Ch. 13

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Perseus popped out of a shadow in his father's throne room in the void, Clarisse still in his arms. The throne room was empty and Perseus knew his father was giving him some time to speak to Clarisse alone. Perseus was honestly surprised with himself. He swore long ago to never associate with any of Ares children. When he heard Clarisse's story though, he knew how wrong he had been. While their creation may not have been as horrid as his, their lives had been worse since they didn't have someone like Chaos to take them in as their own. Despite not knowing her, he already cared for his sister Clarisse. She had tried to help and protect her siblings but a person can only take so much. Perseus ached for his moment to retribution against the war god. He would tear Olympus down if he had to in order to get to him.

He carried Clarisse to his throne and set her down on it. She looked around in wonder and confusion. He saw she was about to say something so he interrupted her. "Wait Clarisse, let me finish healing your wound first it is still not healed and your Achilles' spot is very difficult to heal, it will take a few minutes."

She nodded to him, deep appreciation shown in her eyes. He placed a hand on her wound and sent stream of black and silver energy into it. He saw her grimace in pain and knew it would take a few minutes to finish. He grabbed her hand with his, trying to give her comfort while he worked. The look in her eyes broke his heart. He could tell this was probably the most caring thing someone had ever done for her. He knew he would protect and care for her no matter what.

He finally finished after a few minutes. Clarisse sighed with relief, but didn't let go of his hand. He could tell she was nervous.

"Ok Clarisse, I'm going to explain some things to you about my life and when I finish you can ask any question you want. Some of the things I tell you will be rather unbelievable but I swear they are true."

Clarisse nodded her head, waiting to learn about her brother.

"I was born over two thousand years ago. My mother is a minor Goddess; a minor Roman Goddess to be exact. You see the Olympians all have two aspects, Greek and Roman, like Neptune and Poseidon. Basically they can shift between their two aspects at will as they basically the same with small differences. Most minor Gods and Goddess only belong to one pantheon. To sum up a horrifying story quickly, Ares raped my mother who was a maiden Goddess. But he also raped her as Ares and not Mars, his Roman Aspect; making it even more insulting to a Roman Goddess. My mother fled knowing Zeus would kill me if he knew I was a mix of the pantheons. While she was running, my adoptive father saved her and brought her here, where we are now, which I will explain about in a moment. My father knew I couldn't return so adopted me and I grew up here only visited Earth to visit my mother, and later my girlfriend."

Clarisse nodded, listening intently.

"You see Clarisse; I was adopted by a Primordial God." Clarisse gasped at this statement. "Actually not a Primordial, the first Primordial. Chaos the creator of the universe and most powerful being in the universe is my father."

Clarisse's jaw dropped. Perseus was about to continue but was interrupted by a black flash, his father entered the throne room.

"That statement is only partially true son. I believe we both know you are close to my equal in power if not actually equal." Chaos said smiling.

Clarisse jumped off Perseus' throne to bow to Chaos.

Chaos walked up to her and touched her chin to get her to look at him, "You are my favorite son's sister, and you do not need to bow to me. This is not Olympus dear, we have no need or desire for people to gravel at our feet. As you are my son's sister, you are family now. Family does not bow to family anywhere but on Olympus." Chaos said sincerely.

Clarisse looked unsure of what to do or say so Perseus went over and pulled her to her feet. He surprised her by pulling her into a hug. Clarisse's head was swimming. Her whole life she had never been hugged, she didn't know what to do. Slowly she hugged him back before eventually breaking down and sobbing into her brother's shoulder. He pulled back and wiped her tears with his thumb.

"Clarisse, listen to me. You are my sister and I am sorry for never helping you or our brothers and sisters. I swore to myself long ago to never associate with children of Ares. And that was the worst mistake I have ever made in my life. I believed you would be like him and you are nothing like him. You are just like me. I promise you I will never abandon you and always protect you. And when my time comes to finally have my revenge on Ares, you'll be by my side kicking his ass with me." Perseus said staring into her eyes.

Clarisse's face cracked into a huge grin and she grabbed her brother in a bear hug. "Thank you so much Perseus for saving me and all our siblings. I will do whatever I can to try to make amends for the biggest mistake of my life. I w.." Clarisse said before she was cut off by Perseus.

"You already have. You saved everyone by sacrificing yourself to destroy Kronos. The prophecy was about both Thalia and you. She made the choice to believe you would do what was right, but you are the one who did what was right. You are just as much the hero as Thalia." Perseus said sternly. "And your family, please call me Percy."

Clarisse's smile grew.

"Perseus, I don't want to interrupt but its time. You are needed on Olympus, right now." Chaos interjected.

Perseus nodded, "Will you fill my sister is on everything else?" He asked his father.

Chaos smiled, "Of course, I want to get to know the newest member of the family."

Perseus smiled and hugged his father. Then hugged Clarisse again, whispering in her ear, "Don't worry, father may be the creator but he is really a big softie. I will be back soon to talk more once you know my whole story, and I want to hear your story too sis."

Clarisse smiled and nodded.

Line Break

Thalia stood in the throne room of the Gods listening to Zeus drone on about the bravery of the Gods and their defeat of Typhon. He mentioned a small part about Poseidon and Artemis finishing off Typhon after everyone's valiant efforts. Poseidon rolled his eyes and Artemis looked ready to put an arrow in between his eyes. No mention of Hades was given. Hades sat at a guest throne steaming mad. He bit his tongue when about to speak up after Poseidon mentally told him to wait.

"Now, on to rewarding our young demigod heroes, without whom, it would have been difficult to defeat the Titan Lord Kronos and the traitorous child of Ares." Zeus thundered an overly loud tone.

"Zoe Nightshade and Phoebe Erat, come forth." Boomed Zeus.

Artemis jumped off her throne and hugged both Zoe and Phoebe before stepping back and addressing everyone.

"Sisters, you have fought bravely in the face of a mighty enemy. For your bravery we the council would like to make you two an offer. We offer you full immortality and a place with me as immortal co-lieutenants of the hunt. You will be bound by ancient laws exactly as I am and while it will not affect you much in the hunt, any upcoming wars you will not be able to fight alongside you sisters in battle. Think hard before you decide what you want." Artemis stated looking pointedly at Zoe.

Phoebe stepped forward smiling and bowed to the council, "I accept the council's generous offer my lady."

Zoe stepped forward also smiling as she bowed to the council, "I am honored for the offer my lady, but I must decline."

A gasp escaped most people in the room, most council members looked shocked, Zeus looked murderous someone would decline their offer, but Artemis just smiled.

"I thought as much Zoe; you will remain my lieutenant along with Phoebe but will continue having only partial immortality and will not be bound by the Ancient Laws as she will." Artemis said still smiling.

Phoebe looked at Zoe with shock and confusion. Zoe mouthed 'Later' to her. She nodded still confused.

The Gods stood and began to chant in ancient Greek. Phoebe glowed golden for a minute. When the glow died down, she looked the same but with a slight glow to her body.

Both Zoe and Phoebe stepped back next to Thalia.

"Thalia Grace, my daughter, come forward." Zeus thundered loudly.

Thalia bit her tongue at Zeus calling her his daughter, this being the first time she had ever seen him before.

"Does anyone here believe my daughter is not deserving?" Zeus asked

No one spoke up. In fact most nodded in agreement. Zeus smiled.

"My daughter, for your bravery in the defeat of the Titan Lord and defending Olympus, the council has decided that you are to be made a Goddess, immortal and undying. Not just any Goddess but an Olympian Goddess, the thirteenth Olympian on the Council of the Gods." Zeus said smugly at the thought of another one of his children on the council.

Thalia was shocked. That was definitely not what she was expecting. She also noticed it wasn't an offer, he said they had decided. Thalia got nervous for a minute but then remembered what Perseus had said, 'Expect to see me soon, sooner than expected.' She knew he would come if she did this. She looked at Zoe who gave her a slight almost unnoticeable nod. She knew what to do.

She walked into the middle of the council room and knelt. "I am sorry Lord Zeus, but I must decline your generous offer."

Her words were met with absolute silence. She knew it wouldn't last.

"What do you mean, you decline?" yelled Zeus.

"I am truly sorry my lord, but I have no wish to be a Goddess at the moment." She calmly replied.

Thunder boomed outside, shaking the throne room violently, causing some demigods to stumble and fall.

"How dare you deny the greatest offer a person can receive? How dare you defy your own father?" Zeus bellowed. "I will give you a chance to reconsider our offer daughter." Zeus said threateningly.

Thalia thought about the best way to word this would be, and then she smirked.

"I would never defy my father Lord Zeus. But he is not here, so I cannot possibly be disrespecting him." Thalia said smiling.

Zeus sat in his throne for a moment thinking about what she said, then he snapped, grabbing his master bolt and hurling at Thalia who was defenseless in the middle of the throne room. Many Gods and Goddess tried to scramble to save Thalia but there was no time.

Thalia worried for about a millisecond before a black shadow descended in front of her.

When the bolt reached Thalia, a small explosion was heard. Smoke surrounded the area where Thalia was standing.

When the smoke cleared Perseus stood holding Zeus' master bolt in his hand. His eyes were pulsing black flames and his aura was forcing every demigod within 20 feet to a knee with the sheer power that radiated off him. Perseus just stood there glaring at Zeus, daring him to make a move.

Zeus stood up threateningly, "Who the H..." Zeus bellowed before shadows restrained his arms and legs and slammed him back into his throne roughly.

"How dare you try to touch my daughter?" Perseus growled menacingly at Zeus.

"What are you talking about? Thalia Grace is my daughter." Yelled Zeus. "Release me at once or I shall cast you into Tartarus for eternity."

Perseus glared for a minute before starting to laugh, but the aura he was emitting was anything but humorous.

Most Gods and Goddesses cowered in their thrones. Perseus' aura was so intense the thought they would be incinerated any second.

Perseus just stared at Zeus.

He raised the master bolt ready to hurl it. He stepped forward and fired it.

But not at Zeus.

When he fired the bolt, he made it veer off to the left. The bolt connected with Ares directly in the chest, charring his body as he cowered in his throne. He fell unconscious immediately.

"Oops. I guess I missed." Perseus said innocently.

Silence filled the room.

The silence was broken by hysterical laughter. It came from none other than the Goddess of the Moon, Artemis.

Perseus looked at her smiling, which only caused Artemis to laugh harder.

Every person in the room was in shocked silence at the events that just transpired, well except Thalia, Zoe, Artemis, and surprisingly Hestia who was silently chuckling by the hearth.

The shocked silence was broken by Thalia running up to Perseus and jumping into his arms for a hug.

This confused people even more. But what they heard her say shocked the rest of the council to the core.

"Thank you Dad, I love you." Thalia said to Perseus, but everyone heard it in the silent council room.

Zeus was fuming, "He is NOT your father. I am. Come to your father right now demigod." Zeus screamed while still being restrained by shadows.

In a flash six arrows impaled Zeus in his torso, arms and legs. Four were pitch black. Two were silver.

Everyone stared at Artemis in shock. She had a murderous look on her face though which made people shrink away.

"Talk that way to my daughter again and I will rip you apart piece by piece. I swear it on the Styx." Perseus said murderously.

Thunder boomed, sealing the oath.

Everyone stared at Perseus with shock and utter fear.

Finally Athena spoke up, "Excuse me, but who are you?"

Perseus looked at her and smiled. "Thank you Lady Athena. Finally someone asking a question politely and not trying to kill my daughter."

"My name is Perseus, Son of Chaos."

Every God and Goddess looked shocked.

"What do you mean? We have never heard of you." Athena asked timidly.

"Please Lady Athena; I am not threat to you or most members of the council. If you don't try to kill my daughter I'm rather easy going."

"Isn't that right Artemis?" Perseus asked smirking.

Artemis smirked back at him, "Yes, you are a surprisingly tolerable male. In fact, the first one I've ever considered a friend."

Apollo stood up glaring at Perseus. "What do you mean? How do you know my little sister?

Shadows pulled Apollo back into his throne, albeit much more gently than they had Zeus.

"Really Apollo? A situation like this and you still feel the need to annoy your sister? It is a well-known fact that despite being your twin, she is a day older than you and even helped your mother give birth to you." Perseus said laughing. "But don't worry, I have no romantic feelings toward your sister, I am a happily taken man. And I believe Artemis can more than take care of herself"

Artemis beamed at Perseus.

"No, I met your sister after my daughter helped save her from Atlas. From there Artemis, Thalia, Zoe and I visited my father where he explained the other reason I am here to them. But he swore them to secrecy as we needed you Olympians focused on one problem at a time." Perseus explained.

Apollo turned to Artemis, "You met Chaos?" He asked shocked.

"He just said that didn't he? Dumbass." Artemis asked annoyed.

Perseus laughed. "He really is just like you described him Artemis."

"Unfortunately." She grumbled.

Hermes let out a laugh, being heard from for the first time. He shut up quickly when Perseus looked at him.

Perseus sighed, "Listen; with the exception of Zeus and Ares, I have no issue with any of you at all. At the same time, I'd rather not waste my time hearing from Dionysus or Aphrodite. Sorry Aphrodite I mean no offense, but war and battle aren't your things. And Dionysus, well, you're a drunk."

Most of the council laughed loudly. Aphrodite shrugged and winked at Perseus, which earned him a murderous glare from Zoe, Thalia and Artemis, but Perseus ignored her and Dionysus huffed indignantly.

"Speaking of battle, before I explain my reason for being her other than to save my daughter, how about we explain to everyone assembled how Typhon was actually defeated, shall we?" Perseus asked everyone. Hades perked up at this. Zeus looked murderous but bit his tongue as he was still restrained.

"Well as Typhon reached Pennsylvania, the only Gods left in the Battle were Poseidon and Artemis, who were single handedly slowing the progress of Typhon." Perseus stopped as Ares stirred in his throne.

A shadow grabbed him and smashed the back of his head into the throne multiple times knocking him unconscious again.

Everyone stared at Perseus. He just shrugged, "I don't like him."

Everyone besides Aphrodite and Zeus shrugged as they didn't either.

"As I was saying, despite the heroic efforts of Poseidon and Artemis, with only two Gods left in the fight I decided to lend a hand, popping into Artemis' chariot and joining her in lighting up Typhon with arrows. But it still wasn't enough. All we could do was slow him. So together, Poseidon, Artemis, and I came up with a plan, which called for help from another who Zeus was too arrogant to ask. After Poseidon convinced him to help, Poseidon blasted Typhon with his trident while Artemis and I snuck below to attack his knees. As he stumbled I wrapped his legs in shadows while Poseidon hurled his trident into Typhon's throat. At this point I slowed time for the big bastard, quite the exhausting thing to do with someone so powerful. Artemis continued to attack his legs to weaken them. I wrapped his upper body is shadows, with the help of the unnamed hero as of now, and Poseidon sent a giant wave into his legs, finally toppling him."

Perseus paused to dramatic effect, "Lord Hades, who without which I could not of restrained Typhon's upper body, opened a massive crack in the earth, creating a tunnel leading straight into Typhon's new prison in Tartarus."

"Now everyone heard drama queen rant about his and other's heroic efforts but he left out one of the biggest heroes of the day. Without Lord Hades, Olympus would be destroyed. Despite his mistreatment for millennia he still came to your aide, so let's have a hand for the four real saviors of Olympus, Lord Poseidon, Lord Hades, Lady Artemis, and my daughter Thalia Grace." Perseus finished smiling.

The demigods and most of the Gods rose to their feet to give a standing ovation to the four named people. Hera, Poseidon, Hestia, and grudgingly Demeter got up and hugged their brother while thanking him. Hades stared at Perseus with gratitude, giving him a nod of thanks.

Once everyone settled down Athena put her hand up, getting a nod from Perseus.

"I have two questions. What are your titles? Since I assume you're a God. And we got sidetracked, you mentioned a threat. What is it?" Athena asked politely.

"Thank you Lady Athena, we did get sidetracked. My official title is Lord Perseus, Primordial God of Hunting, Battle, Darkness and Time. And before you ask my brother Chronus faded so my father passed the domain to me. I am a Primordial God but I am not bound by Ancient Laws like you. That is the reason I was able to freeze drama queen's lightning bolt when he tried to turn my daughter into a tree." Perseus explained.

"SHE IS MY DAUGHTER, DAMNIT!" Zeus bellowed no longer able to hold his tongue.

Perseus smirked, "No she is not. Thalia Grace, do you wish to relinquish your title of daughter of Zeus?"

Thalia smiled but was confused, "Yes of course Dad."

Perseus began to chant in ancient Greek; when he stopped Thalia glowed dark black with some silver mixed in. When the glow faded everyone gasped. Her eyes were identical to Perseus' eyes, a black and silver that seemed to be fit her perfectly.

Perseus smiled, "Now, I would like you to meet MY daughter Thalia Grace, daughter of Lord Perseus, Primordial God of Hunting, Battle, Darkness, and Time, and granddaughter of Chaos, creator of the Universe."

Thalia started tearing up before launching herself into Perseus' arms, crying happily into his shoulder. She pulled back and kissed him on the cheek saying, "Thank you Dad, I love you."

Perseus grinned widely, "I love you too baby girl."

Zeus was about to explode on his throne, despite still being chained down by shadows but a vortex opened in the middle of the throne room, and outstepped a grinning Chaos.

"It's about damn time Perseus. I've been waiting for you to make her my granddaughter officially for a couple years now. Now, you've taken forever to make your little speeches, so I'm here to keep you on track. I swear you're a demigod with ADHD the way you get distracted and sidetracked." He said exasperated, earning chuckles from Zoe, Thalia, and Artemis.

Everyone stared at Chaos for a second before jumping off their thrones to bow, the demigods followed suit.

Only Artemis remained seated calmly in her throne along with Hestia at her hearth; of course as well as an unconscious Ares and restrained Zeus. Thalia and Zoe were the only others not bowing.

Perseus smirked before using his restraints to force Zeus into a deep bow.

He then used shadows to gently raise Poseidon, Hades, Athena and Hera out of their bow.

The looked at Perseus questioningly, and he smiled at them. "Father does not require people to bow to him, and he will not allow good Gods and Goddesses to do it. You all use your power as you should and not for personal gain, you bow to no one."

They all smiled at the praise.

Chaos cleared his throat, "Please relax. We must talk. The war with Kronos is just a prelude to your next more dangerous threat."

Everyone looked confused, except Athena who gasped, "Its Gaia again isn't it?" She asked.

Chaos nodded. "Prepare yourselves for another much more difficult war. Apollo's oracle will soon issue a prophecy. It will call for seven heroes to join with their parents and to battle Gaia's Giant children. The quest calls for seven but Gaia will raise at least 9, maybe more Giants. Follow the prophecy. It needs to be followed for you to survive."

Athena spoke up, "How can seven of us fight 9 or more Giants? They will overpower us."

Chaos smiled, "Well said, Goddess of Wisdom. Two other Gods will join the fight with their children. Lady Artemis will fight with her surrogate daughter Zoe Nightshade and my son Perseus will fight with his daughter Thalia Grace. If she raises more than 9 then my son and granddaughter will handle them. My son is the most powerful of all my children, his power matches my own and he is not bound by the laws that you all and I am. He will be your wildcard. His daughter is already the most powerful demigod alive. Now that she is officially his daughter she will have more control over her father's domains than any demigod alive. She will soon be blessed by me as well, making her as powerful as most minor gods." Chaos explained smirking when describing Thalia.

"Now that the threat has been discussed and you all know what you're up against there is one matter left." Chaos said.

Everyone looked at his questioningly.

"Well the demigod heroes of the Titan War were rewarded and yet my granddaughter received no reward other than an attempt on her life." Chaos said to a now cowering Zeus. "Since the offer was Godhood and she declined I believe she should be entitled to one wish from the Gods. Do you agree?" Chaos asked honestly.

Zeus tried to speak up but Poseidon and surprisingly Athena told him to shut up. All the other gods nodded their heads in agreement.

Chaos turned to her, "Well granddaughter, what is your wish?" He asked with a smile.

Thalia thought for a moment, she looked at the demigods. She saw Luke in the crowd smiling at her. She knew her wish.

"For my wish I would like cabins built at Camp Half-Blood to every God and Goddess, major and minor. It's not right to jam everyone into the Hermes cabin because he is the only one nice enough to welcome everyone in. I also want all demigods claimed by the age of 13. It's not right that some demigods spend half and sometime all of their childhood undetermined and feeling unwanted because their parent doesn't care enough to send a sign." Thalia said confidently.

The Gods all stared at her for a minute before Poseidon, Athena, Artemis, Hera and Hermes stood up and starting clapping. The demigods began to cheer loudly.

Chaos smiled and opened a vortex in the middle of the throne room then glared at Zeus. "Heed this warning Zeus, one move to touch a single hair on my granddaughters head and I will blast you out of existence. Same goes for Artemis, any act of retribution toward her for helping my son shut you up and you will rot in eternal punishment for eternity in the void."

Chaos walked through the vortex. Perseus nodded to Thalia who walked through. Perseus walked up to Artemis and whispered to her, "Could I borrow Zoe for a few hours tonight? I would like to bring her to Camp Jupiter to visit my mother and tell her about what happened today."

Artemis smiled, "Yes I think she has earned a little time off." Artemis then punched him in the arm laughing, "That was hilarious what you did to Ares."

Perseus smirked, "Yes, but that's nothing to what you'll see after the Giant War is over." He turned and sent a wink at Zoe who blushed and stepped through the vortex.

Line Break

Zoe was impatiently waiting for Perseus to come get her. She hated the fact she had to act like she barely knew him in the council room. When Aphrodite had winked at her fiancé she had barely restrained herself from putting and arrow between her eyes.

She thought about the way Perseus had saved Thalia, even adopting her officially. She was proud of him, the way he took her in as her own, giving Thalia the father she never had. She wondered if he would want children once they got married. Zoe had never actually thought about having children of her own. The thought of having kids with Perseus made her blush. Zoe was brought out of her thoughts by a familiar wolf brushing against her leg. She smiled happily when she saw it was midnight black with black and silver eyes.

Zoe looked around to make sure no one was around, before she bent down next to the wolf's ear while smirking.

"Well aren't you just the cutest little doggy. Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" She asked the wolf mockingly.

The wolf narrowed its eyes at her before darting toward her, knocking her legs out from under her, causing her to land on his back. The wolf sprinted off into the woods with a screaming huntress desperately trying to hang on to its fur.

After a few hundred yards the wolf stopped suddenly, sending Zoe sliding off his body and onto the forest floor. The wolf glowed and was replaced by a man who immediately fell onto the ground, clutching his stomach, while roaring with laughter.

Zoe got off the ground with a furious look in her eyes.

Perseus quickly stopped laughing.

"You are so dead." She said murderously.

Perseus smiled innocently, "I'm sorry. Was I not being a "good boy"?

Zoe continued to glare at him for a minute, but then cracked a smile.

"You're so lucky I love you and have been waiting all day to see you." She said still smiling.

"I know I'm sorry, today has been rather eventful. Can I make it up to you?" He asked.

Zoe smiled and then pulled him into a kiss. When they stopped she said, "Yes you can, but for now let's go to Camp Jupiter. Artemis said you wanted me to come with you to visit you mother."

"I do, but I want you to come somewhere else first. I need you to meet someone very important to me." Perseus replied seriously.

Zoe was a little confused by nodded with a smile.

Perseus snapped his fingers creating a vortex. He then surprised Zoe by snatching her up bridal style and planting a kiss on her lips as he walked through the vortex.

They came out of the vortex and into the throne room of the void. When they broke the kiss, they saw the stunned face of Clarisse, a smirking creator, and a smiling Thalia.

"That's the girlfriend you mentioned? You're dating a huntress?" Clarisse asked shocked.

Perseus smiled, "Actually, she is my fiancée. Clarisse, this is my wife to be Zoe Nightshade. Zoe, this is my sister, Clarisse La Rue."

Perseus didn't know who was more shocked, Clarisse or Zoe.

"Your sister?" Zoe asked confused.

"Yes, she is my sister. We have many things in common, such as a deep hatred for our birth father. Also, after getting to know Clarisse a little, I care for her a lot. I am very happy to finally have a sister I get to know." Perseus said with a glance at Chaos.

Chaos smiled, "Once this war with your sister and brothers is over, you will get to meet your brothers and sisters that haven't faded or tried to take over Earth recently."

Perseus' eyes lit up. He had always wanted to meet his primordial siblings. He had never wanted to meet Ares' kids until Clarisse. He still didn't want to know them all, but he would do what he could for them. Clarisse though was staying with him. She was so much like him he felt an instant connection with her and wanted to keep her close. She was the little sister he always wanted.

Zoe walked up to Clarisse who looked extremely nervous. She did not know if Zoe wanted to kill her for the Titan War. She was shocked when Zoe hugged her.

"It's good to meet you without an evil Titan inside your body. I don't care about before; you made a mistake and did what you could to fix it. If Percy trusts you then I do too. Besides, you'll be my sister-in-law eventually." Zoe said warmly.

Clarisse sighed with relief and returned the hug. "Thank you Zoe. I am sorry; I will do everything I can to make amends for that." Clarisse said sadly.

"Actually you have a good opportunity to do that very soon." Chaos stated.

Clarisse looked confused but happy as well. She wanted to make amends as much as she could. "Okay, I will do anything. I have a lot of making up to do, so just say the word." She said earnestly.

Perseus and Thalia smiled. They knew what Chaos was going to ask her.

"Clarisse, my son has stated he is quite fond of you. He has asked me to make you immortal, a full immortal that is not bound by ancient laws like him. As I explained the upcoming war to you, Perseus and I want you to join the fight on the side of the Gods. We will shield your identity until after the war, but Perseus would like you fighting alongside him, Zoe, and Thalia." Chaos said seriously.

Clarisse stood there dumbfounded. She turned to Perseus who was smiling at her. She stared at him for a moment before launching herself into his arms and pulling him into a bear hug.

"Thank you so much Percy, for everything. I can never thank you for everything you've done for me. You've given me a second chance and I promise I will not let you down." She said with tears in her eyes.

"I know you won't. That's why I'm doing this. You deserve a chance to make amends and I know you will. And I can't send you into war without knowing you will come out alive." Perseus told her smiling.

Perseus turned back to Zoe who had a look of betrayal in her eyes.

"But you'll send your fiancé into the same war able to die?" She asked with hurt in her voice.

Perseus laughed, "Zoe you already are immortal. The day I proposed you and you accepted and put on the engagement ring you became immortal. I would never risk your life."

Zoe's jaw dropped. She looked somewhat skeptical. She pulled on her pendant and took out the hunting knife and tried to make a cut her hand, checking the color of her blood.

Perseus lunged forward and grabbed the knife out of her hand. "Don't do that!" He yelled as he pulled the knife out of her hand.

Zoe had a furious look on her face. She assumed he stopped her because she was not immortal and he had lied. Then she got scared as he made a silver hunting knife appear in his hand and slashed her arm, making a small shallow cut on her arm.

"What the Hades Percy?" She yelled. She stopped when she saw golden ichor trickle out of her arm. Perseus touched her arm sending a small pulse of black energy to heal the little cut.

Zoe was utterly confused. "Okay explain. Now." She said sternly.

Perseus smiled at her, "Sorry the knife I gave you is very special, a gift from my father to me. Made partially of a metal created from his essence and is the only metal in existence that can kill an immortal. If you had cut your hand with it, it wouldn't kill you but it would have been unimaginably painful. That's why I had you use it to kill Antaeus. That's why it was the cursed blade that killed Kronos. When Clarisse stabbed herself, she didn't send Kronos to Tartarus; he faded to the void, never to return." Perseus explained carefully.

"Wait, then why aren't I dead?" Clarisse asked confused.

"You weren't immortal. If I hadn't healed you, then you would be dead. But not because of the Chaos metal. It is a mix of many metals, able to kill mortals, immortals, monsters, or anything really." Perseus replied.

Zoe stared at him for a minute before looking very sorry. "I'm so s...." She was cut off by a deep kiss from Perseus.

"Sshhh. You have nothing to apologize for. I should have told you that you were immortal but I didn't want you to fight any differently in the Titan War. I would rather not have to wait until you reform to see you again." He said lovingly.

Zoe smiled and buried her head in his chest.

"Now, I believe we should finish making Clarisse immortal, shall we?" Chaos said.

Perseus nodded and a shadow consumed him and Zoe and they reappeared on his throne, Zoe cuddled up into his lap.

Thalia, who was watching the past few minutes with a smile, walked to the other side of the room to get out of the way.

Suddenly a shadow consumed her as well. She reappeared next to Perseus in a slightly smaller throne almost identical to Perseus'.

She stared at him confused.

He smirked, "What? Your my daughter, you are an immortal as well and I want my little girl to have her own throne as well. It seems fitting."

Thalia's jaw dropped, "I'm immortal?"

Perseus' smirk grew, "Of course, you're a daughter of a Primordial God, the granddaughter of Chaos.

"You became immortal the minute I officially adopted you."

Thalia got out of her throne and hugged her father who was on his throne, while Zoe smiled, still on his lap, happy knowing she and Thalia were immortal now.

Chaos shot a blast of dark energy into Clarisse. She grimaced for a second before she glowed darkly. When she stopped she smiled, a slight glow to her skin now being fully immortal.

Perseus smiled at her. He got out of his throne, setting Zoe down on it. She quickly jumped on his back, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Perseus acted like he didn't notice as he walked up to Clarisse and hugged her.

"Clarisse; Zoe, Thalia and I are going to visit my mother. I will take you to meet her soon. I just need to explain everything to her. When she hears your story, I know she will love you as well." Perseus told her.

Clarisse smiled, "I look forward to meeting her, brother."

Perseus smiled, liking being called brother.

Perseus snapped his fingers. "There is a room for you inside my palace. You can live with me for a while; I would like to spend some time with you and get to know my first sister better. It's enchanted so that it will design itself to your wishes. Just think of what you want and it will appear. My house is your house sis, so feel free to do anything you want and go anywhere you want. I will be back later tonight with Zoe and Thalia; we will all spend some time together." Perseus said happily.

Clarisse smiled at him, "Thank you Percy, for everything."

Perseus smiled, "We're family. This is what it's supposed to be like. And from now on that's how it will be."

Clarisse nodded grinning.

Perseus snapped his fingers creating a vortex and gestured Thalia over. They walked through with Zoe still clinging happily to Perseus' back.

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