Part 7: Start of Changes 1

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Instead of doing a large chapter of the girls changing...I decided to do this in parts. For example...This chapter focuses on Lynn and Lucy while the rest will handle the others sans Lily. 


As we were heading home, I was struck by the sudden realization that we never told Dad about what happened. I knew that my father wouldn't be happy with Lori and would probably want to visit Lincoln as soon as possible. 

"Lynn, What are we going to tell Pop Pop?" I asked my husband who slowly started to realize that we forgotten to tell him what happened. 

"Well...we can tell him the truth about this entire situation. Which will probably be better told if we invite him and Myrtle over for dinner." Lynn said.

"Great idea. It'll give us plenty of time to start improving our parenting skills." I said.

"Yep. I don't want to keep being the spineless coward who can't say no to his kids and hides in his room. I want to become a man who my son will look up to and could be relied upon for his problems." Lynn said. I quickly nodded my head to that statement. We have failed Lincoln so many times and instead of being proper parents towards him...we constantly took the girls side and never listened to him. Not to mention that we tried to push him to do things without speaking to him first.

"Clyde, Do you want us to drop you off at home?" I asked.

"I would be lying if I said No. My Dads are sure to be worried especially when they hear that an ambulance was in the neighborhood today." Clyde said. We quickly dropped him off then headed home. It was too late to cook something so we were eating some leftovers. 

"So who do you want to tackle first?" I asked my husband.

"Let's start with Lucy. We did mess up pretty badly when we let her bangs grow out." Lynn said.

"Then we could try to tackle Lynn as well. She needs some talking to about her behavior and her good luck rituals on the field. Not to mention...That rule that she has." I said with some disgust. My daughter loves sports and has somehow started to think that luck helps her play. I feel that if we don't tackle this now then she could do something that we'll all regret down the line.

"Good point. You handle Lucy while I handle Lynn." My husband said as we nodded and quickly started to round up our assigned girls. We'll handle the others later, but for now...we need to handle Lynn and Lucy.


I was going to head over to my room when Mom called for me. I couldn't say that I thought that I was going to get in trouble since I didn't do anything to stop Lori from injuring my brother.

"You called Mom?" I asked with some nervousness. 

"Yes. Listen, your father and I said that we'll start making some changes after the incident. So starting today things are going to be different around here starting with your hair." She said.

"What's wrong with my hair?" I asked.

"Lucy, you know that your father and I love you very much. However...instead of loving every part of you, your father and I let your bangs grow out hiding your beautiful eyes." Mom said.

"But you said..." I started.

"I know what I said, but I was wrong. This incident taught me that I still have a lot to learn about parenting and I'm going to do better. Which begins with me allowing your eyes to be shown to the world." Mom said. I was about to speak up, but Mom slowly waved for me to sit down and allow her to cut my hair. The next couple of minutes were the most uncomfortable of my life mainly because I would finally see without hair over my eyes. 

"Wow." I said as I could see more clearer than ever. I knew that this would be the beginning of change of my life, but I would gladly welcome it if it means that my brother would live without any more trouble in his home life.

Lynn Junior

I was bouncing my ball against my wall when Dad came in. I quickly turned my attention to him since he must want to talk about something important.

"Dad? What brings you here?" I asked.

"I've come to talk to you about some things." He said.

"Okay..." I said with a curious eyebrow raised. I knew that changes would be coming, but I had expected them to at least call a meeting to talk to all of us together. Guess they figured that tackling us one by one would be simplest solution.

"Lynn, you need to stop thinking that winning is the most important thing in sports." Dad said which made me shocked.

"But it is? Isn't it?" I asked.

"No. The time spent with your team and family should be more important." Dad said.

"But what happens if I lose?" I asked.

"Then you lose...big deal. Lynn, sports are about having fun..and showing good sportsmanship. Which is something that your mother and I forgot to tell you when you started to do those dances that mock the opposing team." Dad said which shocked me. I was about to reply when he interrupted me. 

"Not to mention that you should stop trying to win at everything and think that Luck belongs in sports." Dad said.

"Luck does belong in sports." I stated.

"No. Luck has no place in sports and every athlete that you will meet in your life time will tell you that. I don't know what brought that thought into your head, but I have to stop that right now because you've been making your teammates sick by using those good luck rituals." Dad said.

"They help us win. I know they do..." I said.

"Then what happens if you lose. Will you blame one of your family members for it or a random person? Will you hunt them down and make their life miserable to prove a point? Lynn...we need to stop this behavior before you do something to land yourself in jail or do something that could cost you everything like making us throw one of your siblings outside if you lose while you were there." Dad said.

"I would never do that..." I said.

"Will you? We know how much you like to win and how angry you get when you lose..but can you honestly say that you wouldn't use force to get one of your siblings to attend your games or blame them for the game went." Dad said which opened my eyes. I remembered every instance where I forced my siblings to help me practice and my treatment of Lincoln. Oh god...what have I been doing?

"I..I had no idea how terrible I became after getting the trophies in the trophy case." I admitted.

"We all didn't know how we acted before this incident occurred. However, we can still make things right if we change ourselves little by little to at least become a family that Lincoln can depend on when things get rough." Dad said.

"Thanks Dad. I'll try to change...." I said. At that moment, I promised myself that I will become a better sister towards my brother. Unaware that my bond with my siblings will be strengthened as time went on.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋 

PS: I don't own the picture.

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