Chapter 2

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"Speech" ~ Characters talking
Thoughts ~ Characters thoughts
Attacks ~ Pokemon attacks
The duo had reached the Hoenn region and passed petalburg and were in route to Oldale Town, where they would take a quick pit stop for the night before they set out for a difficult trek to Little root. Ash and Gary were walking through a corn field as they followed Professor Oaks advice of avoiding the pathways and roads. They were walking comfortably when Pikachu's ears picked up movement through other parts of the field.

This caused both boys to stop in their tracks as they could hear running and footsteps getting closer and closer to them. Ash took out Greninja as defence and Pikachu jumped in front of him as well. Gary released a Charizard and Garchomp as well. But before Ash could react two figures came running out of nowhere and one of them crashed into Ash while the other into Gary. Both boys were knocked to the ground. "Ow... I thought I had gotten away from Barry's habits over the years but nope old habits die hard!" Ash said as he felt pain. He opened his eyes and to his pure shock he saw Serena on top of him and she was clutched tightly onto his body before she realised that it was Ash.

"Serena? What are you doing running around in a corn field?" Ash asked as he got up and helped his childhood friend up and dusted her clothes off for her. "Ash Ketchum! First you will answer my questions! Where were you over the last year? Didn't even contact once!" Serena said annoyed and Ash gulped. "I'm sorry but I had an important task... which I cannot mention outside of Little root" Ash explained.

With Gary, he had collided with Calem. Both trainers helped each other up and dust of their clothes and accepted apologies. Calem then turned to Serena and saw Ash and went to the duo along with Gary. "Ash what a surprise to see you in Hoenn! After you didn't contact any one of us!" Calem said who was also hit annoyed that his friend didn't call once for a check up.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't speak... you will know soon but I need to get to little root as quick as possible!" Ash said looking at the duo who's faces seem to light up with happiness. "Is that so? Me and Serena we're also headed there on a notice from Professor Oak... about a council!" Serena said and this made Ash and Gary look at them in a peculiar way. Ash and Gary looked at each other and nodded, indicating they were fine with Serena and Calem joining their quest.

Suddenly there was a loud shout from the other side of the field. It sounded like a man along with mightyena. The four friends looked at each other and Serena and Calem seemed to know. "Guys we need to run! We kind of annoyed the owner of these fields by entering so he wants us!" Calem spoke and he began to run with Gary following close by. Serena was to scared to move so Ash picked her up bridal style and ran off through the fields. Obviously Serena began to blush despite the situation they were in. Pikachu was running behind them keeping a close along with Greninja.

While the two Pokemon were looking backwards they did notice the others had stopped on the edge of a small cliff. Hence they collided with the group and went sliding down the hill. They slid onto a path that was covered in leaves. Calem and Gary had crashed against a tree and were groaning like a bunch of babies. Ash returned Greninja as he stood up and helped Serena stand. Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder.

"Why did you have to anger the gate keeper?" Gary said standing up and clicking his fingers and neck. He then dusted his clothes off before helping Calem stand up as he stuck up against a tree. "He was very rude to us! We asked him politely first! And he came at me so rude!" Serena explained, while she dusted of her clothes. However while the others conversed Ash was looking around. Oh no is this a pathway? He looked around and pushed away the leaves and saw concrete floor beneath. He could then feel the air go tense and cold and he heard a faint ghost like scream in the distance. "I think we should get off the path!" Ash said but no one heard him as they were to busy talking.

"Guys get off the road quick!" Ash shouted as the screams in his head got louder and closer. His group of friends and himself jumped into a little hole beneath the path. They then heard a loud thud, it sounded like a huge Pokemon Lansing on the ground. Serena, Calem and Gary stayed in utter silence as they could sense the evil presence above. However the temptation within Ash grew. He was clutching the stone and fiddling with it. Then the figure hopped off the Charizard and bent over the little hole and sniffed the air.

Gary saw Ash playing with the stone and instantly held onto Ash's hand, and then Calem threw a twig in the opposite direction which diverted the figure away from the group. Once they knew it was safe they left their hole and ran through the forest towards Oldale.

"Ash what was that?" Gary asked but Ash didn't know and the weight of the chain increased and Ash could feel it holding him down. The group had stopped to take a small breather and take in what had just happened. Ash felt the weight grow on him and thus he fell to the ground clutching the necklace. His vision went black and now he was transported in a different and parallel universe. "Ash... Ash... Ash..."  It was almost like a hiss. Ash looked up and saw the figure of Arceus burning with rage. It glanced at Ash and released a flamethrower which Ash did not feel. He opened his eyes and saw Serena before him. "Oh my god Ash! are you okay?" Serena asked. Ash gulped and nodded and looked at his friends who looked equally shocked.

Just before Ash could speak, a loud ear piercing  screech bellowed out into the forest air. It was sunset so darkness would soon swallow the skies of Hoenn. The sign of scream made Ash jolt up. "We need a quick way to get to Oldale. The nearest bridge is almost 20 miles north and that area is not safe." Ash spoke and he looked at the group. Calem's head shot up. "I know a way, the riverbank should have a small wooden boat just north from here, only a couple of miles - that should lead us straight to Oldale's inn" Calem said, and with that the group of four ran with all their might.

They could see the boat in sight but 3 charizard's, landed on each side and cornered the group. Oh shoot, I cannot let them harm my friends, they want me so I'll show them me! - Ash thought. "Look I know you three are after me... I have what you seek. So let my friends go and you can have me alone!" Ash said in a fierce tone. The other three looked at Ash in horror. Serena grabbed his arm but Ash gave her a reassuring look as well as to the other two boys. The three wraith like figures, moved out the way, Ash signalled the trio to be on their way. "Look trust me on this, just wait for me on the boat" Ash whispered to Gary who nodded and dragged Serena and Calem to the raft. They boarded the raft, and Gary watched the scenes unfold.

The wraiths closed in on Ash, who started to become nervous as he did not know what to do now. Crap! I need to stun them momentarily and damage their Charizard's wings. Ash kept thinking and then an idea popped into his head... the z ring. "Pikachu use giga-volt havoc" Ash shouted while he activated the z ring on his wrist. There were huge sparks being let out from the pair and then shot it at the figures who were engulfed in electricity and it knocked out their Charizard. Ash took this opportunity to run and jump for the boat. The wraiths had recovered and they returned their charizard's and brought out 3 Tauros and mounted them and charged towards Ash.

"Start moving Gary! I'll jump it!" Ash shouted. Gary quickly unfastened the rope that connected the boat to the small pier and started pedalling it away from the riverbank. "Come on Ash hurry!" Serena shouted as she saw the Tauros gain ground and were right behind Ash. But as soon as they reached the edge, Ash jumped with all the power he had and landed in the small boat as the Tauros stopped just before touching the water. The wraiths let out a scream that echoed in the night sky, thus they moved swiftly North to the bridge.

"That was super close Ash! Don't ever do dangerous stuff like that!" Serena said and tightened her hug on Ash.

"Its not the only danger we'll be facing..."


End of Chapter 2

Hope you enjoyed! 

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