- Goodbye-Hello -

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The yellow liquid sat cooly in the glass before her, condensation beading the outside. Samantha twirled the straw in the lemonade while staring at her phone. The sound of the door opening had her lifting her head once again for the millionth time the pass fifteen minutes. Still she sat in the lobby by a small table waiting.

He should have been here by now. The happy, chattering crowds had long since flowed into the theatre and the lobby area was now deserted and quiet except for the few workers lingering around. Fifteen minutes had already gone out of the movie.

Doubt suddenly shoots through her like a piercing arrow destroying resistance. Doubt that her boyfriend would still show up. Doubt that her relationship wasn't falling apart. Doubt if it was all still worth it.

This was the third night in one week that Samantha found herself being stood up by her boyfriend of four years.

"Sorry babe my classes ran late."

"Sorry babe I picked up an extra shift at work and it was too busy for me to call and cancel our plans."

Those had been the flimsy excuses he gave her but she accepted them telling herself not to create a mountain out of a molehill.

Her phone beeped and she reached for it with a sinking heart knowing it was him. She swiped across the screen and read the text.

"Can't make it, have fun though..."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, he hadn't even bother with an apology this time. She hit the call button and listened to the phone ring twice before going right to voicemail. Angry tears pricked her eyes as she stood up and gathered her things so she could leave.

A couple from the ticket line ordering tickets for the same movie she was suppose to see caught her attention.

"Here." she said handing them the two tickets. They looked at her with raised eyebrows then looked down at the tickets she was offering.

"You guys can have them, I won't be needing them anymore." her voice cracked and the girl sent her a sympathetic smile then said thank you as she took the tickets.

Samantha headed for the parking lot and climbed into her car. Her eyes immediately drip with tears. Her walls, the walls that holds her up, make her strong just... collapse. Moment by moment, they fall. Salty drops fall from her chin, drenching her shirt. Perhaps these tears will help wash the hurt she was finally allowing herself to feel.

She's trembling. She can't-can't stop. Even as she tried to put the key in the ignition her hand shakes, it trembles. It's raw, everything, raw tears, raw emotions. She just can't stop... She can't stop. Why can I not stop crying?

Her soft crying was accompanied by the music flowing from the radio. All she wanted to do was get home, climb in bed and fall asleep to forget the pain.

The minute she closed the door behind her and her head hit the pillow she buried herself beneath the covers and bawled hours into the night until sleep claimed her.

For two whole days Samantha willed herself not to contact him or answer any of his calls, not that there were many calls to avoid anyway. Two days and only four calls in total. Yeah that showed how much he cares about me.

If there was anything she was learning at all it was that he was not the same guy she fell in love with. No, that guy had been such a sweetheart it was impossible to not say yes when he had first asked her out. Her mind drifted to that day and she was unaware of the smile that was on her face. Someone else noticed though, it was true what they said. Always find a reason to smile, you never know who is falling in love with it.

It had been summer and the smell of barbeque and the sound of laughter filled the air. Samantha sat on a picnic blanket with her friends having a animated discussion about a book they had all red. Surviving Colorado had quickly become one of their favorite reads to the point they couldn't stop talking about it. Her friends wanted Miranda to be killed off in book two because she stole her best friend's boyfriend while she thought the girl deserved a chance after she had made everything right for everyone again. Really the argument was never ending but fun nonetheless.

A frisby landed in front of her splattering her with soda and cake. She gasped in outrage while trying the bite back laughter at her friend Valery threatening to kill whoever threw it. Samantha picked up the offending piece of plastic then glanced around for the owner. Her eyes landed on the most guilty faced she could find and zeroed in.

"I have to take credit for this." he said walking over to her.

"I think you mean blame?" she replied

"I'm so sorry about this." he said with pleading eyes.

"Yeah me too, I love this shirt." she said looking at the sauce stains splattered on her top.

"Let me make it up to you. I'll buy you a new shirt... after we grab some dinner, does tomorrow at eight work for you?"

"Are you seriously asking me out right now?" she asked with a laugh.

"That depends on if your answer is yes."

She studied him for a minute then smiled from ear to ear.

"Yes." she replied

"Good then I'm asking you out."

She made room for him on the blanket and watched as her friends got up.

"Sorry I'm not reacting to this news with appropriate excitement. I'm just really hungry and in need of coffee." Valery announced. "Oh and if you hurt her just know I read a lot of mafia books, I know how to kill a man with a nail gun and dispose of his body with no trail. Not really but it sounded cool when I read it."

Samantha laughed at his expression and properly introduced herself. By the end of the day he was telling her if he didn't mess this up he would definitely be marrying her. They had so much in common.

Now almost four years later and instead of happiness all she felt was hurt. The smile fell from her face as she sighed. She turned when she felt someone watching her. It was a guy sitting two tables over from her in the coffee shop. The way he was studying her made her heart jolt, that and the fact he was insanely gorgeous. Just as he looked away from her, her phone started ringing. It was her boyfriend, she thought about not answering but her stupid heart was missing him. She answered and made plans to hang out that evening. By the time she looked up again the gorgeous stranger was gone. She left shortly after and fell asleep that night waiting for a boyfriend who's favorite hobby was apparently to stand her up.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. I got tied up at work."

Samantha rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked over at the clock, it was ten thirty at night. She wondered why he hadn't just stood her up like before. She opened the door wider and invited him in.

"I didn't expect you tonight." she said pulling her rob tighter around her. For some reason she wasn't comfortable feeling exposed around him.

"I did say I'd be here." he replied taking a seat on her couch.

She looked down at his feet on her coffee table and frowned. "Yeah well excuse me for thinking tonight would be any different from the other nights you've been standing me up."

"Look I was busy OK? Excuse me for having a life." he snapped then reached for his phone that beeped with a message.

"I thought I was a part of your life." she replied folding her hands while she watched him twiddle with his phone while smiling at what he was reading. Something hit her, that smile was once hers. It used to be reserved just for her.

"Are you cheating on me?" she asked him suddenly.

Samantha watched him tense up then relaxed before looking up at her. "Seriously? You need to chill. It's like I can't take time for myself without you blowing a fuse."

"It's been two months since we've been on a date. We barely talk on the phone. The few times I do see you you're occupied with your phone!" she complained.

He sent one more text then set his phone aside. "Happy now."

No. She really wasn't.

"I'm tired babe can we just cuddle and go sleep?"

No, tell him no! Kick him out! Her mind was screaming at her.

But she went with her heart "Yeah sure. Turn the lights off and come to bed."

She got under the covers and a few minutes later she felt the bed dip with his weight as he lay beside her. He reached for her and she went willingly. Soon his breathing evened out and she lay there feeling oddly uncomfortable wrapped in his arms. The sound of his phone vibrating drew her attention to his jeans he had discarded on the floor. Once she knew he wouldn't wake up she crept out of bed and found his phone in his pocket. On the screen was a text that read "I miss you too baby but I'll be back tomorrow before you know it."

Samantha covered her mouth and swallowed her sob. Her gut had been right all along, he was cheating on her. Why would he do this? How long had it been going on? Did she do something or not do something?

Soon all she felt was anger. How could he be so selfish? So the only reason he was here was because his side piece was out of town? What kind of woman got with a man who is taken? Does she even know he's taken?

She walked back to her couch with a blanket and laid down. The last thing she wanted was to be anywhere near him. She needed to figured out what to do about this. Should she stay or should she go?

Two cups of coffee the next day in her favorite coffee shop and she still couldn't decide what to do. By the time she had woken up this morning he was gone leaving a note saying he had to get to work early. She doubted it but she had just crumpled the note and went back to sleep.

A familiar feeling crept up her neck and she glanced over to find the same guy from the day before staring at her. Seriously if he wasn't so good looking it would be really creepy having him stare so much. Then he smiled and her eyes widened. She quickly placed her coffee back on the table on sucked on her finger where the heat had scorched her. The man's features had moved from gorgeous to a work of art with just one smile. Seriously with looks like his he should come with a caution sign "don't handle hot liquid when looking at this masterpiece."

As though he could read her mind he smirked at her but what surprised her was the almost disappointed look in his eyes.

"Well up yours jerkwad. Not everyone comes with such perfect genetics." she grumbled

She glanced up when she heard a chuckle and found him smiling at her. She flushed wondering if she had spoken loud enough for him to hear.

Feeling exposed and embarrassed she left the coffee shop and headed back to work. That night when she went to sleep instead of her boyfriend she dreamt about the handsome stranger from the coffee shop.

By noon the next day she practically raced to the coffee shop. From her space in the line she watched the guy sitting at his table reading on his e-reader. He glanced up with a smirked that told her he knew she was watching him. She quickly glanced away and fumbled through her order then sat at her usual table. She sneaked a peek at him and found him smiling at her. She was about to look away when he raised his hands and waved hi. Startled she looked away again then feeling bad she turned and sent him a smile which he returned.

Her heart leaped when he gathered his own coffee and walked towards her. When he got to her table he glanced at the empty chair then back at her as though asking to sit down. She waved her hand and invited him to sit. He pulled out a writing pad and she watched him write something down before turning it to face her.

"Hi, my name is Noah, it's a pleasure to meet you."

She quickly looked up at him and said "Nice to meet you, my name is Samantha."

The whole time his eyes were on her lips she felt flushed and licked her lips a few times. He must have realized she was uneasy because the next thing he wrote said.

"I have to read your lips. I can't hear you, I'm deaf."

That surprised her, looking at her one couldn't tell. He looked so perfect on the outside one wouldn't know he was lacking in any if the senses. That's why it's never OK to judge a book by its cover she realized.

"That's alright." she signed to him a watched his face light up.

"You can sign!" he signed back to her.

"Yes, myself and some of my family members took a sign language course when my little cousin was born deaf."

"That's so sweet of you." he said beaming at her.

Really being on the receiving end of his attention was almost too much for a girl. The guy was just so sweet. She felt her guard going up.

"What's the matter?" he signed.


"I'm deaf not blind."

"I'm sorry it's not you it's me."

"Wow you're breaking up with me before we've even started out as friends?"

His teasing grin relaxed her. She found herself telling him about her boyfriend. He was a good listener, no pun intended. By the time they both were leaving the coffee shop she learned that Noah is a Architech and he lost his hearing when he was seventeen because of a virus he picked up at a summer camp. After listening to her own rant about her failing love life he passed no judgement and found a way to take her mind off her own problems.

Everyday for two weeks they met at the coffee shop and laughed and talked. Sometimes too they would sit in comfortable silence while he worked on a project and she read. One afternoon he invited her to a concert and she kept her face blank not wanting to offend him but not sure how to ask him why he would want to go to a music concert.

He laughed at her expression and told her he remembered her saying she likes Fantasia and she would be having a charity concert to raise money for hearing impaired children. He wanted her to go so she could enjoy the music and relax. He said seeing her relax would make him feel good knowing he had helped in some way. He had also flushed when he said that and went back to the design of a house he was working on.

She wanted to say yes but the concert fell on the day of her four year anniversary and her boyfriend had text saying he would meet her at the park for their yearly picnic.

Yet here she sat on a picnic blanket on the night of her anniversary staring at a picture on her phone of her boyfriend and his new girlfriend. Hands in hands standing in line smiling at each other outside of the Fantasia concert. The anger that she expected didn't come, instead she got up and packed up the contents of the basket and walked back to her car. Noah had said if she changed her mind she should come to the gate and give her name and someone would show her in.

When the guard found her name on the list he sent her a smile.

"Mr. Alexander is expecting you. Go through this door and go down the hall. Go through the first door that says VIP."

Samantha thanked him and slipped the VIP badge around her neck. She was both nervous and excited. The guard had referred to Noah with so much respect she wondered just how much of himself he hadn't told her about. And VIP? Yes she knew architecture paid a lot but still. She paused outside the door and found herself frozen. Then it swung open and the buzzing of conversation inside hit her ears. She found Noah's eyes without having to search and when he smiled at her, Her heart fluttered. She immediately wanted to bolt and run. Samantha watched him sign to the man he was talking to telling him he would be back.

"Hi." he greeted her with a smile.

"Hello." she replied even forgetting to sign because of her nervousness.

"You're here." he continued.

She shrugged "He stood me up."

"I'm sorry." he shook his headed then signed. "Actually I'm not. It's his loss. I'll make it up to you."

"You already have." she signed then blushed and looked away.

"Come on I have some people to introduce you to."

The people turned out to be Fantasia and some other performing artists. Samantha was on cloud nine. She was sure she was floating above that cloud when Fantasia dedicated her favorite song to The chairman of the hearing impaired hospital for underprivileged children Noah Alexander and his very good friend, Samantha.

She swayed and danced along on stage with Noah who told her he could feel the music through the vibrations of the speakers. She couldn't help the smile on her face when he kissed her cheek and said, sometimes you have to lose to win.

She threw her hands around him and laughed, when she saw their picture on the giant screen she hid her face in his chest and felt his chest rumble with his laughter.

Out in the large crowd was a guy she said goodbye to at the park by sending the picture her friend had sent her along with a message saying she wished him nothing but the best. It was too soon to say her and Noah would be anything more than friends but right now she felt like a winner for having let go, the future was looking bright.

The end

(soundtrack for this one shot story can be found above. Listen before or after you've read it's totally up to you. If you like this story click The Star and give it a vote. Thank you for reading!)

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