Story Trade [Part #1]

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Aha I really don't know what I'm doing but I had this idea that me and OnariArt are doing where we both write a short story about each other's skelly ships, she's writing CometxFellsans and I'm doing KeishxGsans (HURRAY FOR CRACK SHIPS AMIRIGHT??)

oh goodie gumdrops what a conundrum this be

Also new totally original idea (I think; I've never seen this done before so I'm legit just guessing so if it does already exist (probably does) then dONT SHOUT AT ME);
Story Trades!
Like art trades,
But with short stories

Legit I had no premise or concept for this and nothing to go on for the ship except the small parts in Onari's Hunger Games story,
So I got creative and just decided to wing it

oh yeah and Comet shows up in here as a side character. She's anthro style here cause I don't want to do crap with wings eUGH

(Also yes part 1 because I can't think straight at the moment to do the whole thing and I needed to post soMETHING SO HERE YA GO)


Are you sure?" The red and black sergal flicked her tail and looked at the slim, silver dragoness, who was fiddling with her earrings. "Don't you get headaches out in public?"
Comet shrugged, "Only if I don't concentrate. But I'm getting better at blocking everyone's thoughts."
She folded her arms and looked down at Keish, her violet eyes sparkling.
"However, your supposed worry for my mental health is no excuse for you not to go out."
Keish flicked her tail and huffed.
"I do worry! Andimnotmakingexcuses...." she mumbled the last part, her multi coloured eyes shifting away from Comet, who rolled her eyes.
"Uh-huh. We're going, you antisocial ball of fluff."
"You're just as much of an introvert as I am!"
The banter continues back and forth as the scaled dragon pushed the furred one out the door, and into the street. Soon they were downtown, the two friends making their way to the outdoor strip mall, a favoured hangout area for most of the people they knew.
As always, it was a bit busy, but it was late afternoon, almost evening, so it wasn't as bad as the lunch hour was. Overcasted sky made it darker then it would be normally at this time, so a lot of the lamps where on along the pathways around the mall, several songs could be heard at once as they walked past the separate shops, the display windows either filled with various mannequins wearing different styles of clothing or other merchandise, like phones, or...something. The stores in this stripmall always had something new.
They passed through the food court, and separated because Comet said she needed to use the restroom, leaving Keish to wonder around either until the two met up again or Keish found one of they're other friends and hung out with them for awhile.
The red and black sergal paced around the pathways of the mall, her gaze flitting about the shops and occasional separate stall that sat on the side or centre of the walkway, occasionally stopping and observing the merchandise being sold.
She walked around for a bit, trying to see if she could find any other friends, but found none. So she turned around and decided to make her way back to the food court to find Comet. She was probably getting food or something, Keish thought.
She had taken a few steps before hitting what at first she thought was a wall, but no, it was a skele-
A skeleton?! A tall skeleton at that too. Almost a foot taller than her, it would have been a few inches taller than Comet, had they been standing side by side. It was wearing a black jacket with a fur-lined hood with a grey sweater beneath it, and black jeans that looked like they had never even heard of lint.
"Oh my god- I'm sorry! I didn't see where I was going and-" The sergal looked up to see white ringed eyes looking down at her from black sockets, which both had a single, neat, straight crack in them, the crack from the left socket was going down towards the skeleton's chin, and the crack in the left socket going up towards his cranium.
His face creased into a frown (the bone moved? Like skin?). "Nah, my fault there shorty, couldn't see ya down there."
Keish narrowed her eyes. "Was that meant to be a short joke?"
The skeleton's frown was replaced with a subtle grin, and he folded his boney arms, and for a moment, Keish could see his hands, which had big holes in the centre of them.
"To be honest I thought it'd go so far over your head you wouldn't see it."
Keish groaned and flicked her tail, making the skeleton chuckle. But he cleared his throat and smiled down at the short sergal apologetically.
"Seriously though, sorry for bumpin' into ya'." He brought up one of his holed hands to rub the back of his skull. "Wasn't paying attention."
Keish smiled and waved her paw dismissively.
"It's all good, all you did was ruffle up my fur a bit, I'm fine."
"Good." He stretched a holed hand out in front of him. "Name's G."
Keish hesitantly took his hand with her paw and shook it, "Oh, uh...I'm-"
Before she could say anymore her silver-scaled friend ran up and nearly knocked the poor little sergal over, breaking the handshake violently and nearly made G topple over.
"Comet! The hell-?" Keish struggled as her friend was gripping her shoulders tightly, her black talons almost digging into flesh beneath her fur.
The two other beings in the presence of the dragoness looked mildly shocked at what happened, G mostly, Keish was used to this-kind of.
"Aaahhmm, no?" G said slowly. "I was just chatting I guess with...Keish? Keish here."
Comet looked between the two, her eyes sparkling like she knew a secret no one else knew.
"Rrriiight. Anyways-" Comet released her iron grip on Keish's shoulders and proceeded to wrap her arm around her shorter friend, grinning.
"I was thinking about getting some food or something. You both can join me if you'd like, or keep talking, whatever floats your boat."
Keish's tail twitches as she eyed her friend suspiciously. "I mean," G started, his eyes bright with confusion. "I literally just met the two of you?"
Comet waved her talons in dismissal. "Pfft, so what? Free food is free food, well, for you two anyways, if you're going to join me. I'm paying."
Keish was hesitant, but didn't say anything as G shrugged.
"Sure, why not?" He slipped his hands back into his pockets and sidestepped, gesturing in the direction of the food court. "Ladies first~"
Keish smiled at him nervously as Comet pushed her along the walkway, with G bringing up the rear.
"Where is this going?" Keish hissed quietly, loud enough for only Comet to hear.
The silver dragoness only smirked and shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "I have no idea what you're talking about, where is what going?" The sergal narrowed her eyes.
"I know that look. You're planning something."
Comet quickly looked back to see if the skeleton was still with them, he was, and whispered quietly back to Keish.
"Ok, maybe, but just trust me,"
The sergal waved her tail and rolled her multicoloured eyes.
"Fine." She said simply.
Comet's violet eyes glimmered as they walked into the busy food court.


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