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21 weeks swollen, a very pregnant omega waddled his way into his kitchen. He was trying to sneak a steak that his husband had cooked the night prior.

Jungkook had been managing Jimin's diet. Making sure he doesn't eat too much meat, too much sugar, or too many carbs. As well as going with Jimin to their private gym to keep him strong and fit.

Yes for Jimin's heart, but as well as for their growing baby.

So, whenever Jimin wanted another cheat day— Jungkook only gifting him with one every 2 weeks— he'd sneak treats and ask Prince to buy things for him.

As well as his parents and siblings.

He heated it up quickly then sat down at the counter with a class of grape juice and cheesy bread. He knew Jungkook would lecture him and force to eat a salad and drink some water then send him to bed.

He peeked behind him at the doorway to the kitchen. No one was there.

He began to cut into the meat and stabbed a large piece with his fork then shoved it into his mouth. He ate happily before he heard a sigh.

"Hun, what's that?" He stopped chewing then closed his eyes in defeat. He covered his plate then turned around.

"A salad…"

Jungkook walked over to him and sniffed the air.

"A salad?" He raised an eyebrow at him.


Jungkook pecked his lips, and Jimin knew he was finished.

He pulled back with a devious smile and lightly chuckled.

"Sure doesn't taste like a salad."

"Babe I—"

"Sneaking again?"

"I'm pregnant and hungry. I'm not just eating for me, I'm eating for two," Jimin pouted as he rubbed his now protruding stomach.

"And I promised you once you reach your 3rd trimester I'll let you eat whatever you're craving. But, in the earlier stages, I'm gonna keep you eating healthy and exercising."

Jungkook reached behind him and picked up the plate.

"Besides, I'll still be making you healthy meals then. You'll be eating a lot more."

"Can't you have a soft heart? Just this once?"

Jungkook raised an eyebrow at him.

Oh, who was he kidding? He knew his husband wasn't going to change his mind. He also knew Jungkook would make him hit the gym in the morning. He's a nice husband, he's going to make his pregnant husband work out in the morning instead of at that exact moment. How sweet.

Note the sarcasm.

"Fine. Can I at least finish it?"

Jungkook eyed the plate, then eyed his husband. He sighed before handing the plate back to his husband who happily took it and finished everything on the plate.

Jungkook clicked his tongue as he stood behind Jimin and placed his chin on the omega's left shoulder and rubbed his swollen belly.



"You know we're going to the gym in the morning right?"

Jimin pouted as he turned his head to his husband.

"Can't I relax? Just once? Please?"

Jungkook smiled lazily and kissed Jimin's neck.




Jimin eyed his husband up and down with a scowl before taking his dish to the sink, cleaned it, then sat it down to dry.

He turned around and stared at Jungkook as he rubbed his stomach before strutting past him. Jungkook chuckled as he followed behind him back upstairs to their room.


"ARUGH!" Jimin cried out.

Prince rushed downstairs, almost tripping over himself as he rushed to their private gym. He worried his father had hurt himself or the baby.

But of course that wasn't the case.

In fact it was his father's husband causing the pain.

"One more," Jungkook stated calmly as sweat covered both his and Jimin's body.

"No! Get away from me!"

"One more squat. Or do you want saggy ass cheeks? I'll still love you either way, it doesn't matter to me."

Jimin grumbled before slowly lifting his arms, holding a weight in his hands. Jungkook had his hands resting under Jimin's pregnant belly and slowly guided and followed him into a squat.

"Now, hold."

"Nooo! Honey! My legs burn!"

"That's good. Hold it."

Jungkook stood in his position completely stable. Carefully holding and caressing his husband's stomach.

"Oh, dad, ease up. He's carrying your big headed baby for the second time."

Prince walked in and sat down on the weight lifting bench.

"Do you want to take his place?" Jungkook looked up and cut his eyes at his son.

"Nope! Nini, you got this," Prince shot him two thumbs up.

"Gee, thanks."

Jimin all but gently dropped the weight on the ground after Jungkook pulled them back up.

"Now, a little yoga," Jungkook informed as he pushed his sweaty hair back.

Jimin carefully made his way to the ground with a sigh of relief and rubbed his stomach.

"Can I sit down for a goddamn second?" Jimin huffed as he fanned his shirt off of his skin.

"Fine. Here's some water," Jungkook pressed an ice cold bottle of water against his husband's cheek.

"Aw, you're finally being nice to your PREGNANT HUSBAND," Jimin stated loudly towards the end before flashing a smile at Jungkook who rolled his eyes.

Jimin chugged the water before placing one hand behind him and one hand in front of him and attempted to get up. Jungkook clicked his tongue before reaching to help Jimin up who slapped his hands away.

"Don't touch me."

"Let me help you."

"Back I say. Get away."

Jungkook rolled his eyes as he stepped back with his hands on his hips and watched Jimin get up by himself.

"Are you done?"


"Can I touch you now?"

"No," Jimin crossed his arms and turned his head upwards.


"Kidding," he smiled.

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Let's continue."


Jimin sat in the bathtub with his hands on top of his husband's which were rubbing his swelling stomach. His back was pressed against his husband's chest and Jungkook's cheek was pressed against Jimin's cheek.



"If you had to choose between me and the baby—"

"Jimin, stop."

"No, listen."

"Stop it, I told you I don't like that talk."

"But we have to be prepared. If I go into labor and it's me or the baby—"

"God, Jimin, please. Please stop."

"Me or the baby. Choose the baby."

"Jimin," Jungkook exhaled weakly as his forehead fell onto Jimin's nude shoulder.

"It's unlikely but we have to prepare for the worst. You know better than me that life is unpredictable. You can be happy and laughing one day, then barely clinging to life the next."

"I hate thinking about it, hun."

"I know. You're trying hard to make sure you don't have to choose. That's why you're working me to the bone," Jimin chuckled as he rubbed the side of Jungkook's face.

"But my heart's always going to be the way it is."

"I don't care. I don't want to see any of the pain people talk about."

Jimin sighed as he rubbed Jungkook's hair.

"Are you done talking about it?"

"Yes, honey, I am."


"For the last fucking time! Who is your boss!?"

"He said he'd meet you soon!" The man on the ground withered in pain as his breathing grew shallow.

"Fuck! I don't care about that. Just fucking—" Jungkook took a small breath.

"Is he the father or the son? Are they even still alive?"

"I don't know, honest to God. I've never met him. Please, I don't know anything else."

Jungkook wiped the man's blood on his already stained red shirt. He scoffed as he stepped over the man and left the room. He threw the door open and turned to exit the door when he felt a burning sharp pain in his stomach. He immediately grabbed the girl's wrist as his eyes widened. He stared down into her eyes.

Her pupils were shaking as were her hands.

"L-leave m-my brother a-alone," she whimpered.

Jungkook's grip on her wrist tightened as she pushed the knife further.

"Soo-young!" The man from before was holding his stomach, blood stained his skin, and he stared at his sister in horror.

Jungkook pulled the knife from his stomach, still holding the girl's wrist. He twisted her arm and threw her to the ground. She hit the ground hard with a cry.

Jungkook pressed down on his wound. He looked at his hand and chuckled darkly before pressing back into his wound.

"I should fucking kill you."

"No! Please!" The man threw himself over his sister.

"My boss is a beta male and he said he knows you and would visit you soon. That's all I know for sure. Please, I beg of you!"

Jungkook huffed as his eyes stayed glued to the girl cowering in fear under her brother.

His eyes were glowing a dark red as he stumbled out of the small house.


"He's gonna figure it out," Ryan sighed as he watched the doctor clean up the wound he had freshly stitched.

"No, he won't. I can't have him worrying and making himself or the baby sick."

Jennie rolled her eyes as the doctor wrapped bandages around Jungkook's waist.

"Another scar to add to the collection."

"Do you think you can hide it from him until the wound heals?" Leo exhaled slowly.

"I know I can. Besides, we have a mafia running, and it seems their boss is a dead man walking," Jungkook exhaled as he slid a new white button up shirt on.

"Elder Gwan is six feet in the ground. I watched with my own eyes as he was killed and buried deep six feet in the ground," Jungkook shook his head as if he didn't believe the man running this fucking show was actually a Gwan.

"Well, what about his son?"

Jungkook bit his lip.

"I saw him die too."

"Did you watch him get buried six feet under the ground?" Hoseok sat next to Jungkook.



"He was cremated."

"Oh," Hoseok's eyes widened.

"Then who?" Namjoon crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall near the door.

"Did the younger Gwan have any kids?" Yoongi frowned.

Jungkook shook his head.

"We were really close and shared the same mentality until he, well, died and I had Prince. We lost our parents and swore we'd never become connected with anyone in any way in fear of losing them. Then I lost him."

Jungkook looked lost in thought before he looked up at everyone looking at him and smiled softly before buttoning up his shirt.

"Prince got out of school about 30 minutes ago," Jungkook announced after looking at his wrist watch, "so they'll be home soon."

"Son," Leo gripped Jungkook's shoulder.

"Whoever this person is… they know me. These subordinates keep saying he's going to pay me a visit, pay a visit to an old friend. If it's not Gwan… I have no idea who it could be."


"Are you okay, honey?"

Jungkook blinked a few times before looking up to see Jimin standing in the doorway of his office.

"What're you doing up?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

Jimin walked over to his husband and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Come to bed."

"Company sales have been going up and the crime business hasn't been too quiet either. There's a lot to do. I'll go to bed later."

"It's been several days. You're getting bags. Just come to bed. All the work will be there for you in the morning."

Jimin tugged on the alpha's arm who had an inner turmoil with himself in his head. Jungkook decided to leave the work to rest. He followed his husband to their bedroom, but lagged slowly behind. Jimin was first to get on the bed and took off his shirt. Jungkook shuffled towards the bed and got under the covers.

Jimin turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

"What're you doing?"

"Going to bed?" Jungkook rested his head on his hand.

"With… your shirt on?"

"Yeah? Is that an issue?"

"Well, no. You can sleep however you want. But it's just you've never slept with a shirt on before. Plus, I've gotten used to skin on skin since the baby," Jimin rubbed his stomach with a small pout.

"Oh, right. I forgot. I just feel like wearing a shirt today. Okay?"

"It's been several days. How'd you just forget?" Jimin countered.


"Here, I'll unbutton a few buttons, okay?"

Jungkook went to unbutton 4 buttons when Jimin noticed the white bandages.

He reached over quickly and unbuttoned the alpha's shirt completely.

"What is this? What happened? When did this happen?" Jimin looked up at his husband who sat up.

"It's nothing. Just work. It happened last week."

"And you just never wanted to tell me?" Jimin frowned.

"There was no point in worrying you over something so small."

Jimin's eyebrows scrunched up together.

Jungkook shushed him as he sat up and rubbed his bare stomach.

"It's nothing serious. I'm alive, aren't I? Nothing to make you sick over."

"It doesn't make it any less worrying."

"I'm fine, okay? Let's just go to bed. We can visit your parents in the morning since you've been craving your dad's strawberry shortcake."

Jimin turned to him and held out his pinky.


Jungkook smiled and wrapped Jimin's pinky with his own.


A/N: ah yes, a huge filler, mmmmmm

I'm also like... Sick... So- it's even worse then if I worked on it yesterday 😭 hope y'all enjoyed at least some of it

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