Finding Fabulous

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Thranduil was once again in distress.

Fabulous, his beloved elk, was missing.

How? No one knew. But now Thranduil was emotionally unstable and everyone was slightly disturbed.

Dailoth was doing her best to reassure him that they would find Fabulous but he wasn't listening.

Legolas, Aragorn, and Losider watched as Thranduil sobbed over the loss of his elk.

"You know, whenever someone mentioned Thranduil I'd always picture, well, the opposite of
Losider commented.

Legolas shrugged.

"He loves his elk."

Losider suddenly got an idea.
"Aragorn! You should find Fabulous!"


"Because if you find him Thranduil will actually like you!"

"Fabulous is a girl."
Legolas narrowed his eyes.

"She is? Oh. Well, if you find her Thranduil won't wish ill upon you and your kin."

"What do you think Legolas?"
Aragorn asked.

Legolas just shrugged.

"What's going on?"

A young elleth joined in the conversation.

Legolas introduced her to his friends.

"This is Analeth. She's a friend of mine."

"Is she only a friend? Or are you guys friends?"
Losider grinned.

"For Eru's sake Losider not every girl I know is my girlfriend!"

Analeth laughed.

"So what are you guys doing?"

"We're going to find Fabulous for Thranduil."
Losider explained.

"Please do!"
Dailoth said desperately.
"I can't take this anymore!"

"Can I come?"
Analeth asked.

Legolas replied.

"I'm coming too!"
Colfinthel walked up and joined the others.

"Ok, the five us should be able-"

"You're not leaving without me!"
Feren ran up and joined them.

"I'm coming!"
Melui joined them.
She smiled at Aragorn, whose face was turning red.

"Ok that should be enough."
Legolas wanted to leave before anyone else joined.

"We're coming!"
Caladhiel and Piper ran up and joined them.

Phoenix followed behind more slowly.

"Are you coming Phoenix?"
Piper asked.

"No he is not."
Dailoth narrowed her eyes.
"He's not going anywhere until he catches Gollum."

"But you're letting Caladhiel and Piper go!"

"I'm not in charge of them. They can go if they want."

Phoenix grumbled but didn't argue.

"Ok, so we have..."
Legolas counted everyone who was coming.

"Me, Aragorn, Losider, Analeth, Colfinthel, Feren, Melui, Caladhiel, and Piper.
That's nine."

"Nine companions."
Phoenix said slowly.
"You shall be the Fellowship of the Elk."

"Phoenix stop messing around and go catch Gollum!"
Dailoth shouted.

Phoenix ran off while the others headed to the stables to find out how Fabulous got out.

"Looks like she broke the door."
Aragorn announced.

Aragorn knelt on the floor and used his tracking abilities to piece together what happened.

"She broke out, ran around, broke the main door, and ran that way."

The walked outside and into the forest, Aragorn led the way.

"Why would Fabulous run away Legolas?"
Analeth asked.

"Maybe she was tired of being cooped up all the time. Thranduil should really take her on more walks."
Feren commented.

"That's weird."
Aragorn said.

"What is?"
Colfinthel asked.

"Fabulous left Mirkwood. She's not here."

"Where could she have gone?"
Melui asked.

"Who knows? We just have to keep following the trail."
Piper gave Aragorn a small shove.

"Lead on mellon!"

Aragorn gave her a look and continued to track Fabulous.

Little did they know, they were not the only ones looking for a lost animal.


"Bard, I've been thinking."
Ayleen started.

"About what?"
Bard asked.

"If there is a huge city, right in front of Erebor, that no one is living in, why are we all still living in poor, rundown, Laketown?"

"Huh. I've never thought about that. Why are you asking?"

"Just curious. We could be living in a nicer house, have enough food to eat, it would be nice is all I'm saying."

"You're probably right."

"Exscuse me."

Bard and Ayleen looked up, and to their surprise, there was a dwarf.

"You guys remember me right? Vili?"

"Oh yeah. You're the one with the flying goat."
Bard smiled.

"What brings you to Laketown Vili?"
Ayleen asked.

"I'm looking for Foe Hammer. I can't find him anywhere. He never runs off and I'm getting worried."

"How long has he been gone?"
Bard asked.

"A few hours."

"We'll help you find him. Won't we Bard?"

"Of course!"

Vili smiled.

"Thank you so much!"

"So where have you looked?"
Ayleen asked.

"Everywhere in Erebor, Dale, here, I don't know where else to look."

"What about the forest Ayleen found him in that one time?"
Bard suggested.

"Oh yeah! Let's go!"

The three raced out of Laketown just as Fili, Kili, and the Fangirls arrived.

Kili shouted.


They were chased all over the town and into Mirkwood, they ran out of Mirkwood and lost the Fangirls in the Misty Mountains.

"How long do we have to stay in this cave?"
Kili asked.

"Probably for the rest of our lives."

"Maybe we can go hide out somewhere else. Somewhere with food."

"But where will we go?"

Kili sighed.

"No idea."

Fili sighed.

"We're doomed."


Something's going on, but what? These will be the last three main stories until the Grand Finale!
Which I still need ideas! I've heard some pretty good ones but I need more!
Leave an idea in the comments or PM me.

I'm out.

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