Ch. 6

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Ch. 6

Camp Half-Blood

Zoe had taken the hunters to Camp Half-Blood following their encounter at a boarding school in Maine with a Manticore. Annabeth, Luke, Thalia, and Grover had been trying to rescue two powerful half-bloods from the boarding school only to have Annabeth kidnapped by the Manticore Dr. Thorne. Then the female half-blood they were sent to rescue joined the hunters instead of coming to camp like her brother. Artemis had sent the hunters to camp with Thalia, Grover, and Luke Castellan along with the younger brother of the newest huntress while Artemis went out hunting an ancient and powerful monster by herself. Once the huntresses had settled in at camp it was time for the customary capture the flag game, campers versus the hunters.

Zoe raced through the forest at remarkable speeds carrying the campers flag, her millennia as a huntress had kept him in tip top shape. She knew she had to hurry though, she could hear her sisters yelling at a camper, the daughter of Zeus, who apparently had taken the hunters flag, which was a feat all in on its own. As she reached the clearing Zoe was shocked to see that Thalia was slightly closer to the creek than Zoe was. The hunters looked like they were going to lose for the first time in centuries of playing the game versus the campers. Zoe was faster than Thalia but it still might not be enough as Thalia was closer to the boundary marker.

Instead of panicking that they were about to lose, Zoe just smirked as she continued to sprint toward the creek. She began to concentrate on Thalia, slowing her down ever so slightly with her time abilities. Zoe raced to the creek, and leaped over the boundary line and back into hunter territory just before Thalia reached the creek, effectively winning the game for the hunters once again. She hadn't intended to, but she landed right in front of Thalia, sending her crashing into the daughter of Zeus and knocking them both down onto the forest floor. As Zoe pulled herself to her feet she saw a bracelet on Thalia's wrist. She had seen it earlier in Maine when fighting the Manticore. It was her shield Aegis. But as the daughter of Zeus was climbing to her feet Zoe saw a familiar wolf pendant gleamed in the moonlight. It was just like hers. A million thoughts raced through her mind like

'Why would this girl have the same pendant as me?''

'How does she know Perseus?'

Then everything came together in Zoe's head and she was overwhelmed with three emotions; anger, betrayal and heartbreak.

Thalia was dumbfounded that she had lost when she was so sure she was ahead. She was pulling herself to her feet when she saw Zoe looking at her bracelet. She saw Zoe's eyes flash dangerously and the huntress looked absolutely furious. But the anger quickly disappeared to be replaced by another emotion Thalia wasn't sure about, but it looked like Zoe had had her heart ripped out of her chest.

Thalia was confused as to why her bracelet would cause the huntress to be so upset. Then the moonlight reflected off a silver necklace that hung from Zoe's neck. She saw a wolf pendant glimmer in the moonlight. Thalia wasn't angry like Zoe was, she was just confused. Perseus had told Thalia that she was his only champion. Although he did say he had given one other person a pendant, she couldn't comprehend why he would give it to a huntress, especially, at least in Thalia's opinion, such a cold-hearted one. Perseus had seemed like such a good-hearted and relaxed guy, she couldn't figure out what connection he would have to Zoe.

As both girls stared at each other, one with confusion and the other with anger, they were interrupted by gasps from campers and hunters alike. A woman who looked like a mummified corpse walked straight up to Zoe. Green smoke began to pour out of her mouth; she spoke in an ancient voice that sounded like three voices speaking as one. She rasped:

'Five shall go west to the goddess in chains,

One shall be lost in the land without rain,

The Bane of Olympus shows the trail,

Campers and Hunters combined prevail,

The Titan's Curse must one withstand,

And one shall perish by a parent's hand.'

The mummified corpse promptly collapsed and appeared to be dead. Chiron ordered Luke and Grover to carry the oracle back to the attic. He turned to Zoe and said there would be a war council meeting with the cabin counselors and a group of hunters whom she selected.

Zoe numbly nodded to Chiron. She had so many thoughts racing through her mind she could barely contain her emotions. She had been betrayed and heartbroken but now she immediately knew her mistress was the goddess in chains and by going west she had no doubts about where they were headed. Her father's burden was the Titan's Curse which meant, for the first time since she left, she would be returning to the Garden of the Hesperides. Back to her sisters, back to her home. She was almost sure that she would be the one to fall by a parent's hand. That meant her father would be free, that he would take her life.

Despite all those terrible things that loomed in her future she couldn't stop thinking about Perseus. The man she loved. The man she had spent the past two millennia sneaking off to see behind her mistress's back, and now the man that had broken her heart. She felt absolutely dead and empty inside. She was so sure she had found the only reliable and honest man in the world. She couldn't stop thinking about it.

'How much of it had been a lie?'

'How many others were there?'

'Did he ever truly love me?'

Zoe had been so deep in her thoughts about the prophecy and her heartbreak that she had zoned out of the entire war council meeting. Apparently Thalia, Luke, and the satyr would be coming on the quest, as well as the newest huntress, Bianca Di'Angelo, had volunteered to go as well.

Great Zoe thought. Two boys, a new huntress, and that slut that stole her love would be coming with her to her death. She did like the fact that she could now kill this Thalia bitch before she died at least. She allowed herself a small smile at that fact. It was soon washed off her face when the war council was dismissed and everyone sent to bed, the quest was to leave at first light. As she walked away she saw Thalia approaching her. Her hand twitched toward her hunting knife as she got close.

No, she thought, not yet.

Instead when Thalia stood in front of her about to speak Zoe reached back slapped Thalia with all her strength sending her to the ground. Instead of waiting for a fight she used her power over time to freeze Thalia in place while she sprinted into the forest. Once she was a good half mile away at Zeus' fist, she released Thalia from the spell.

Zoe sat down on the rocks at Zeus fist and cried for the first time since her encounter with Heracles in the forest over 1500 years ago. When her love had saved her. When she had started to fall in love with him.

As she sobbed she suddenly stopped herself. Thalia wasn't the one to blame in this. Perseus was. She wiped away her tears and calmed herself down. Once she had collected herself, she grabbed her pendant and prayed for him to come visit her.

Not a minute later a vortex appeared a few feet away and out stepped Perseus, a huge fanged grin on his face. As he walked up to her smiling, she couldn't believe he could be happy when she was so hurt.

As he walked towards her and went to hug her, Zoe reached back and delivered the hardest closed-handed punch she had ever thrown in her life. She hit him right in the nose, breaking it rather badly. She was shocked when she didn't see golden ichor pour out. It was silver.

"WHAT THE HELL ZOE!" He yelled at her.


"I trusted you. I loved you. I betrayed my lady for you! And you have the nerve to ask me WHAT THE HELL?"

"What are you talking about Zoe? Why are you so angry? I love you." Perseus replied shocked and heartbroken.

"I saw her Perseus. I saw your pendant on her bracelet. I thought you were different. I thought you loved me. I guess it was all a lie." Zoe replied as tears flowed down her face. She reached up and ripped the necklace with the pendant off her neck and threw it at him.

She turned to sprint back to the Artemis cabin when she suddenly froze in place. Although she couldn't move her body, the tears wouldn't stop falling from her eyes. All she wanted to do was find a hole to crawl in and die.

Perseus walked up to her until he was right in front of her, silver ichor covering his lower face and shirt and tears falling from his eyes as well.

"Zoe," he said calmly, "I don't know what I have done, but I promise you I have not betrayed you. I swear on the Styx I have never done anything to betray you in any way at all."

Thunder boomed overhead.

Zoe's eyes widened and she waited to see if anything would happen. When it didn't she was confused and worried. She became scared she made a mistake and he will never want to see her again. At the same time she wasn't completely convinced either. She decided she would hear what he had to say before she made any more decisions.

"Perseus," she said calmly, "release me. I won't attack you or try to leave but we need to talk and I don't like being frozen in time." She felt herself able to move again and she took a couple steps away from him breathing deeply.

She then turned to Perseus who still had tears in his eyes, "Perseus, why does that daughter of Zeus, Thalia, have your pendant on her bracelet?" She asked in an icy tone that made Perseus shiver a little.

"That's why you hit me?" he asked incredulously.

Zoe eyes flared dangerously and Perseus quickly realized his mistake.

"You think I would go behind your back with another woman? Geez Zoe, after two thousand years you really think I would do that to you? I love you, and only you. You're the only woman I've ever loved in my entire life. I fell in love with you after that first kiss outside the Garden of the Hesperides. I would never hurt you." He told her sincerely. He watched for her reaction but he still couldn't tell what she was thinking.

"Then why does she have your pendant on her bracelet?" She asked again with less malice in her tone but still with some ice to it.

In response Perseus grinned, "Because, she is my champion."

Zoe's eyes widened but then turned to glare at him. "Explain. Everything. Now!"

Perseus nodded and said, "Your right. It is time for me to explain, everything." He put emphasis on the word everything. Zoe eyes widened.

"You mean you're going to explain everything to me now?" Zoe was excited she would finally know his story but was becoming increasingly worried she had just ruined their relationship by breaking his nose without so much as a word as to why before she hit him.

Perseus nodded solemnly, dreading telling the parts about his mother's attack but he knew Zoe deserved to know. He actually wanted her to know. He didn't want to hide anything from her.

"Yes, I think it would be better to start from the beginning. But first I need you to know I would never hurt you. There is nothing between me and Thalia or me and any other woman in the world. It's just you. It's always been you. You stole my heart the day I met you and it will always be yours. I swear on the River Styx I have never had romantic relations with any woman in my entire existence other than Zoe Nightshade. "

Thunder boomed overhead proving the truth to what he told her.

Zoe stared at him for a minute in shock before running forward into his arms. She launched herself up at him, wrapping her legs around his waist and burying her face in the crook of his neck. She began to cry silently again but no longer from heartbreak. Now they were tears of happiness. He loved her just as much as she loved him and despite everything with the prophecy hanging over her head, it didn't matter. Not right now. Not when she was in his arms, the place she felt safest in the world.

After standing there silently for ten minutes just holding each other, she looked up at him, still in his arms with her legs wrapped around his waist. She saw his broken nose. She felt a horrible pain in her stomach, it was guilt. She didn't let him explain, she had just attacked him. It upset her that she had acted so rashly but at the same time made her love him even more. He wasn't even mad; in fact he looked like he couldn't be happier with her tightly wrapped in his arms.

She gently reached up and wiped some of the ichor away from him mouth. "I'm sorry." She whispered softly. He just smiled gently at her, "Don't be, I should have explained about Thalia before. In fact, I'd be more upset if you hadn't hit me. I'm happy you care enough to break my nose at the thought of me with another woman." He said chuckling softly.

She reached up gently brushing her hand against his cheek before she closed her eyes and gave him a gentle loving kiss. "I love you Perseus." She whispered with their foreheads pressed together.

"And I love you Zoe." He whispered back lovingly.

After a minute or so, Zoe detached herself from Perseus as he let the bubble around them dissipate. She quickly grabbed his hand lacing their fingers together.

Perseus snapped his fingers and a vortex appeared in front of them. Zoe looked a little startled. She looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

She thought about it for a minute, then replied dead seriously; "With my life."

"Well it will be easier to explain everything to you from my home. I will have my father get my mother as well. I want you to meet them both." Perseus told her.

In response Zoe nodded, smiling warmly.

Together still holding hands, they walked through the vortex to a place Zoe never thought she would see in a million years.

When they exited the vortex Zoe immediately gasped at the sight in front on her. It was the most breathtaking city she had ever seen. Olympus looked like a slum in comparison. Everything shined brightly in the moonlight. When Zoe looked at the sky she nearly fainted. There were two moons!

"Percy, where are we?" She asked utterly dumbfounded.

Perseus smiled, "We are at my home. Welcome to the void."

Zoe began to get dizzy. This couldn't be real. How were they here? Then it hit her.

"Your father is Chaos?" She asked, slightly worried about being in the realm of the creator.

"Yes Zoe. And don't worry. My father already knows about you." He responded.

"W...Wh..What? But how?" She asked utterly shocked.

"He is my father, he watches over me when I am on earth to make sure I am safe." He responded as if it were no big deal.

"Close your eyes." He told her, "I will flash us to a balcony so I can start to explain."

She did and when they reappeared Zoe still had her eyes closed. She was surprised when she felt Perseus' lips on her own. After the initial shock wore off, she immediately responded wrapping her arms around his neck and deepening the kiss. When they broke apart, Perseus had a huge grin on his face. "It's nice to kiss you without a cocoon of darkness around us for once. Don't worry Zoe, Artemis cannot sense something in a place she knows nothing about."

Zoe grinned in response.

Perseus grabbed her hand and led them to a bench. His face morphed into a serious expression and Zoe knew he was going to start explaining.

"I guess the easiest way to start my story is with my mother. You know her. You've met her with Artemis multiple times." Perseus took a deep breath as he got ready to tell his story for the first time in his life. Zoe squeezed his hand in support, but was very curious to the fact she had met his mother before.

"My mother is Lupa, the Mother of Rome, Wolf Goddess, and supposed to be a maiden Goddess."

Zoe gasped loudly. Lupa was one of Artemis', or Diana's, closest friends. Even Zoe had become somewhat close with her. She always thought Lupa seemed especially fond of her but never thought anything of it. She knew she wasn't going like what she hears as the story continued; Perseus had already said he was born as the result of a rape.

"My mother was raped by the Olympian God of War. But not by Mars, by Ares." Perseus spat with barely controlled rage. Even now he could barely speak of it without blowing up.

Zoe began tearing up. It was bad enough to rape a maiden. But for a Roman Goddess to be raped by a Greek God was the ultimate slap in the face. Zoe wanted to interrupt and ask questions but she saw how hard this was for Perseus so she just squeezed his hand tighter trying to give him comfort.

"As you know, my mother became pregnant. Being a maiden she could not tell anyone or ask for help. As a Roman she felt weak for not being strong enough to stop it. So instead she hid for the couple months of her pregnancy. When she was near the point of giving birth, she fled into the woods hoping to take care of it herself as well as hide me before anyone knew. She knew I'd be killed immediately if anyone knew I was half Greek and half Roman. An abomination they would call me. Well as she fled, she ran out of time. She did not know what to do with the birth of a god as she had never dealt with one. Eventually she had to stop from the intense pain. She thought it was hopeless and prayed for a miracle. My father appeared, brought her here to the void. He helped deliver me. Afterword he offered to raise me here as he knew I could not return to earth in case anyone discovered what I was. I was the first child of both Ares and my mother making me especially powerful. Chaos adopted me as his own, ridding me of any physical reminder of that bastard Ares, in other words my eyes. I was born with red eyes, almost exactly like his. When my father adopted me, I assumed an eye color more similar to his."

Perseus stopped to catch his breath, tears flowing down his cheeks. Zoe quickly caught him in a hug, her own tears falling down her face. After a minute, Perseus steeled himself enough to continue.

"After ten years of being raised here, my father called me into his throne room. He said it was time for me to get my domains. When I asked what they were, the fates appeared and declared me the Primordial God of Hunting, Battle, Darkness, and Time."

Zoe gasped for what had to be the tenth time. "That's why you bled silver ichor. Y..Yo..You're a Primordial God." She stuttered absolutely shocked.

"Yes I am. But I am a Primordial God in love with a huntress of Artemis." He told her in a dead serious tone. He did not like seeing her nervous about the fact he was a Primordial God.

At those words Zoe regained her composure and gave him and absolutely heart melting smile. When she heard he was a Primordial God she had gotten somewhat nervous but then she remembered that it did not matter. He loved her and she loved him and that's what did matter.

She reached up and gave him deep and passionate kiss.

No matter how many times they did that it still put butterflies in both their stomachs.

When they broke the kiss Perseus sat back down and pulled her onto his lap. She smiled. It was nice to not have to hide their love for once in two thousand years.

Zoe still had one question she needed answered.

"And Thalia is your champion why?" She asked with her eyebrows raised. She wasn't concerned anymore. She was just genuinely curious.

"Well that is actually an interesting story. My father and I have known about the "Great Prophecy" since it was issued almost a century ago. We have watched half-bloods of the big three closely, waiting for one that had what it took to fulfill the prophecy in favor of the Olympians. Most are arrogant and overestimate their own abilities which usually lead them to their deaths. Or in the case of Hades and Zeus, they kill each other's children in their never-ending feud. Poseidon on the other hand just hasn't had any. He is the only one to keep his oath they made on the River Styx. In fact, he hasn't had a demigod in the past 5 centuries. It's too bad too; his children are usually far less egotistical and survive better by knowing the limits of their abilities.

But anyways, I was watching Thalia on her journey to Camp Half-Blood when she and her three companions were cornered by the three furies and a small army of monsters, she sent her friends across the border while she alone fought off the army of monsters sent by Hades so they could survive. She fought incredibly bravely, killing over a dozen and one of the furies before a Cyclops snuck up behind her and knocked her into an Empousa's dagger. She was fatally wounded but before Alecto could finish her Zeus finally got off his lazy ass and tried to turn her into a tree so she would stay out of Hades realm. Before the bolt hit her, I froze time at Camp Half-Blood and on Olympus so I could heal her. After explaining everything about the prophecy I gave her two options; go through incredible hardships to fulfill the prophecy or let her father turn her into a tree. She chose the prophecy so I made her my champion and I am aiding her until she fulfills the prophecy." Perseus said out of breath.

Zoe just stared at him for a minute before smiling at him sadly, "I'm sorry for not trusting you. I should have talked to you before getting angry.." Perseus cut her off,"Stop. I love you Zoe. I love you exactly the way you are. I'm glad you hit me actually. I've hidden all this stuff from you for too long and you had every right to get angry."

Zoe smiled before her face turned into a frown, "Well I still owe Thalia an apology at least."

Perseus looked confused, "Why?"

Zoe looked down ashamed, "Well when I saw the pendant, she also saw mine and when she came to ask me about it, I may have slapped her, then froze her in time until I got to Zeus' fist to talk to you."

Perseus stared at her for a minute and Zoe thought he was angry but suddenly he grinned and laughed, "Oh I bet she is pissed. She's a feisty girl too. That's one of the things I like about her. She doesn't take crap from anybody. I bet she's planning on trying to kick your ass next time she sees you. But don't worry, I'll wipe her memory and make it seem like you just ran off before she could catch up. Oh and you can talk to her about me if you are in private, but she doesn't know I'm a Primordial God. She just knows I'm an unknown god, so don't mention that."

Zoe looked surprised, "She doesn't know?"

Perseus looked at her incredulously, "Did you know before today? I told you about 1500 years ago that you would be the first I told. I keep my promises, especially to you."

That comment made her very happy. She liked that she was his first priority and he would keep his word.

"So, want to meet my parents? Well my father, since you and my mother already know each other but I believe she is here as well."

Zoe was a little nervous. It's not every day you meet the creator of the universe. So she just nodded nervously.

Perseus grabbed her hand, "Don't worry, he is actually a really easy going guy, and surprisingly easy to talk to."

Zoe just laughed; she should expect that from the man the raised Perseus. He acts like an everyday guy, not what you expect from the Primordial God of Time.

The happy couple exited the balcony, hands locked as they strolled through Chaos' palace toward the throne room. Chaos' workers and advisors all seemed shocked to see the Prince of the Void strolling through the halls with a beautiful girl. Never once had he brought someone home other than his own mother. The workers kept their mouths shut so as to make sure they didn't anger Perseus or Lord Chaos.

Eventually the couple reached the throne room doors. Perseus could sense the nervous tension rolling off Zoe in waves so he turned to her and said, "Please Zoe, just relax. There is nothing to worry about. He is not like the Olympians who try to make everyone in their presence bow to them, well at least most of them do. In fact don't bow to him, it weirds him out. Just relax and act like you're talking to an old friend."

Zoe looked at Perseus incredulously before taking a deep breath and nodding her head.

Perseus pushed open pitch black doors of the throne room and walked in hand-in-hand with Zoe. When they looked at they saw Chaos and Lupa having a casual conversation near Chaos' throne. Perseus cleared his throat and causing both of them to look up at the couple. Both grinned widely as they saw them walking in hand-in-hand.

Zoe looked at Lupa and saw her large canine teeth protruding slightly past her lips. She mentally face-palmed. She always wondered why Lupa seemed so familiar, even when they met for the first time. She had the exact same smile as Perseus. Right down to the overly large canine teeth. She had always wondered why his teeth were like that but never asked because it could have been a sore subject. Well that and she didn't really care, she actually liked them, she thought they made him look sexier, especially when he smiled.

Lupa walked over to the couple first, grabbing her son in a tight embrace, "Percy, I've missed you!" she exclaimed.

"Hello mother, I've missed you too." He replied smiling. His smiled turned into a smirk, "I believe you know my friend here Zoe Nightshade."

Lupa laughed at her son, "Hello Zoe, it is nice to see you again."

"Lady Lupa." Zoe replied, bowing her head to the wolf goddess.

Lupa laughed again, "Zoe, I don't think you need to bow to me or call me lady. It appears you're dating my son," she said with a smile, "I think you should just call me Lupa."

Zoe blushed a deep crimson color when she said dating her son.

"Arghh mother! Stop embarrassing me and her!" Perseus cried indignantly.

Lupa and Chaos both laughed heartily and Perseus' embarrassment. "What, I'm your mother. I won't be having your girlfriend bowing and or addressing me like a stranger." Lupa said as her laughing died down.

Deciding to avoid further embarrassment from his mother, Perseus turned to his father, "Father, this is Zoe. Zoe this is my father Chaos, creator of the universe and all that blah blah blah."

Chaos started cracking up at Perseus' introduction.

Zoe's eyes widened. She knew Perseus said he was laid back but she was not expecting this.

"Lord Chaos." Zoe said respectively.

"No lord. Just Chaos my dear. After everything you've done for Perseus, there is no need for formalities." Chaos said with a smile.

Zoe looked confused. "What do you mean? Perseus saved my life twice. I haven't done anything for him."

"That may be, but Perseus has lived here for over two millennia. His only escape has been to visits to earth to see his mother and you. I think if he hadn't met you outside the Garden of the Hesperides after that whole Heracles debacle he would have blasted half my city away out of sheer boredom. So, on behalf of myself and the citizens that live here, thank you." Chaos said laughing.

Zoe looked over at Perseus who just nodded his head smiling, confirming that his father was probably correct.

Zoe just remembered that she had her quest the next morning, she had no idea how long she had been here. It had been at least a few hours and they had left rather late.

"Percy, what time is it? I have a quest to save Lady Artemis in the morning, I cannot miss it, she's been captured by the Titan's forces." Zoe asked anxiously. Zoe was confused, since getting his blessing she always knew exactly what time it was but for some reason she could not feel the time.

"WHAT!" Lupa exclaimed. She was horrified that her friend had been captured by Titans.

"Yes La.. I mean Lupa. We must leave at first light on the quest. We do not know how but she has been captured and it appears my father has broken out of his punishment and Artemis is being held on Mount Othrys."

"Don't worry Zoe. It is currently four minutes since we left earth." Perseus said smiling.

"What? We've been here for hours." Zoe said disbelievingly.

"Ah yes, but time works quite differently in the void. But I suppose you are right, I should bring you back so you can rest. I would rather avoid my mother's wrath if I kept you out all night and screwed up your mistress' rescue." Perseus said.

Lupa nodded her said in agreement to both the suggestion of going back as well as the wrath Perseus would face if something happened to her friend.

Perseus walked up and hugged both his mother and father before leading Zoe outside the throne room.

Once outside he grabbed Zoe's hips and brought her closer to him before he leaned down and gave her a soft and loving kiss.

"Please be careful on your quest, I know it must be difficult heading back to your first home."

Zoe's stomach tied into a very painful knot. She had been so caught up in Perseus' story and the trip to the void, she totally forgot about the prophecy. As well as her apparent destined demise. She wanted to tell Perseus, but she just couldn't do it. She couldn't put this on him, he would refuse to let her go and then her mistress would be lost. So she ignored the anxiety and guilt in her stomach and put on her best smile, "I will my love, I promise."

Perseus snapped his fingers and a vortex appeared, "This will drop you off at the spot we left from. Know that I will be watching you to make sure you're ok. But if you need help, don't hesitate to ask."

Zoe nodded her head and reached to grab her pendant. It wasn't there. Then she remembered she broke the necklace and threw it at Perseus.

She looked up to see Perseus holding said necklace in his hand dangling it in front of her face.

She smiled and grabbed it from him. He stood behind her and lifted her hair for her as she put it back on her neck, where it had been for the last two thousand years.

Before she could turn around, Perseus said, "Grab the pendant and pull."

Zoe did and a beautiful hunting knife appeared in her hand. It was black and silver with some type of jewels imbedded in the hilt. "The blade is made of celestial bronze, imperial gold, an adamantium and titanium alloy, and chaos metal, which is a metal created from my father's very essence. It is completely indestructible. It was the first weapon my father ever gave me, it kept me safe for many years; it will do the same for you."

Zoe's jaw dropped, but before could get a word out, Perseus put a finger under her chin, pushed her mouth closed, and pressed his lips to hers. When he stepped back, he smiled at her "Go and rest love, find your mistress as fast as you can so I can see you afterwards."

Zoe put on a fake smile and nodded her head, not trusting her voice, before walking through the vortex of dark energy, an agonizing pain in the pit of her stomach was telling her that this was most likely the last time she would see the love of her life again.

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