Wrapping Things Up

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"Ah Ha! We found you!" Pippin shouted as they finally, after what seemed like forever, they'd finally found Merry.

"Hey Pippin. What's up?" Merry asked trying to hide his shock.

"What's UP?!??! We've been all over Middle Earth looking for you and all you can say is 'What's up'?!?!?!??!" Pippin shouted.

"And we find you with hanging out with a girl eating sandwiches?!?!?" Esmerelda shouted.

"Do you want one?" Vili offered her a sandwich.

"All is forgiven. Do whatever your heart tells you Mers."

Esmerelda ate the sandwich and
dropped out of the conversation.

As far as she was concerned the problem was solved. If there ever was one.

"Vili! Why would you run off to have lunch with a complete stranger?" Fili demanded.

"Ok, first of all. Merry is not a complete stranger. And second, if I had told you where I was going you would have followed me."

"Well, yeah Vili. We're supposed to do that. We're your brothers." Kili said.

"And we're your cousins!" Pippin shouted pointing at himself and Frodo.

"And I'm your uncle!" Bilbo added.

Merry sighed.

"I wanted to tell you guys but I knew that you would follow me."

"We followed you anyway." Sam commented.

"Whatever. The point is, I just wanted to spend some alone with Vili. Is that too much to ask?"

"Yes. Waaaaaayyyyy too much." Pippin glared at Merry.

Merry jumped to his feet.

"Well exscuse me! I don't remember when I asked you to take control over my life!"

"I don't remember when a dwarf suddenly became more important than me!"

"You have Es!"

"She's a girl!"


"What's that supposed to mean?"
Esmerelda shouted.

"I'm alowed to make my own life descions Pippin!" Merry shouted.

"Not without my permission!"

"You're not my father!"

"What does that have to do with anything?"




"This is awkward." Kili commented.

"Agreed." the others said at once.

They watched the two argue back and forth for a while until they got bored.

"You guys wanna go have some shwarma?" Bilbo suggested.


They left leaving Merry and Pippin arguing.


"I hope those two work things out." Primrose said.

"I'm sure they will." Frodo said hopefully.

"It's Merry and Pippin. They'll work it out." Sam said hopefully.

"Hey guys! How ya doin?"

Esmerelda walked over to the table they were sitting at in the shwarma joint.

"Where have you been?" Frodo asked.

"I was hanging out with those guys."

She pointed over to a table where the Avengers were sitting and also eating shwarma.

"You hang out with some weird people Es." Bilbo shook his head.

"I hang out with you guys." she sat down next to Fili.

"Shouldn't you be dead?" she asked.

"Why would I be dead?"

"We're in a Fanfic Es. He's allowed to be alive." Bilbo groaned.

"So... In this "Fanfiction" land, everyone's alive?" Frodo asked.

"Pretty much." Bilbo replied.

"Does that mean SAURON is alive?" he shouted.

"Uh... Yes."


Frodo ran screaming out of the restraunt with Sam running behind him.

"It's alright Mr. Frodo! You don't have to go back to Mordor!"

"Will he?" Primros asked Bilbo.

"Who wants dessert?" Bilbo asked.

"We do!"

Fili, Kili, Vili, and Esmerlda shouted.

"Wait. Bilbo!" Primrose watched as the others left the restraunt in a hurry.


She ran after them and followed them to Dairy Queen. Where they were ordering Blizzards.

"BILBO!" she shouted.


"Does Frodo have to go back to Mordor?"

"No. Well... I don't know."

Bilbo smiled.

"At least the Fellowship is still around."

"BRAIN FREEZE!" Kili shouted as he clutched his head in his hands.

Fili laughed.

"I guess you drank too fast bro-"

Fili screamed in pain as he also got a brain freeze from his Blizzard.

"Boys." Vili shook her head.

"Tell me about it." Esmerelda helped herself to their Blizzards.

Later that night Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin returned.

"Good news." Sam announced.
"I convinced Frodo that he doesn't have to go back to Mordor."

"Well..." Bilbo started but was silenced by Primrose.

"And Merry and I settled our differances. Everything's good now." Pippin announced.

"So you don't care if he hangs out with Vili?" Esmerelda asked.

Pippim shook his head.


"Well we didn't get a say in the matter." Kili narrowed his eyes at Vili.

"He's right Vili." Fili nodded.

"I say go for it. If you want to hang out with a guy you just met it's fine with me."

"KILI!" Fili shouted.

"What? That's what I did."

"And it ended up in disaster. Seriously? An elf and a dwarf? Falling in love? After knowing eachother for barely TWO DAYS?"



"Um... The Elf? Tauriel the Elf?"

Everyone started laughing while Kili ran off sobbing.

"It was real! It is a completely tragic and heart wrenching love story!"

"Yeah right." Esmerelda rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, let's head home guys. I've had a long day." Bilbo sighed.

"Wait... We're going all the way home tonight?" Primrose asked in disbelief.

"Sure! We can use a Map Montage."


"Wow. Why doesn't everyone use a Map Montage?" Pippin asked.

"If we'd known about this the journey to Mordor would have gone much smoother." Sam commented.

He then realized his mistake of mentioning Mordor in front of Frodo.



"Frodo I'm sorry!"

Sam ran after Frodo all over the Shire.

The other hobbits sighed.

"I'm going to bed." Bilbo announced.

"Me too." Primrose yawned.

"Me three." Pippin said.

"Me four." Merry added.

"Notme." Esmerlda said very fast.

"Uh. Es? You ok?" Primrose asked.


Esmerelda ran all over the Shire lauging like crazy.

The other hobbits went to bed without another word.


Another chapter done. Now I get to move on to all the other great ideas! One of these jokes was borrowed from HISHE (How It Should Have Ended) let me know if you know what I'm talking about.

Alright I'm out!

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