Sorry (Parte 2).

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POV. Magnus.

- Tu sabes donde esta Alec, ¿no es así?- le pregunte a Anna, que estaba ayudandome a tirar las cosas que Imasu había dejado.

- Ese Idiota no va a volver a molestarte!- dijo refiriéndose a Alec.

- Que fue lo que le hisite?- le pregunte.

- Tengo una ligera idea de donde esta Alec.- contesto.

- Donde?- pregunte, con tanto interés, que ella solo sonrió.

POV. Alec.

El cielo comenzó a ponerse violeta y azul oscuro, pero con el mismo naranja intenso, casi rojo.

Alguien venia, pero no me importo. Seguía perdido en los colores del cielo.

Sabia que no era Anna, si fuera ella, se escucharían los tacones, enterrandose en la tierra.

- Es hermoso ¿no?- dijo. El naranja del cielo, hacia a su piel caramelo, verse mas brillante y clara.

- Viniste solo, o tu amante te trajo!- no había enojo o reproche en mi voz.

POV. Magnus.

Tome mi celular y busque una canción, para dedicarcela, de una manera casual.

Halsey- Sorry.

I've missed your calls for months it seems
Don't realize how mean I can be
'Cause I can sometimes treat the people
That I love like jewelry
'Cause I can change my mind each day
I didn't mean to try you on
But I still know your birthday
And your mother's favorite song

So I'm sorry to my unknown lover
Sorry that I can't believe that anybody ever really
Starts to fall in love with me
Sorry to my unknown lover
Sorry I could be so blind
Didn't mean to leave you
And all of the things that we had behind

I run away when things are good
And never really understood
The way you laid your eyes on me
In ways that no one ever could
And so it seems I broke your heart
My ignorance has struck again
I failed to see it from the start
And tore you open 'til the end

And I'm sorry to my unknown lover
Sorry that I can't believe that anybody ever really
Starts to fall in love with me
Sorry to my unknown lover
Sorry I could be so blind
Didn't mean to leave you
And all of the things that we had behind

And someone will love you
Someone will love you
Someone will love you
But someone isn't me
Someone will love you
Someone will love you
Someone will love you
But someone isn't me

Sorry to my unknown lover
Sorry that I can't believe that anybody ever really
Starts to fall in love with me
Sorry to my unknown lover
Sorry I could be so blind
Didn't mean to leave you
And all of the things that we had behind

And someone will love you
Someone will love you
Someone will love you
But someone isn't me
And someone will love you
Someone will love you
Someone will love you
But someone isn't me

POV. Alec.

- Solo quiero estar solo. Quiero que te vayas y me dejes. ¿Por favor puedes hacer eso?- le dije. Mi voz se escuchaba rota.

Suspiro, se levanto sigilosamente y comenzó a caminar.

- Lo siento, no hay ni un minuto que no me arrepienta de lo que te hice! Esperó, que algún día, me piedad perdonar.- siguió caminando.

Me tape la cara con las manos, las lágrimas salían, silenciosamente.

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