Legolas Looses His Mind (part 1)

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"Legolas! It's not that bad!" Melui shouted from the other side of her brother's closed door.

"It's awful! I look ridiculous!"

"No you don't!"

"Yes I do!"

Melui groaned.

Caladhiel heard the commotion and walked over to her friend.

"What's going on Melui?"

Melui looked up in relief.

"Hey Caladhiel. Would mind talking some sense into this guy?"

Melui banged on the door.

Caladhiel looked at her curiously.

"What's wrong with him?"

"He's embarrased about his hair."

"Oh yeah. I saw the picture on Facebook."

"Picture? What picture? Ada deleted that."

"The one Frodo posted. It's actualy going viral. People have been tweeting about it, there's tumblr posts, Youtube parodies, memes-"

"Ok I get it." Melui groaned.

Now I have to keep Legolas off social media.

A cry of anguish came from Legolas's room.

Too late


Melui and Caladhiel exchanged a look.

Melwin and Chole Ann ran over to them laughing.

"Have you guys seen this video?" Melwin asked.

"Or these tweets?" Chole Ann added.

"Yup." Caladhiel smiled.

"Guys. It's not funny." Melui snapped.

Melwin held up her phone that showed Darth Vader slicing off Legolas's hair with a lightsaber and then Legolas crying about his messed up hair.

"Ok... That was pretty funny."

Another cry of outrage came from Legolas's room.

"THAT'S IT!!! I'VE HAD IT!!!!"

Legolas sudddenly burst out of his room with a Batman beenie over his head.

"You like Batman?" Caladhiel asked.

"It was the only hat we could find." Melui explained.

Legolas ignored them and stalked off.

Melwin caught a glimpse of the inside of Legolas's room.

"Wow. Someone likes LEGO's."

"Huh. For a guy named Legolas he has a lot of LEGO's." Chole Ann added.

Meanwhile Legolas searched for the cause of all his problems.


The red-headed ellon jumped at the sound of his brother's voice. He tried to hide but it was too late.


Phoenix ran for his life.

Legolas chased his brother through the palace and eventually outside. They ran through the entire forest, to Laketown, Erebor, Lorien, Rivendell, the Shire, Rohan, Gondor, Fangorn, Isengard, and eventually they stopped back at Mirkwood.

Phoenix scrambled up a tree and looked pleadingly at his brother.

"Legolas! Can I talk to you for just one minute?"

"Make it quick."

"Ok! First of all, I'm sorry that I cut your hair. Second: I'm sorry that I secretly took a picture of you and then put it on Facebook and then one of your hobbit buddies copied it and now every being in Middle Earth knows and is making fun of you."

"Apology accepted. Noe get down here so I can strangle you."

"I thought you said that you forgave me!"

"Yeah, but now I have all this energy I need to spend."

"Well then, let's do something to spend your energy that doesn't involve me "

"Sorry. It had to be spent strangling you."

Phoenix thought for a moment.

"You know what? This 'hair crisis' could actually be a good oportunity for you."

"How can this possibly be a good thing?"

"Don't you ever get tired of being Legolas?"


"I mean, Legolas is always so serious. You're not alowed to do anything fun or abnormal because you're you."

Legolas had no idea what was going on.

"Maybe, just to go along with your new do, you can just let loose. Go crazy! Have fun for once."

"Why would I want to do that?"

"Because, if you go into hiding about this hair thing than everyone will never let you hear the end of it. But if you embrace it and show everyone that it doesn't bother you, then it will all go away."

Legolas thought about it for a moment.

"Will that actually work?"

Phoenix nodded.

"Yup. I guarantee it!"

"Well, alright then."

"But you have to take off the Batman beenie."


Legolas slowly removed the beenie while Phoenix tried desperately to hold in his laughter.

"Now what?" Legolas asked annoyed.

"Go crazy. Do whatever comes to your mind."

Legolas nodded.

"Alright then."

As Legolas left Phoenix fell out of the tree laughing.

He looks ridiculous! Sorry Melui, but you failed miserably!

Little did Phoenix know, that his advice to Legolas was going to backfire.


Foe Hammer flew back to Erebor and searched for Vili. He found her talking to Fili and Kili.

Meh! Meh!

Vili turned and smiled at her goat. She ran over to him and patted his head.

"How are you buddy?"

Meh! Meh!

"Did you deliver the note?"

Meh! Meh!

"Good boy! Did he reply?"

Meh! Meh!

"Let me see!"

While Vili took the rope off of Foe Hammer Fili exchanged a look with Kili.

"Did you understand any of that?"
"Not a word. Or a Meh!"

Kili replied.

Vili read the note and smiled.

"This is great! Thanks Foe Hammer!"

Meh! Meh!

"You're right buddy. You deserve a treat."

Vili led Foe Hammer to the kitchen while Fili and Kili looked at each other awkwardly.

"What do you have to make of this Kili?"
"I don't know. But I wish I had a flying goat that did everything I asked it."
"Me too."
"That'd be awesome."

And so two questions remain. What was on the note?
And what the Mordor is Legolas up to?

Stay tuned....

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