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Câu 15

Recently, the debate of whether students should be asked to evaluate their teachers or not has been put into public focus. This has raised serious concern about the evaluating system practiced in schools, and has caused serious problems due to students’ evaluation about their teachers.
Disillusionment with their teachers, however good and adequate they may be both as teachers and as individuals, is to some degree inevitable. Most students has such a high idea of their teachers, unless the teachers themselves have been unsatisfactory with themselves, that it can hardly hope to stand up to a realistic evaluation. Thus, some teachers might got a relatively low score, having no advantage for promotion. Students, with his passion for sincerity, always respect a teacher who admit that he is wrong ,or ignorant, regardless of the teacher’s teaching quality, even if the teacher can not solve students’ academic problem now and then, and tend to give such kind of teachers high grades. In such a case, it is unfair for teachers who have good teaching skills.
     In addition, the higher the evaluation value, the more well-known the teacher is, which may lead to an unhealthy competition between teachers. This maybe illustrated by comparing the competition between teachers with that of players in a school football match. As soon as the question of prestige arises, as soon as the teacher feel that he and his team will be disgraced if he lose, the most savage combative instincts are aroused. There’s no way for teachers to create goodwill between themselves, let alone to discuss teaching problems frequently. In such cases, it goes against the purpose of education. If the teachers can not act in a loyal way towards his job, how can they expect students to behave well?
Last but not least, the evaluation has a great effect on the relationship between students and teachers. It is a good thing that some teachers would happily got a high score and develop himself fully to his job, while others who rank in the back would treat students badly, and students in turn hate their teachers,which is the last thing in the world we would like to see.
From what we have discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that there’s no good in asking students to evaluate their teachers.
The more modern the world is, the more complicated society is. It makes students have many changes, one of which is their behavior. Therefore, nowadays, student behavior is a severe problem at schools in many countries. I think there are some main reasons that cause this problem. First of all, students’ families do not really concern about their children. They usually spend all day working and earning money, so they hardly have time to talk and share with their children. These students surely feel lonely, bored, stressed and self-pity, which makes them not pay attention to their study and activities at school. They subsequently have some misbehavior with teachers when to be checked and asked many questions. Secondly, society, with the rapid development of technology, is so modern that students can easily neglect and be tempted by depraved cultural products such as adult films, violent games and wrong knowledge that are unsuitable and forbidden to them, especially by social evils. Thus, they will lose themselves, misbehave with some people, even fight at school. Last but not least, these problems may be from students themselves. They do not have a strong standpoint, can not realize the consequences of joining social vices, and their own misbehavior. They are too small and inexperienced to overcome the challenges and temptations of the life. However, there is no doubt that we have many solutions to minimize this. Certainly, solutions are suggested from the causes above. Students’ parents should take more time to listen and share their happiness, sadness and troubles at school or in the life, show them how to get along well with everyone to have suitable behavior. Besides, schools also need to educate their students with living skills, including how to behave with people in society more time through interesting activities. Moreover, students need to keep off the bad things above, obey, be polite with their teachers and get well on with their friends to have friendly as well as open relationship. To sum up, these causes are quite popular with students behaving incorrectly. And we can help them through sharing, educating and concerning about them more.
Thế giới càng hiện đại, xã hội càng phức tạp. Nó làm cho hocj sinh có nhiều thay đổi, một trong số đó là hành vi của họ. Do đó, hiện nay, hành vi của học sinh là một vấn đề nghiêm trọng tại các trường học ở nhiều quốc gia. Tôi nghĩ rằng có một số lý do chính gây ra vấn đề này. Trước hết, học sinh các gia đình không thực sự quan tâm đến con cái của họ. Họ thường dành cả ngày để làm việc và kiếm tiền, vì vậy họ hầu như không có thời gian để nói chuyện và chia sẻ với con cái. Những sinh viên này chắc chắn cảm thấy cô đơn, buồn chán, căng thẳng và tự thương hại, điều đó khiến họ không chú ý đến việc học và các hoạt động ở trường. Sau đó, họ có một số hành vi sai trái với giáo viên khi được kiểm tra và hỏi nhiều câu hỏi. Thứ hai, xã hội, với sự phát triển nhanh chóng của công nghệ, hiện đại đến mức sinh viên có thể dễ dàng bỏ bê và bị cám dỗ bởi các sản phẩm văn hóa đồi trụy như phim người lớn, trò chơi bạo lực và kiến ​​thức sai lầm không phù hợp và bị cấm đối với họ, đặc biệt là các tệ nạn xã hội. Như vậy, họ sẽ đánh mất chính mình, cư xử không đúng mực với một số người, thậm chí là đánh nhau ở trường. Cuối cùng nhưng không kém phần quan trọng, những vấn đề này có thể là từ chính các sinh viên. Họ không có quan điểm mạnh mẽ, không thể nhận ra hậu quả của việc tham gia tệ nạn xã hội và hành vi sai trái của chính họ. Họ quá nhỏ bé và thiếu kinh nghiệm để vượt qua những thử thách và cám dỗ của cuộc sống. Tuy nhiên, không có nghi ngờ rằng chúng tôi có nhiều giải pháp để giảm thiểu điều này. Chắc chắn, các giải pháp được đề xuất từ ​​các nguyên nhân trên. Phụ huynh học sinh nên dành nhiều thời gian hơn để lắng nghe và chia sẻ niềm vui, nỗi buồn và những rắc rối ở trường hoặc trong cuộc sống, chỉ cho họ cách hòa hợp với mọi người để có hành vi phù hợp. Bên cạnh đó, các trường cũng cần giáo dục học sinh kỹ năng sống, bao gồm cách ứng xử với mọi người trong xã hội nhiều thời gian hơn thông qua các hoạt động thú vị. Hơn nữa, học sinh cần tránh xa những điều xấu ở trên, vâng lời, lịch sự với giáo viên và hòa đồng với bạn bè để có mối quan hệ thân thiện cũng như cởi mở. Tóm lại, những nguyên nhân này khá phổ biến với các sinh viên cư xử không đúng. Và chúng ta có thể giúp họ thông qua việc chia sẻ, giáo dục và liên quan đến họ nhiều hơn.
The number of old people has increased steadily in recent years for many countries. Scientists have predicted that there would be fewer youth than old-ages in near future. This increasing has both negative and positive effects in one’s country. This essay is going to cite and discuss some of these effects.

Increasing the proportion of old persons has some positive effects in societies. They have a lot of experience in life and this can be applied for guidance of younger generation. For example, when youth are faced with problems, they seek advice from someone much elder than them. In addition, some professions like teaching, research and politics require extensive experience and the old-age pensioners in such countries can contribute to these occupations. Besides, elderly persons are the witness of history and they can reveal the past to younger people more than others.
On the contrary, in some communities, old-age persons are considered to be burden especially in undeveloped countries and those nations where people suffer from poverty. Most of elder persons in such areas don’t work. Likewise, with more elderly, the cost of nursing care increases. Moreover, there are not enough younger people to earn money and pay the taxes. Furthermore, after a certain period of time for working, old persons have right to receive retirement salary from their government. And all above-mentioned concerns add pressure to economic of each country.

Considering all the issues, though it has some negative results, it may seem older people can be helpful for every community. But if the number of them reaches to an extreme proportion, then it’s a bad sign for the new generation as well as the senior citizens.
Tăng tỷ lệ người già có một số tác động tích cực trong xã hội. Họ có rất nhiều kinh nghiệm trong cuộc sống và điều này có thể được áp dụng cho hướng dẫn của thế hệ trẻ. Ví dụ, khi tuổi trẻ phải đối mặt với các vấn đề, họ tìm kiếm lời khuyên từ một người lớn tuổi hơn họ. Ngoài ra, một số ngành nghề như giảng dạy, nghiên cứu và chính trị đòi hỏi kinh nghiệm sâu rộng và những người nghỉ hưu ở tuổi già có thể đóng góp cho các ngành nghề này. Bên cạnh đó, người cao tuổi là nhân chứng của lịch sử và họ có thể tiết lộ quá khứ cho những người trẻ tuổi hơn những người khác.
Ngược lại, ở một số cộng đồng, người già được coi là gánh nặng đặc biệt là ở các nước chưa phát triển và những quốc gia nơi người dân phải chịu cảnh nghèo đói. Hầu hết những người cao tuổi trong các khu vực như vậy don don làm việc. Tương tự như vậy, với nhiều người già, chi phí chăm sóc điều dưỡng tăng lên. Hơn nữa, không có đủ người trẻ tuổi để kiếm tiền và đóng thuế. Hơn nữa, sau một thời gian nhất định để làm việc, người già có quyền nhận lương hưu từ chính phủ của họ. Và tất cả các mối quan tâm nêu trên gây thêm áp lực cho kinh tế của mỗi quốc gia.
Xem xét tất cả các vấn đề, mặc dù nó có một số kết quả tiêu cực, có vẻ như người già có thể hữu ích cho mọi cộng đồng. Nhưng nếu số lượng của chúng đạt đến một tỷ lệ cực cao, thì đó là một dấu hiệu xấu cho thế hệ mới cũng như các công dân cao cấp.

Câu 14
n many countries, more and more young people are leaving schools and unable to find jobs after graduation. What do you think youth unemployment will cause to the individual and the society? And make some suggestions.


People born in the 1980s and 1990s, unlike the "baby boomers", are having a hard time finding employment after they graduate from universities due to the global financial crisis. For instance, less than 50% of the young people in Spain are employed, while their counterparts in Greece have even worse luck.

The high youth unemployment creates trouble not only for the individuals but also for the society. For individuals, unemployment leads to lower self-esteem and increased mental stress, not to mention the financial difficulty unemployment brings. Furthermore, if young people cannot find jobs after they left school, they may feel lost and lose hope for their future. For society, mass youth unemployment places a heavy burden on the welfare system and can even lead to social unrest.

I suggest three ways to battle youth unemployment. First, we should encourage companies to recruit more young graduates by giving them tax breaks incentive. For instance, the UK government has already introduced such rules that the companies are entitled to lower tax rate when they take on a certain number of young apprentice. Second, we should introduce more practical courses and even internships in schools where young people can horn their practical skills so that they become more attractive in the job market. Finally, we should keep encouraging young unemployed people to hunt for jobs and offer mock interview service so that they do not lose heart.

Youth unemployment is a social problem, and we should do all we can to battle this problem.

Cau 13
Two heads are better than one.

There is an old proverb that says, "two heads are better than one." The meaning of this proverb is that when thinking of an answer or solution to a problem, two people thinking about it and working on it together is better. I believe this proverb is correct because more people means more ideas and and we can also achieve common goals.
First of all, having more than one person thinking of ideas is quite beneficial. Not only will more ideas come as a result, but also you can expand on each others' ideas. You can inspire yourselves to come up with better answers or solutions. For example, I discussed with some of my classmates about where to go before the last summer vocation, because I normally spend my summer holiday at home, which is quite boring, then, they gave me plenty of ideas. At last, I had a wonderful and colorful summer vocation.
Secondly, when talking about ‘two head are better than one’, which could be the meaning of teamwork as well. When two or more people work or play together to reach a common goal, in fact, they are going to make a team, which could perform an excellent way to achieve their common goal. Take playing basketball as an example, someone may be an excellent attacker, someone may be a very strong defender, and someone is good at shooting. When they bring their skills altogether, it would be a very strong team.
Finally, people can work as a group to achieve common goals. All around the world today, many people are working towards similar ends. This is illustrated best with the President and Vice President of the United States. The job of the leaders of the country is very difficult. Although the President is in charge, he often works together with the Vice President to work on issues or problems. They are both working towards the common goal of bettering the country. They can work together to fix difficult situations by coming up with ideas and bettering existing ones.
In conclusion, I agree that two heads are better than one. Working together can get better results. We can share ideas and improve on the ones we think of.
Câu 12
These days, there is a controversial debate between people about whether actions speak louder than words. There are a great number of people who interpret that everyone should try to act to what he promises in his personal life, while others hold an opponent’s view. I am inclined to believe that being a man of action not only develop positive characteristic in people, but also contributes to make friendship and trustworthiness.

There is no skepticism surrounding the fact that keeping your promise plays a pivotal role in making a self-confident person.This may be attributed to the fact that this inevitably creates a feeling of accomplishment in people, which might open avenues to new achievements so that people’s enthusiasm and determination will be amplified towards many daunting tasks. Specifically, a research study conducted by Yale University in 2015 has found that do as we promise could enhance people’s intellectual ability to make decision related to their social and personal life.

In addition, it is claimed that being a trustworthy person is a contributory factor in ameliorating the social issues. This is to say that honesty in action inevitably leads people to think the consequences of their actions in a more detailed and focused way, therefore, it would specialize the characteristics in people, which might stimulate them to acquire positive outcome in their social and personal life. The data yielded by a current study has shown that this personality trait would instill a strong feeling of self-esteem.

In a nutshell, the foregoing discussion propounds the view that action is much more effective than words as it would improve honesty in the society and has beneficial effect on people’s personality traits. It is highly recommended that individuals take the cognizance of these facts and establish guidelines to educate people to be more honest in their words.

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