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The alpha slammed into the ground as an older woman shoved him out of the door. His belongings came tumbling after.

He slowly sat up and turned around to stare at the older woman.

"Don't even think of coming back here, George McGee! Otherwise, I'll fucking kill you!" She hissed before slamming the door to the small condo shut.

"Go fuck yourself, woman. Since no man will want your stinky ass pussy." George mumbled as he stood up as he dusted himself off then grabbed his things.

"Hope you know I pissed in all of your fucking plants!" George screamed towards the house before stomping off.

"Fucking bitch. Asshole. It's not my fault you can't get dick."

He huffed as he dragged his bag along his side while his backpack hung off his shoulder.

Where was he supposed to stay? Who could he stay with? He had no money.

He was homeless now.

He gripped at his curly hair as he thought about where he could stay for at least a night.

He pushed his curls out of his eyes before reaching into his pocket to pull out his phone.

"Are you fucking serious?" George hissed as he shoved his phone in his pocket.

Dead. Of course.

He truly thought he found a place to stay for at least a month but instead he only got a few weeks. Which isn’t his fault of course.

He was sluggishly making his way towards the main road when he heard loud screaming then the sound of something, or maybe someone, being hit. He planned to mind his own business but when something pulled on his leg he knew he was fucked.

He turned his head and saw someone grabbing his leg looking up at him.

“Please! Help me!” He screamed as he pulled on George’s pants.

George kicked his leg to get the man to let go but all he did was grip on tighter as multiple footsteps were heard. His kicking grew more frantic but the man wasn’t letting go and George didn’t want to know who was following him or beating him.

“Grab him.” A deep voice called.

The man was dragged from George’s leg but he continued to grab on and dragged George along with him into the alleyway. George kicked the man off as he continued to get dragged away. George sat up and watched as the man was quickly killed. The man that ordered the attack approached George swiftly and pointed his knife at his neck.

“What did you see?”

George’s face contorted in disgust as he pushed the knife away from his face.

“Get that fucking knife out of my face. Whatever happened to hello? How are you? What’s your name?”

The green-eyed male moved back before clicking his tongue.

“Take him back to the company.”

“Yes, Death. Do we tell King?” Three men rushed towards George and grabbed him and his things.

“No, not yet. He’s been busy. Call Crown.” The man named Death explained with a small smirk.

“Death, Crown, King. What stupid fucking names. What is this? A secret party? A cult?” George sighed with a roll of his eyes.

“Shut him up.” Death sighed.

“That’s rude, ya know.” George snarled before everything went black.

George opened his eyes slowly as he looked around the room he was in. He slowly sat up and looked for his things which thankfully were right beside him.

"But Crown—" That voice sounded familiar, possibly Death from earlier.

Did he kidnap him?

"Nah nah nah, no. I don't wanna hear it. He should know. It's his job." Another male voice followed after.

George turned his head to see the man from before with another man.

Blonde hair, hazel eyes, and plump lips. He was wearing ripped blue jeans and a button down white shirt. The top two buttons were undone so you could see his tanned chest and the necklace that laid against his skin. He had a gloss on his lips and a dark shade of eyeshadow over his eyes. Rings littered his fingers but his left ring finger had a huge diamond ring on it, a golden band on top of it.

"But he's busy." Death sighed.

"I'm well aware of that. You dumbasses leave me with an exhausted husband every day." The blonde man sighed.

He turned around and made eye contact with George. George maintained eye contact with him as he continued to stare.

"You see it too, right?" Death whispered.

"It's kinda freaky." The blonde whispered back.

"Are you going to explain yourselves or are you going to keep staring at me?"

The blonde bit his lip with his hands resting on his hips.

"It's honestly terrifying. Exactly like her." The blonde mumbled.

"What's your name?" The hazel eyes man walked towards George and sat down on the table in front of him.

"What's yours?" George challenged.

"You—" Death walked forward but stopped when he heard the blonde chuckle.

"You remind me of someone. It's truly endearing."

"My name's Jimin. You?" Jimin smiled softly.

George eyed him before answering.

"George," George answered as he looked from Jimin to Death. "Where is this? Where am I?"

"Uhm, well." Jimin chuckled as he rubbed his hands on his thighs.

"As of right now you're in my office in my husband's work building."

George squinted.

"That guy killed someone. What kind of work are you married to?"

Jimin sighed as he leaned back. He rolled his neck back with a loud pop before taking his phone out.

"Gimme a second." Jimin typed something quickly on his phone.

He watched the screen for a few seconds before typing again then he turned his phone off.

"I'll put it plainly. My husband isn't available to explain this to you so I guess I have to do it. We're a mafia."

"Mafia?" George's eyes widened.

"Yup. You know what that is right?"

"Of course, I'm not stupid blondie."

Jimin snorted, then threw his left leg over his right.

"Then," he began, "you're in Black Doves' territory. I do hope you aren't a part of any opposing mafias. We'd have to kill you right here and now."

"No, I'm not in any fucking mafia."

"Good then." Jimin sat his phone down.

"What's up with the luggage?" Death nodded towards the bags.

"Uh, none of your business." George looked Death up and down.

"Alright, fine. Leave then. Leave and don't say shit about what you saw." Death snarled.

Jimin rolled his eyes as he stood up.

"Do you need a place to stay? Is that why you have all of your luggage?"

"Even if I did I wouldn't wanna stay with you weirdos."

Death stared at her in disbelief and Jimin just grinned harder.

"Would you like something to eat?" Jimin asked gently.

"No—" George was interrupted by his own stomach.

He held his stomach with wide eyes. Jimin chuckled as he stood up.

"I think a fresh meal would be better than ordering. Unless you want me to order?"

He hadn't had a fresh home cooked meal since he lived with his parents. The offer was tempting but at what cost?

"What's the catch?"

"Well, I can offer you a ride to my home and I can cook you something there. Then I can find a place to stay. Not with me though, no, my husband would throw a fit." Jimin tapped his cheek with a frown.

"Well then, where would I stay?"

"Who has free space?" Jimin spoke more to himself than to the two in the room.

"Ryan, you have an extra room right?"

"Crown?!" Ryan's head snapped towards the omega.

"With him?! Do you want me to die already?!" George stood up quickly.

"Well I mean, he's the only young adult with space. Sure I have plenty of rooms  but like I said, I'd have to take that up with the husband. My brother doesn't have space as his house is cluttered because of his baby girl. Our other mafia members have kids and just stuff everywhere. There really isn't anywhere else you can stay as of right now." Jinin explained as he began collecting his things and putting them in his coat pockets.

"Dude, this isn't gonna work out! This bitch doesn't like me."

"You remind me of someone I know and it's freaking me out."

"Oh yeah? Who?" George crossed his arms.

"Just… Somebody."

"Did they hurt you or something? Why are you acting like I'm troublesome?"

"No, they didn't hurt me. I cared about them a lot. So seeing someone that reminds me of them hurts, alright." Ryan walked towards the exit but was stopped by Jimin's voice.

"Death, it's this or nothing." Jimin fixed his coat and picked up his phone.

Ryan's shoulder's tensed then relaxed.

"Fine. I'm going home. Call me whenever he's done eating or whatever. I'll pick him up."

"Will you take his things then?" Jimin walked towards Ryan.

"Actually, no. I'll carry my own things. I don't trust him." George continued to death-stare the beta.

Ryan inhaled before leaving the room.

"Shall we go?" Jimin smiled at George as he stood at the front door.


"Nini!" A high pitched voice rang before loud tumbling was heard.

"Ow-ah!" The same voice groaned followed by loud laughter.

Jimin sighed as he walked towards the stairs to see Yuta walking down the stairs towards Prince who was sprawled out on the floor.

"Stupid." Yuta lightly kicked Prince's side with a smirk.

Prince slowly stood up, rubbing his side.

"Is dad with you?" Prince looked behind his omega father, grabbing his forearms only to see another alpha that looks nothing like this father.

"Who's that?" Prince frowned.

"Uhm, George. Ryan found him. He's going to be staying with Ryan."

George stared at Prince even after Jimin left.

"What kid?"

"Nothing." Prince mumbled as he looked around George, hoping his father would appear through the doors.

"Something's clearly wrong with you. Why are you around me like this?"

"You're just blocking the doorway." Prince scrunched his nose up.

"You—" George lifted his arm but Prince turned around and walked away.

"Still no Mr. Jeon?"

Prince shook his head as he and Yuta walked back upstairs.

"Rude motherfucker." George scowled before falling onto the couch.

Once the lunch Jimin had prepared was done, George ate quietly. Jimin didn't pry and just let him eat. Once George was near finished Jimin told Ryan to come by.

"Here." Jimin handed George a piece of paper as the alpha walked towards the door where Ryan was waiting for him.

"What's this?"

"My number. Ryan can be an ass sometimes but he's honestly a sweetheart. But if he gives you any issues, you can call me." Jimin made a phone shape and brought it towards his ear.

"Fuck off, Jimin."

Jimin chuckled before waving them off.

The car ride was silent and so was the entrance into Ryan's home as well as Ryan taking George to his extra room.

"What did this person do to you? Like how do I remind you of them to the point of you not saying jackshit?"

Ryan stopped walking and turned around.

"Not that it's any of your business but you remind me of my one and only friend when I first joined this mafia."

"Well, where are they now?"

Ryan squinted at George.

"What?" George stood straight from his once leaned against the door position.

"God, you look exactly like her." Ryan hissed to himself before rushing off to his room.

"Wha—?! These fuckers are all weird." George scrunched up his nose before throwing his hands up and going into his room.

A mafia huh?

"George McGee what have you gotten yourself into?"

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