6: Marvel

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Hydra agents shooting everywhere with hardly any back up. Just another casual day for Steve Rogers, or Captain America.

He had found another one of their hidden bases and asked Sam, or Falcon, for help in destroying it and arresting the people in there. What he hadn't expected was for Baron Strucker to be there.

The old man blasting them with his metallic arm while they dodged Hydra soldiers was making things difficult. Falcon was supporting him from the air, and their teamwork was great enough to give them the upper hand, but this fight was going to take a while.

They were all fighting in the hanger deck. Baron Strucker was obviously not expecting Captain America either, so he was trying to make an escape, which just made it worse that the soldiers were slowing them down.

Suddenly, something fell into the battlefield. It was a colorful box with a handle on the side. All shooting and fighting stopped.

One of Hydra's soldiers walked closer to the box, pointing their gun at it. The handle suddenly began turning slowly as a jack-in-a-box music began playing.

Everyone started stepping back, especially the soldier that approached the box as the music came closer and closer to its end. When it was over... a spring came out of the top, holding a sign that says 'Boom!'.

The Hydra Soldier relaxed seeing it was a dud.

"Yowza. I thought that thing was gonna blow," The Mask said, standing besides the soldier.

The Hydra soldier nodded. "Yeah, me to-" the soldier stopped, realising the voice did not come from the other Hydra agents. "A-Another intruder!" He cried, pointing his gun at the Mask.

"An intruder?! Oh no!" The Mask dramatically yelled and then pointed at the Hydra soldier. "Get 'em, boys!"

Caught in the moment, the other Hydra soldiers jumped towards the one being pointed at, ending up in a dog pile on their own comrade.

"You really gotta wonder where Hydra finds these idiots," Sam's voice came from Captain America's communicator, and the soldier couldn't help but smile. "You called for backup?"

"No," Captain America blocked a few shots with his shield before throwing it at the enemy as soon as they stopped to reload. "Usually, the green backup I call is way louder and smash-y-er."

"Can't tell if that's a good or a bad thing," Sam replied, shooting down a few soldiers with feathers from his wings.

The Hydra soldiers that didn't dog pile their comrade began shooting at the Mask, who twirled around and changed appearance.

The Mask now wore white and brown robes with brown hair. In his hands was a tube with futuristic decorations and buttons.

"The Force be with you!" He cried out, pressing the button on the tube.

What came out was large tennis racket made from light.

Using the racket as if he was playing a tennis match, the Mask began hitting the bullets and blasts, sending them back and causing the soldiers to drop their weapons and take cover.

Baron Strucker groaned. "Cowards!" He cried at the soldiers who were taking cover, his voice heavy with a German accent.

Pointing his mechanical arm at the Mask, the Hydra commander charged a large and powerful blast before sending it at the green-faced man.

The Mask cried out in shock, his jaw hitting the floor as the blast reached him and made the whole area around him explode, sending dust everywhere.

Grinning, the Hydra Commander dubbed the Mask dealt with and turned to deal with Captain America and Falcon.

"Vat is the meaning of this!" Only for him to hear a voice yell.

When he turned around, Baron Strucker's eyes nearly popped out of his skull.

The Mask came out of the dust, only in a new uniform. This one resembling a Nazi commander covered in badges. He had slick, black hair and a short, almost rectangular mustache.

Baron Strucker immediately forgot about Captain America and stood attention with one of his hands raised vertically upwards and the other behind his back.

"Heil Hitler!" He immediately yelled.

The remaining Hydra soldiers dropped what they were doing and did the same salute. "Heil Hitler!"

"Schultz!" The Mask yelled and Strucker nearly jumped out of his skin, realising he was the one being called. Leaving his post, he ran in front of the Mask and stood attention again. "I vant a report! Vat is going on?!"

"We are dealing with intruders!"

"Ah, I see you are still hard at vork, Schultz!" The Mask grinned, seemingly pleased. "You deserve a vacation! In fact, I order it!"

The Mask reached forward and ripped Strucker's uniform off, revealing Strucker wearing shorts and a Hawaiian shirt alongside a hat.


"Thvat was an order!" The Mask cut Strucker off and pushed him on a railing not unlike the one people use to get on ships. "Now now, go enjoy yourself! Everything vill be taken care of."

Strucker began walking up the railing. The soldiers began cheering and clapping for Strucker, believing he earned his reward, and the commander smiled waving back.

As soon as he reached the end of the railing and got in what he believed was a ship, he heard the sound of a cage being closed and a door being locked.

Turning around, Strucker found himself in a large cage with the Mask, back in his yellow suit, twirling the key.

"Don't worry. I heard Nazies are treated well in prison," the Mask said before leaning in and whispering. "I lied."

"That's the last of them," Falcon said as he took down the remaining Hydra agents.

"Great work, Sam," Captain America praised and turned to the Mask, who was making faces at the fuming Strucker. "We appreciate the help."

"Don't mention it, Cap," the Mask threw the key to Captain America, who caught it. "Beating up Nazies is as fun as school makes it out to be," the Mask then turned around and began walking away. "Toodle-loo!"

Watching as the Mask walked away, Falcon leaned towards Captain America. "You just gonna let him walk away?"

"Let me give you some veteran advice," Captain America pointed at the Mask. "When you encounter someone like him, you just shrug what he does off and enjoy he's on your side," he explained. Sam shrugged and decided to listen to the Super Soldier.

Later while writing a report to S.H.I.E.L.D., Sam found out that there was a category he never noticed before that says 'Deadpool's BS'.

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