Chapter 2 - Ehecatl

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I ran and ran until I reached a shuttle. I jumped aboard, and it took of on its own. Was someone else on the ship?
"Hah... Hah..." I said, lying on the floor of the ship. "Heya!" Someone walked over to me. She was the avian from before that had been talking to Mami! "H-hey." I said, slowly waving with shaky hands. "You don't look so good. You alright?" She asked, holding out a hand. "Y-yeah... I'm fine." I said, lying. "Okay then. I'm Ehecatl. Weird name, I know." She laughed. "What's your name?" She asked. "Cobalt." I said, as she held out her hand for me to shake. "Nice to meet you!" She said kindly. "Likewise, I guess." I said, taking off my protectorate uniform, revealing my actual outfit beneath. "I'm sick of wearing this." I muttered. "I don't mean to be pushy, but what's wrong?" She asked. "...I'd... Rather not talk about it..." I said, as the ship slowed down, eventually stopping. "This ship certainly took a beating, and my S.A.I.L. told me that this planet will be the only one we'll be visiting unless we find a way to fix the ship." Ehecatl said, walking past me to the ship's Teleporter. "You coming?" She asked, looking back towards me. "Yeah, I guess..." I huffed, as we both beamed down. "Whoa... This place looks like earth!... Minus, the monstrous animals of course, haha!" She laughed. "Cmon." She gestured. "Look, you're really nice n' all, but I'd rather be a solo adventurer." I said, crossing my arms. "And why's that?" Ehecatl asked. "Because, I wanna be alone." I said, walking the opposite way. "Huh." She said, narrowing her eyes. "Then how about this? Whoever finds the better weapon wins. If I win, you join me, but if you win, then you can be on your own. What do you say?" She said, turning to face me. This blue avian was starting to drive me nuts. "Does it have to be a specific weapon?" I asked. "Nope." She said. "Whichever one does the most damage will win." She said. "Ready... Go!" She said, darting away. "Ugh..." I said. It's not that I hate her, but she's annoying as hell. I started to search. I could've abandoned her, but I didn't want to be rude. "The ideal weapon to find would be a gun, since I know more about them than any other weapon." I said, as I continued to walk forward. I saw a monster up ahead, and it saw me as well. I went to grab where my weapon would've been... if I had one, which I don't. "Shit!" I said, as it charged at me.

Heya guys!

I know, this chapter's short.

It's because I don't know what do do XD


I hope you're enjoying the story so far! And I'll see you all in the next chapter!

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