Part 13: Safe

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Ever wonder how everything could turn downhill in a single moment? A moment when you're ripped away from your cold and devious parents arms and taken to a local orphanage. Well, I could give you a detailed story on such a thing...since I was taken away from my family's hands due to the abuse that "parents" have given me. At first, it wasn't so bad, but then it had gotten to the point where I was getting blamed for everything. They even started to mock me even if something life threatening was almost like I was a laughing stock to them all. 

Shaking my head, I quickly shook the memories of them out of my head. I should be focusing on my future not my past with new parents and maybe a new sibling or two who would treat me like one of them compared to what my ex brother, Chris did to me. This was my chance to actually have a future instead of being my family's scapegoat or stress relief. 

"Sigh...I wonder what my new life would be without them in my life." I said to myself. After I said that, I started to read a nearby book that would distract my thoughts from thinking about my past. I just had to wait to see what life would throw at me...unaware that my life would change in more ways in one in a matter of days.


As a scientist, I often think of myself of someone with maturity and able to do no wrong. However, these last couple of days gave me time to reflect. Should I really be mature for my age? I mean...I'm just four and I don't have friends. Friends. Something that I used to think were a waste of time. However, how would I get through life without them? They could comfort and help me through problems. 

Almost like a family, but I don't have any except for Darcy and David. Maybe...I should ask for help with my anti social personality and learning numerous safety procedures that are desperately needed. Besides I can't help myself from imagining something happening to the rest of my family who loved me and respected me. I was cut off from these thoughts when my mother walked in.

"Lisa? Is everything alright?" Mom asked.

"To be honest, No." I said.

"What's wrong honey?" Mom stated.

"Well...after some reflection I realized that I wanted to gain some friends and have some safety measures to help control my experiments." I asked.

"What brought this on? You were never interested in friends before." Mom commented.

"After Lincoln's incident with our older sister, I realized my own personal flaws. I'm four years old and only have two friends. I also do dangerous experiments that often blow up in my face or require dangerous chemicals...I can't possibly continue that inside the house." I stated as my mother looked at me with a surprised expression on her face.

"A..Are you sure?" Mom asked.

"Yes. I need to make some changes. I can't keep doing this to myself when my family is in close proximity." I said as my mother started to hug me.

"If that's what you want then I suppose we can start by doing baby steps. We can't just rush into things." Mom said.

"That's a start. Hopefully this pays off." I stated.

"I know it will." Mom said. As I stayed in her embrace, I felt a sense of happiness. I will possibly be able to have friends. 

??? ????

I was looking outside the window as familiar scenery hit me. It has been a long time since I was back here...well, before the incident. Don't get me wrong...that girl deserved what I gave her, but it seems like those officials had some different input than I originally thought.

"We are approaching our destination. Don't cause trouble or you'll be sent somewhere harsher than the prison that you were sent to." An officer said.

"Of course. I wouldn't dream of causing more trouble..." I said with a sarcastic tone. The officer just huffed and kept his eyes on me which I didn't mind. I was heading home and once I get there...

It would be time to pick on some fresh meat. 

Hope you enjoy the chapter...Bye 👋

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