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"Well, what do you think about him?"

"I think he's perfect for you," Jungkook grinned cheekily at the younger beta.

Ryan rolled his eyes.

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

Jungkook chuckled lightly.

"Yeah yeah, I know. He's definitely not cut out for this life nor does he seem excited about it. Unlike Sam. She was ecstatic to be living this life. I think you should let him go."

"Let him go? King, he has nowhere to go."

Jungkook quirked up an eyebrow as he looked up from his papers.

"I thought you didn't care about this kid? Why do you care?"

"I may find him annoying but I'm not heartless. Besides, Crown would kill me if he knew I just put George on the streets."

Jungkook nodded with a small grin.

"That's true."

"So? Do you think he could join?"

"He… could work for the company? But not the mafia. I can't see him working for the mafia. I don't know him, to trust him, to allow him in the mafia."

Ryan sighed.

"Of course."

"If that'll be it—"

"How's the family?"

Jungkook paused then looked up.


"Your husband, kid, parents, siblings and niece. Though in-laws, I know you consider them blood."

Jungkook slowly set his pen and paper down.

"Why are you asking all of a sudden?"

Ryan exhaled as he turned off the worker side of himself and turned on the family side. That's what they were. Family. The mafia was just an extension of their family.

"Because I've noticed something's been eating away at Mr. Park and Jimin. I don't know what you alphas are doing to your omegas, but they're both struggling with something. Even the Kim household. Nothing with Rein, she's still herself. But Liz and Tae? Something's up with them too."

Jungkook loosened his tie then leaned back in his chair.

"Liz and Tae are fine. Liz has just been suffering from some super bad anxiety for some reason. I don't know what's up with pa and dad. Probably mafia issues. I've had my fair share of Jimin getting on my ass about it. And me and Jimin? We uh…" Jungkook tilts his head with a sigh before dragging his hand through his hair.

"We're trying for a baby."

"Really? Great! Finally! Being a good husband and giving your omega a baby."

"We've been trying for months now. But there's been nothing. No changes in his body or scent. Nothing. Jin getting pregnant doesn't make it any better. I'm worried it's starting to get to him." Jungkook bit his lip as his phone started ringing.

He looked at Ryan who ushred for him to pick up the phone and he did. The contact name read "Honey".

"Hey honey," Jungkook smiled to himself.

"Jungkook…" Jimin whispered.

Worry washed over the alpha. He didn't feel much distress from his omega but in his voice he heard sadness or discomfort.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

Jimin exhaled shakily.

"Come home, please."

"Honey, are you okay?"

Jimin whispered with a small sniffle.

"Jungkook, please."

"Okay okay, I'm coming home, okay?"

"Okay," Jimin whimpered.

Jungkook hung up the phone and sighed as he gathered his things.

"Everything alright?"

"I don't know. He wouldn't tell me anything. Fucking hell."

Jungkook pocketed his phone then slid his jacket on and grabbed his bag.

"Was there anything else you wanted to say?" Jungkook spun around to look at Ryan who shook his head.

"It can wait."

"You sure?"

"Yup. Go on to your husband."

Jungkook nodded and left the room after Ryan and locked up his office before leaving the building.

The car ride to the Jeon residence was filled with concern. He had no idea what could've been happening but then he thinks back and slows his car down and grabs his phone.

He clicked to his calendar and realization hit him.

On his calendar it read "Honey's Heat" marked for today. He cussed then zoomed faster to his home. He unlocked the door then threw his belongings down after he arrived and parked his car.

He kicked his shoes off and hung up his jacket as he looked around to make sure Yuta and Prince weren't home.

"Honey?" He marched upstairs and threw their bedroom door open.

He sighed when he found his husband curled into a shaking ball with his clothes all around him.

"Baby," Jungkook sat down and rubbed his husband's back.

Jimin turned around and latched onto his husband with a content sigh.

"Do I have time to shower?" Jungkook pecked Jimin's hair.

Jimin wordlessly nodded, still clinging onto his husband as he moved to the bathroom.

Jimin was drawing random shapes on his husband's left pec as he snuggled into his right side.

Jungkook was rubbing up and down Jimin's bare back as he softly pecked his forehead repeatedly.

"Kook," Jimin called.


"Is… is something wrong with me?"

"What're you talking about?" Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed as his grip tightened on his husband.

"Well, there is something wrong with me. My heart isn't normal. I can have kids but just barely. I'm not a sweet and soft spoken omega who's content with having kids and working at home. So, there's definitely something wrong with me."

Jungkook sat up quickly and stared down at Jimin who didn't get up but turned to look at his husband.

"Jimin, what the hell are you talking about?"

"Liz and Tae have been talking about having another kid and Jin and Namjoon are expecting a baby already. Why… why can't I have a baby, Jungkook?" Jimin's eyes began to water.

"Jimin, baby, it's not your fault," Jungkook frowned as he rubbed Jimin's eye who sniffled as the alpha did so.

"Maybe Prince was my one lucky time? Maybe I'm being punished because I gave up Prince? Or because I left you? Jungkook, what if… what if I'm infertile?" Jimin started hiccuping as he tried to hold back his sobs.

Jungkook pulled Jimin up and into his lap as he held his nude body close to his own. Their warm skin touching brought some comfort to the sobbing omega. Jungkook pulled away and kissed all over his omega's face as Jimin held his hiccups best he could.

"Jimin, my love, even if it's true you can't have any more children that's not an issue. Okay? I don't need any more children. You and Prince have my heart already. Besides, we can adopt children. Use a surrogate. There's so many options."

Jungkook smiled softly at his sobbing husband.

Jimin shook his head as he wiped his eyes, more sobs left his mouth.

The alpha rubbed his omega's back as he let him cry. Once the crying died down Jungkook spoke again.

"Nothing's wrong with you, honey. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you. You're not pregnant? Oh well, we can keep trying. You could be infertile? Well, there's other options. I won't love you any less."

Jimin looked down at his husband, his hands resting on his strong shoulders.

"And that proper omega shit you said earlier? Absolute bullshit. Just because you don't want to work at home or act as a breeding cow, doesn't mean you're less of an omega or less of my husband," Jungkook chuckled.

"You being outspoken, bold, and such a badass worker, god, that's so sexy, babe. You're my equal and that's what matters to me." Jungkook smiled sweetly at his husband who frowned harder as his lip quivered.

He started sobbing harder and this shocked Jungkook.

"Baby, what's wrong?! Why are you still crying?!" Jungkook grabs his cheeks with a shocked expression.

"I love you so much!" Jimin sobbed as he held onto his husband.

Jungkook exhaled in relief as he rubbed his back with his eyes shut. He kissed his husband's temple as the blonde's sobbing calmed down.

"Jungkook~" Jimin rubbed his nose into Jungkook's scent gland.

"Yes, babe?"

"I'm hot."

Jungkook wrapped his arms around the younger's waist then fell back against their bedding.

"Well then, I should cool you down huh?"

"When will you start showing?" Namjoon rested his head on his husband's still flat stomach.

"Around 16 to 20 weeks."

"Huh?" Namjoon lifted his head.

"4 months, baby." Seokjin giggled as he rubbed his husband's hair.

"Oh. Ugh! That's too long!"

Seokjin grinned at his impatient alpha.

"It won't be too long. I'm already 8 weeks pregnant so, 8 more weeks."

"Ugh!" Namjoon's voice was muffled by the omega's shirt.

"Oh, you big baby, you'll be fine."

Namjoon sat up then rested his head on his pillow next to Jin's.

"I just want to be able to feel them, hear them, hold them. All of it."

"Yeah, baby. Same here." Seokjin intertwined his fingers with his husband's longer fingers.

"Do you want a boy or a girl? Or do you not care?"

Seokjin pouted as he thought about it.

"I'd love a little girl but any baby is a good baby." Seokjin nodded.

Namjoon grinned.

"I agree. A cute little girl that looks like you."

"Me? Why not you?"

"Ugh, I don't want a baby that looks like me. A little me? No way."

"Oh come on, Joonie! She'd be adorable!"

"A baby that looks like you would be absolutely precious." Namjoon nodded more to himself than to the ravenette next to him.

Seokjin rolled his eyes.


Namjoon chortled as he cuddled closer to the omega.

"How do you think the Jeon household is?"

Namjoon shook his head.

"Don't make yourself sick over this again."

"I'm not! I'm just worried about my best friend. When we went shopping yesterday he kept glancing at the kids and at my stomach. I don't think he's okay."

"Jin, baby, that's not something you can change. That's something that depends on him and his alpha."

Seokjin squirmed.

"I just want him to be happy."

"I know, babe. I do too. But we both know it takes time."

"I know but we didn't try. Our baby is a happy accident. Them? They've been trying for so long."


"I hope they get their baby soon."

Namjoon smiled at his husband's serious face before pecking his cheek slowly.

"Yeah, I do too."


"I said I want a divorce."

Jennie stared at her wife in shock.

"But… why?"

Mani sighed as she slid the papers over towards the alpha in front of her.

"I've realized that I don't truly know you. Though we've been together for seven years and married for 3 of those seven years, I've realized I rushed into this relationship."


Mani shook her head.

"You can't change my mind. Please just sign the papers. I'll pack my things tonight. I can live with my step brother and his wife until I find somewhere else."

"We can't talk about this?" Jennie frowned.

"No. I've made my decision. Nothing can sway me. And no, it's not because of the mafia business. If that was why I'd break off my friendships too."

"Mani, love, please. I love you so much."

"I thought I loved you but it was more physical attraction and admiration."

Jennie bit her lip before reaching for the pen and hovered over the dotted line.

"I truly can't convince you otherwise?"

Mani smiled softly and shook her head.

Jennie sighed and reluctantly signed the papers.

"I'm sure you'll find someone who genuinely loves you." Mani gathered the papers and placed her final kiss on Jennie's cheek then took her leave.

Leaving Jennie to wonder where their relationship went wrong.

"I can handle it! I had a baby while everything was chaotic in this fucky ass life we're living! I can have a baby now amist my anxiety!" Liz hissed at his husband who sighed as he bounced their toddler on his knees.

"Babe, you were anxious when you were pregnant with Rein. Rein was also a huge baby because you ate so much due to anxiety. Plus, where did this baby fever even come from? Rein's baby enough and two weeks ago you should you didn't want another baby anytime soon. Is it because Jin's pregnant? Or is your brother rubbing off on you?"

Liz rolled his eyes.

"Neither. My little girl is just getting older and I miss when she was an itty bitty baby."

"Just take care of Jin's baby, please. Rein is enough. Jimin and Jungkook are trying for another baby but they're first baby is a teen. Ours is three."

Liz flopped down next to Taehyung and picked up his daughter and held her against his chest.

"So no baby?" Liz pouted.

"No baby." Taehyung chuckled.


Liz stood up, holding his little girl, and got ready to leave the living room when Taehyung pulled him down.

"Though, we can always do the process of having a baby." Taehyung whispered into Liz's ear.

Liz rolled his eyes with a small smirk.


Taehyung smirked and smacked Liz's ass as he walked off with their sleeping daughter.

"Well?" Prince eyed the alpha next to him as he hung up his phone.

"They're going to court."

"Who's they?"

"My mom and sister."

"Not your dad?"

Yuta shook his head.

"He uh… he didn't want me."

"Oh, Yuta." Prince gripped Yuta's hand.

"It's fine. I don't fucking want him either. Abusive fucker. I want my sister, not his failure of a father ass." Yuta huffed as he quickly wiped the tears that fell onto his cheeks.

"It's okay, Yuta." Prince wrapped his arms around the alpha as his shoulders shook.

"I fucking hate him! I hate him! I hate the good memories I have of him because he clearly doesn't care. I hate that he doesn't love me! I hate that I still really love my dad!" Yuta sobbed as the younger omega hugged him tightly.

At the moment they were in Prince's designated room at his grandparents' home. His omega father had sent the two teens away saying his heat was coming and that was enough for the teens to run out to the car.

Leo had eyed the young alpha once the teens arrived. Prince had reassure him that he's simply his best friend. Though Leo didn't believe it. He did father two male omegas before. Halo had to tear his husband away to leave the boys alone.

They were sitting on his bed playing UNO when Yuta's phone rang. It was his sister. He happily picked up the call, expecting his sister to just be checking in on him.

But it turned out that his sister was calling to tell him she was fighting his mother, and his mother only, for custody of him. He asked about their dad and she told him he wanted nothing to do with him and already left after the divorce was finalized. She said it seemed to be in her favor as she was stabilized. A husband, a baby, a secure job, the ability to send him to and from school safely, and a home that isn't filled with diseases or mold. Or most importantly, abuse.

He told her he hoped she was right.

Then they hung up. Which brings us to now.

Prince held his friend tightly as he sobbed. He released his calming pheromones, just like his dad had taught him. Yuta's sobbing calmed down. Prince pulled away slowly and wiped the older boy's eyes. He smiled softly at him.

"You don't need him. You only need your sister and her family." Prince grinned.

"And you." Yuta whispered looking deep into Prince's hazel eyes.


Yuta nodded as he wrapped his arms around Prince's waist and buried his nose in his scent gland. Prince held back his hiccup as his arms were raised to the side of his head. His eyes widened as Yuta rubbed his nose deeper into the younger's neck. Prince held back another hiccup as he reached to wrap his arms around his back.


"Please, can I stay like this a little longer?"

"B-but, if my grandpa comes in t-then—"

"It won't be for long. Just… a few more minutes. Please?"


Prince fell back on his bed with a squeak as Yuta came tumbling after.

Prince had heard stories personally from his father and uncle on how their father would scare their alphas, or Taehyung in both omega's cases, away.

He was slightly tense cuddling with Yuta. If he were at home he knew his dad actually liked Yuta more than before and wouldn't mind it too much. And his other father would find it adorable.

But at his grandparents house? His omega grandfather may find it adorable, but he genuinely worried the alpha counterpart would actually kill Yuta right then and there.

So, obviously, the sound of creaking stairs and his alpha grandfather's voice caused the omega to shove the young alpha off and quickly hide them under the covers. Making sure to keep their distance.


"Act like you're asleep. Right now."

Yuta stared at Prince confused as he shut his eyes and relaxed his face before doing the same.

The door opened and they heard footsteps approach the bed.

They're silent. They calm their breathing. And they wait.

A soft peck was gifted to Prince's temple before the footsteps retreated. The door shut and Prince exhaled. He looked around before sitting up.

Yuta opened his eyes with a sigh.

"Can I stop pretending now?"

Prince nodded with his arms crossed.

"I hope your sister wins."


"Custody of you."

"Oh. Why?"

"Why'd you mean why, dumbass? Because I'd never see you if your mom won and your dad's a fucking asshole. Of course I want your sister to win. She's better for you anyway."

Yuta chuckled.

"Is that why?"

"And I'd never get to cuddle you if you moved," Prince mumbled.

"Huh? Say that again."

"Fucker. You heard what I said."

"I didn't. That's why I'm asking."

"I said… I said I'd never get to cuddle you… if you moved."

Yuta grinned genuinely and pulled Prince down to hug the younger omega under his chin.

"In that case, I really hope my sister wins."

Yuta didn't see it, but Prince blushed a bright red and used his hair to cover his eyes and covered his smile with his fist.


I'm kidding love y'all

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