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Aha I'll have to change my sleep schedule so I don't stay up till 2 AM

Anyways here's something I wrote last night


Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop. Drip. Drip.
The usually quiet and steady atmosphere of the dank, flooded cell block was broken by the sound of heavy footsteps.
It wasn't unusual, to hear people in the abandoned asylum. You'd think that with all the warning signs on the chain link fence outside and just the general vibe the old building gave off would be enough to keep people away.
Unfortunately it wasn't.
It was teenagers mostly, that came and trespassed. The odd thirty-year old came around with a camera and small beeping machine would show up in hopes of finding something supernatural, but otherwise it was mostly irresponsible teenagers who should spend their time studying and not ingesting drugs or doing vulgar activities in a condemned mental ward. Some came for a scare, either the result of a truth-or-dare episode or simply seeking thrills. Either way, they all came to the same end in the asylum.
They either were able to get away, or...... there would be some fresher stains on the once-pristine floor
But these footsteps were not the jittery steps accompanied by the taunting voices of young men claiming how brave they were to their girlfriends. All that was heard in the dark corridors was the steady beat of boots, hitting the floor, and all that was smelt-besides the dankness of the flooded section of the building- was cigarette smoke, and soon the all-too familiar stench of human.
These footsteps were not afraid. They were hear with a purpose. They strode confidently through the halls, the usual suffocating atmosphere of unease shattered as it tried so hard to break this individual.
However, she had been here before, so as much as it could try, it wouldn't work.
Her scent was clearer now as she came closer to the Cafeteria area of the building. The tall dark haired woman with bright eyes in the black and white outfit, who came and regularly bothered the inhabitant of the asylum.
She entered the large room, glancing about the dark space. Tables and chairs were strewn about the room, once she supposed they were straight. Garbage littered the floor and the walls were painted in the faded colours of graffiti-nothing new to the general scenery of the mental hospital. The cracked windows let in trickles of orange evening light that was refracted by the shards of glass littering the floor around the broken windows. It'd be dark soon, and the woman hoped she could make this meeting quick, otherwise the agreement she made would allow herself to be....
Her thoughts were immediately broken as shuffling fought her eye. In the open ceiling, something was scuttling around in the metal rafters. A shape moved quickly through the openings of the metal bars and came closer to where the woman stood.
This display of intimidation wouldn't work well on the dark-haired bright-eyed woman, the scuttling creature knew that. However the it knows the human mind well, and KNOWS that what it doesn't understand, it fears. Even though the woman came regularly, the creature could ALWAYS smell new fear leaking off of her in subtle waves.
Bright eyes looked down from the ceiling, matching the cold-yet nervous gaze of the woman. If it had not had the advantages it did, the creature considered it might actually fear this woman, were it still like her.
"Are you going to come down or what? I haven't got all evening." The woman spoke softly and confidently, just loud enough to be heard and echo gently around the walls of the empty cafeteria. Suddenly the woman was reminded just how alone she was, and stuffed her hands in the pockets of her long white lab coat. The only reason she was safe at the moment was because she made a deal, others weren't as lucky.
A low chuckle sounded from the ceiling, the voice belonging to the creature lazily hanging from the metal supports. A hazy-sounding female voice that was smoother than any human could ever hope to accomplish responded.
"Oh....but Emma..... I like it up here. And maybe if you weren't so keen on leaving you might actually enjoy your stay after our meetings."
Emma bit her lip as she felt a familiar pressure against her mind. It was strong but not forceful. That's interesting.
"Those are the terms of our agreement," she stated calmly. Mind tricks wouldn't work on her today. The creature let out a low hiss, barely audible if not for the echo of the empty room. It was obviously a bit annoyed that it's persuasion didn't work, but not surprised.
"Just get down here so we can talk already." Emma strode over to a clean-looking table and sat down, her hands still in her pockets, and her posture composed, and hopefully more confidently looking than she felt.
A gentle thud sounded behind her, which unnerved her. It had jumped down with grace and silence that no creature, perhaps even a cat could muster. It's footsteps were silent as it approached her.
"It's not exactly fair you know," the female voice spoke quietly. Emma didn't turn around to give it the satisfaction of seeing her eyes again. It probably already knew she was unnerved.
"Our agreement, I mean.... you get to come into my territory whenever you want.... and I don't get any trespass fee." It came into her peripheral vision but stayed at the edge, unnerving her even more. She knew though, if she moved her head it would take that as a sign of compliance, as it wanted her to be scared. To show respect it respect.
Emma cleared her throat, keeping her eyes forward, even though at the corner of her right eye, she could see black and piercing silver.
"You'll get your payment for your cooperation to this project when it's complete." Emma fidgeted with something in her pocket. "And besides, your reward for helping so far is us allowing you to keep indulging in your.....habits.
The silver narrowed, and the creature disappeared from her vision and she inwardly gave a small sigh of relief.
"Human food no longer appeals to me, and if I want to keep my strengths, it's a must." The smooth voice grew quieter, and more sinister.
"And besides...... it's easier to obtain than anything humans could offer...and tastes like heaven..."
Emma scoffs to hide her shivering.
"You talk about humans as if you weren't one."
The room was suddenly filled with animalistic growling and a large, clawed fist slammed down on the table, making Emma jump with the noise.
"The ONLY reason you're still alive is because your organization's goal amuses me, and slightly because I still consider our past in my memories. You did not come here to prattle on about what was, so what are you here for?!"
The sudden outburst sent Emma's heart racing and she quickly looked at the broken windows. The orange light shining through was darker and richer. She'd have to make this quick.
"I came-" Her voice broke and she cleared her throat. "I came because I wanted to inform you that our efforts in the Global Habitat Restoration Program are being delayed... as we have no way to administer the serum world-wide."
A soft scratching sound came from behind her as she continued.
"It would be to expensive and dangerous to administer it airborne as we would have to enter restricted areas of the United States, Russian, Chinese, Japanese etcetera governments illegally. And because we want to do this as peacefully as possible.... you get the picture. And we can't administer it through the world's water supply because that would be too expensive to create a dosage of the serum big enough to adequately fill each body of potable water and filtration systems of every waterway in the world."
There was a moment of silence as Emma waited for a reply. There was a soft tapping noise, and a gentle and amused hum.
"For a group of scientists, your organization is incredibly stupid."
Emma didn't really know how to take that as the creature laughed behind her.
"I almost regret changing. You idiots wouldn't get anywhere without me." It let out an annoyed sigh as the tapping continued. "But unfortunately I lost interest in the life I had. Really you astound me Emma. I thought you'd be able to figure this out before hand."
The scientist took her hands out of the pockets of her jacket and folded the on the table in front of her, getting a little bit annoyed.
"Well then what would YOU suggest?"
Another painfully long moment of quiet, the only sound the continuing tapping and a faint drip-drop of water somewhere in the water-soaked building. The response almost startled her.
"Reverse psychology."
Emma ALMOST looked back at it, but held her composure. It stopped trying to make her look at it but she still wouldn't back down.
"What do you mean?"
The creature stopped tapping whatever and leaned over and appeared again in Emma's range of vision. But this time, it was ABOVE her. It was incredibly tall and she could see it more clearly as she couldn't help but drift her gaze upwards. She swallowed a breath she didn't know she was holding as she saw those horrible silver eyes that looked like bright full moons splattered with blood. A sharp toothy grin appeared beneath them in the void-black creatures face, showing its grim sadistic satisfaction in seeing her break with fear.
"Make them think that something bad is happening, a world-wide epidemic, famine, and something terrible that happens afterwards." The grin widened as the stone-smooth voice continued.
"Make them believe that something that will become their downfall will save them because of a terrible thing that will never happen was announced by their world leaders."
Realization suddenly dawned upon Emma and she gasped softly as she grasped what it was talking about.
"Of course..." she mumbled quietly as her mind thought it over, realizing how EASY it would be, and really how STUPID she and her coworkers were for not thinking of it sooner.
She hadn't realized the creature had left her line of sight before she heard the female voice in the ceiling again. How'd it get back up there so QUIETLY?!
"I believe our meeting is over." It stated loudly, it's voice echoing through the empty cafeteria and through the halls and corridors. Emma stood up slowly and looked around in the dark rafters, until she spotted the familiar silver glow of it's two eyes.
"You have about thirty-five minutes before the terms regarding your safety in our agreement are set aside." It did nothing to hide its eagerness in its voice at just the thought that you MIGHT be caught in here after the sun goes down. The only flaw in that plan was the information she gathered wouldn't get back to headquarters, but her organization had set up a system should the worst happen.
She wouldn't be the first that got stuck in here after the agreement turned against the visitor. The organization would simply send another if she didn't return.
She set aside those dark thoughts and began heading towards the cafeteria's exit, her boots sending dull thuds through the room and surrounding corridor. She slowed as she reached the large doorframe and turned around.
"Thank you, for your time." Emma's voice rang clearly and echoed back eerily. A sarcastic snort was all she got for a response.
The scientist shrugged and turned back to leave again when a thought stopped her suddenly, followed by a memory. One she hadn't recalled in a long time. When she was.... happier.
"What made you change?" Her voice wasn't as loud as her previous statement but it still caused an echo, and the deafening silence that followed when the inevitable end to the repeating sound made her almost regret asking.
"Because humans are disgusting." The smooth female voice had turned sour, and sinister.
"You have twenty-nine minutes to get out."
Emma's heart fell as she quickly strode into the hallway, the last words the creature spoke echoing through the corridor as she hurriedly raced to the exit of the abandoned asylum, her panicked footsteps adding to the anxiety-raising sounds.
"Get out....get out.....get out...."
Until finally the footsteps fell away, and so did the last spoken words of the meeting, till the only sound was the drip drip dripping of the seemingly empty abandoned mental ward.


I'm feeling pretty upset bcause my friend is feeling depressed ;~; and i really want to help her but idk exactly what to do or if I really am helping


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