loss of hope

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It was a normal day, karkat and I were heading to school, of course we were being cute as always, just saying I love you and things like that,holding hands in the cold icey weather. We had no idea that would be our last day in peace.

We got to school and sat at the same old hard pine tree we usually sat at. I pulled my sketch book and pencil out and started to sketch a gay couple I new. " what are you drawing?" Karkat asked. " Eridan and Sollux." I replied, " nepeta why do you always draw fucking couples??" " I don't know. Soon the bell rings and I gather my thing and stand up karkat does the same and we start walking in.

On the way in I see Equius , with my fast reflexes I pounce on top of him. " Equius!!!!" I yell. " hello nepeta feeling strong today??" Stronger than efur." " well how I would love to chat, we should get to our classes." He says in his dark calm voice. I jump off of him and land next to karkat. " bye see you later!" I call as he strongly walks off.

Equius and I have been friends since I moved from Russia to live in Denver. He was the only friend I had till karkat and I started dating.

" why are you friends with him?" I hear karkat say in a disgusted tone. " be cause he is a loyal and kind person." "But he smells like 100 uncleaned gym socks." " leave him alone!!" Karkat rolls his eyes signaling he thinks he's right , but knows if he said something I would just sass back.

We walk into math class and sit down as class begins. We were in the middle of learning pie when the man who does the announcements comes on the microphone, " lock down, repeat, lock down." We go to our station in a orederly manner thinking it was a drill. We sit down and karkat and I obviously sit by each other.

. . . .

Its been 3 hours since the anouncement. I started to get worried, what was going on? Karkat and I were holding hands, trying to stay calm. There was a scratching at the door, like deep claws sinking into the door. Was there someone out there? Soon we could hear groans. The teacher gets up to see if its a student, she gently slides across the door and peeks out the small window. For a few minutes she just stands there looking out, then she slowly opens the heavy door. I hear her wisper, " what are you doing out of classes? Get in here now!" But there was no response. I could see in the corner of my eye karkat was easdroping to. Our eyes widening we keep listening. The teacher sends a few more threats that we could hear then it was silent. We start to hear the groans again. I start to tense up, this can't be good. NY hand tightens around karkats. He notices and nudges closers to comfort me.

When I just started to settle the teacher screamed in agony for the person that had been in the hallway had sunk it teath into the side of her face. All the blood. It ran down the side of her face, half of her face was gone an eye missing, she fell to the floor and the boy that bit her fell down to. He didn't look ordinary, inhuman. There was immense cuts in his skin, his eyes were blank, his face was as white as snow, and there was black bags under his noncolored eyes.

Tears come to my eyes, but before anyone could scream in terror karkat took my hand and we ran out of the room, we ran all the way to the 9th grade science room.

My tears start streaming down my face and karkat pulls me into his arms. " its ok." I him repeat those words over and over quietly.

We start to hear more groans, " get to our lockers." Karkat whispers. We run back to the 12th grade hall and unlocked our lockers ( which are right next to eachother) hop in and close the doors.

The groans kept getting closer and closer and the more close they got the more I cried, I couldn't help it, those things where getting closer. What if they find me, what if they do the same thing they did to the math teacher? I didn't want this happening , but I couldn't stop my tears.

Soon a large group passes by the lockers, I cover my mouth so they don't hear my sobs. Up close the groans were loud and screachy, screachy enough to hurt my ears.

They all finally pass and karkat opens his locker door carefully, then he opens mine,I hug him as soon as the door is open all the way.something pops into my mind, that I need to find Equius , I need to find him now.

I burst out of the hug and dash toward the social studies room. My whole body ached, but I couldn't stop. I could hear karkats footsteps behind me. He was trying to catch up and stop me. I was to fast. I got to the social studies room and flew the door open.

There in front of me was Equius, but he wasn't alone, those creatures are in there with him. I just stare as Equius is slowly backing up. Soon he's in the hallway with me. Karkat finally gets there and he takes my hand. Equius tells Karkat, " get nepeta out of here." This can't be happening. There are dozens of them does he really think he can hold his ground? " no we aren't......" Before I could finish Equius interupts , " I said GO!"

tears filled my eyes. We cant leave him with those monsters. Right before I could lunge by his side karkats hand moves to my arm and he tightens his grip, " we need to go." I try to slip away, but his grip is to strong, then he he runs the other way pulling me with him.

" karkat,


Please no,


Wow that took a while! I hope you enjoyed and sorry if there is errors or different names in the story. I wrote thus story on paper with different characters. Anyways hope you enjoyed and stay tooned for the next chapter :3

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