lightly tilted her head with her eye brows raised in true curiosity.

"Huh, you bumped into him! It just happened, so don’t play dumb and say you didn’t do anything. Stay away from him!" The black hair girl standing on the left slammed the table real hard, trying to provoke Minji.

"I would apologize but..." Minji slowy stands up and steps out from her seat, come in front of the three girls. She is so tall, much taller than them, she looks down to the girls and says in a cold tone. "Why are you guys being so rude? Sorry to break it to you but I didn't bump to anyone. My sister might have but I’m sure she already apologized to whoever she bumped into, so that means the whole situation has already been dealt with. That brings us to the real question, who are you people and what right do you have to be complaining in this “Huynie’s” place. If you can’t give me a reasonable answer then get lost, I'm trying to get some sleep. I suggest you stop trying to provoke me unless you want me to tell the teacher about the glue on the desk."

A curtain of silence fell over those girls as Minji continued, “Obviously you can’t answer my questions so hurry up and leave so I can get some rest.”

It might be Minji's imagination but when that familiar girl left the classroom, she looked back at her in a very apologetic way.

"Hm..." What's wrong with that girl. But it doesn't bother her anymore as the sleepiness took over her brain.


Minji slowly opens her eyes as she awakens from a good and refreshing sleep. She found herself at her old classroom.

Is this a dream?

There's no one and all the lights were turned off.

Omg! Did I just slept over all of the afternoon classes? What time is it?

She glances on her watch. It is five thirty already and school hour ended at five.

"Shit no!" She hurriedly grabs her bag and shoves the books in

She rushes out of class and quickly get to Min Ah's classroom.

"Bitch trying to charm all men, you dirty slut." A very angry voice raises in the end of the hallway.

"No, I didn't." The girl being called a slut and bitch was shaking her head and cried out denials.

About three girls from around gathered up and started using violence on the girl that was being bullied.

"Wait, what?" Minji eyes widen with shock. That poor girl was her little sister!

"Hey, stop! What do you think you are doing ?!” She quickly ran towards the group of girls. She grabbed one by the shirt and yanked her away, blocking the girl’s way to Min Ah.

"Ow! Don't touch me! You shouldn't defend her from attracting all guys just because she's your sister! She's a total hoe!" That girl shout and slapped Minji's arm away so she could escape, still glaring at Minah.

Those words boiled Minji's blood, she tightened her hands into fists as if she was ready to be in a fight. "And where are you getting this from. I can’t believe I have to deal with so many idiots today..."

She was preparing to reply to the girl and maybe even slap her square in the face for spitting such nonsense when suddenly she heard a loud slamming sound, really near her.

What is it?

Minji, again, slowly opens her eyes and she was back at her class, the lesson hadn't begun yet. A girl is standing in front of her, smiling wryly. "Class is about to start so I thought I should wake you up."

"Oh, thank you." Minji smiles lightly as she stretches her arms.

"No prob." That girl gave her a big smile and left.

That's one strange dream. Why did I even dream about it? But never mind, it was just a dream anyway, she had better forget it.

Soon after she woke up, the bell rang and everyone returned back to their seats. An old female teacher walks in and commences another boring lesson about famous and successful fashion brands history.


All the classes have finished, Minji puts her books in her bag and swings it on her shoulder, ready to head out of class, and go to Minah's classroom "V-01".

They meet at the corner of the stairs and going home together.

The hallways are oddly empty, rarely anyone crosses it. The dream from before flashes in Minjj mind.
What if her sister really got bullied? It was an absurd thought but Minji just couldn’t shake it from her brain.

"Hey Minah,"

"Yeah sis?" Minah replies with a soft smile on her lips.

"..." Minji gave her no words, maybe she is busy choosing a way to ask about it.

"... Have you ever been bullied before?"

Hi guys! We updated a new chapter.
To all the readers that were waiting for an update, we are terribly sorry for being so late! I and the co-author live apart from each other and we have a big problem about the different time zone so we could hardly even speak to each other. We barely have spare time and it is hard to continue our work according to a fixed schedule but we are trying really hard.

Again, we are very sorry for the late update and we hope you enjoy the chapter.

Please VOTE and COMMENT down below so we can know what you think.

Co-author: unicornxing1007

<21 September, 2017>

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