2: DC

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"Bring him in!" Joker cried out to his men.

Inside a large warehouse, the Joker stood with his signature grin and purple suit on a railway that was over a large pool of green chemicals. Two goons came in and brought in the Mask.

Despite being held by the much larger men, the Mask didn't seem even the smallest bit intimidated.

"You sure have nerve coming into my town and trying to steal my style," Joker said, crossing his arms behind his back.

"Steal your style? Oh no, no, no!" The Mask simply grinned. "I'm the upgrade!"

Joker groaned. "But don't worry. Since you're so interested in copying me, I have something very special prepared for you."

Mask gasped in overdramatic horror. "What are you gonna do to me?!"

"An acid bath never hurts anyone," Joker's grin turned devilish as he looked over the edge of the railing to a chemical pool similar to the one that created him.

"No! Not a bath!" The Mask fell to his knees and clapped his hands together, begging. "Anything but a bath! I'm too pretty to be clean!"

"Throw him in," the Joker ordered and the goons picked up the Mask.

"WAIT!" Everyone stopped as the Mask yelled that. "You want me to jump in... looking like this?" He asked motioning to himself.

"What does it matter?" Joker asked.

"Because we're at the finals!" The Mask yelled, confusing Joker. "This is the final match and the next winner gets the trophy! So we obviously have to look good!" The Mask then gripped his own suit and tore it off, changing costume to swimming trunks and a ducky inflated wheel on his waist alongside a pair of swimming goggles. "You change too!"

The Mask then gripped Joker's own suit and tore it off. The Joker was now wearing similar swimming trunks, although purple.

"Now, rock, paper, scissors to decide who goes first!" The Mask held up his fist and the Joker mindlessly did the same, still confused on what's happening. "Rock, paper, scissors! Shoot!" The Mask threw rock while the Joker threw scissors. "Oooh! It's not your lucky day! Looks like a go first, ya see?"

The Mask then walked forward on a diving board that was not there before. He stood with his arms stretched sideways before jumping on the diving board once to build up momentum. Then, he immediately dove jumped into the pool while doing a front flip.

The Mask dove elegantly towards the pool... only to land belly-first into it and remain on the surface for a few seconds before he descended down.

The sound of clapping and cheering was heard as three pair of hands from the side came out of nowhere and held scoring signs. The score was '9-8-6'.

"Ah come on!" The Mask came to the surface, completely unharmed by the chemicals. "I swear judge three had it for me since last round," he grumbled before swimming to the side and jumping over the edge. Looking upwards, he yelled. "Alright Jokester! It's your turn!"

Joker looked hesitantly at the diving board.

"I'm sure you'll do fine!" The Mask encouraged while dumbing a bag of cement that had a sticker saying 'chlorine' on it in the pool. "Just gotta get the pool a bit cleaner... there!" Throwing the bag away, he turned to look at Joker again. "Go for it!"

"You can do it, boss!" "We believe in you!" The two goons that previously held the Mask encouraged Joker.

Seeing his goons encouraged him, the Joker took a deep breath and stepped forward on the diving board, a determined look on his face.

Spreading his arms and jumping to build momentum like the Mask did, the Joker jumped for the pool, managing to do a back flip while holding the back of his knees, and finished it off with the perfect dive.

Cheering and clapping far louder than the one the Mask received echoed through the whole warehouse as the judged held up the score. The score the Joker received was '10-10-10'.

"WE HAVE A WINNER!" The Mask stood at the edge of the Acid bath as the Joker surfaced - as someone already transformed by it, he was immune to its effects - and held a trophy towards him. "Here's your prize, Kid!"

The Joker held the trophy with one hand while waving to the (non-existent) crowd. "Thank you! Thank you all!" The Joker said in gratitude only to slowly realise he can't move anything from the waist down.

Looking down, Joker saw that the chemicals all had turned to solid stone. Slowly, the clown Prince of crime remembered the situation and looked up to see the Mask, back in his yellow suit, grinning at him.

"Well, this has been a fun get-together! Here's my autograph!" Pulling out a permanent green marker, the Mask knelt down and wrote his name on the Joker's forehead. "We should do it again, ciao!" With that, the Mask turned around and left the building while spinning like a tornado.

Later, Batman came into the warehouse and found the two goons trying to dig Joker out of the cemented chemical bath.

"What happened?" Both goons froze at Batman's voice and looked at him. In fear.

Joker, for once, was not in the mood to play games with his arch enemy. "Just take me to Arkham, Batsy."

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