Chapter 1

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I just finished watching the conjouring when I got bored and decided to go for a walk. I just moved to Denver, Colorado afew days ago,  I haven't had a chance to look around yet. I go into the woods and chase small bunny. I giggle after I lose its and continue walking. Something didn't feel right, I had this feeling that someone is watching me. Maybe I watched way to many horror films. I walked through the woods admiring the beauty of the nature around me. I noticed it was getting dark and I turned around. I retraced my steps but I didn't make it to the orphanage I was back were I started. I wandered around but it was useless.  I sat against the tree and started crying knowing I'll never make it home.

Pewdiepie's P.O.V

Me and Cryaotic (Cry) were roaming the woods because a friend told us some scary story and we wanted to prove them wrong. "Pewds I think were lost" Cry says. I shake my head and say "were not lost". Suddenly a soft crying was heard in the distance, we followed the cries to a tree. We went around the tree to see a girl maybe 6 or 7. "Are you okay" Cry asks kneeling in front of the girl. Her golden colored hair colored her eyes as she put her head up. "Hmn I'm lost" the girl says quietly she sounded scared. "What's your name" I say to take the girls mind off of being scared. "Sa..Sara" she says shyly. I push the stain of hair off het eyes and say "I'm Pewdiepie and this is Cryaotic maybe we can help you get home". Cry looks at me unsure of me, so I nod at him. We get up and start walking. I stop, pull a match out of my pocket and light the lantern I had in my free hand. We continue to walk through the dark woods.... and now were lost.

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