Chapter 6

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It was early in the morning maybe 3 or 4 I can't tell but were all up now. Pewds woke us up because I was leaning on him when I fell asleep so he moved me onto Cry. The moment woke both me and Cry up. "Seriously, why did you wake me up" Cry complains in a mad voice. "Mad Cry" I mutter under my breath, deep inside I knew I know something about that name. Cry looks at me stunned and then he seemed to get calmer. "Sorry but I gotta go pee" Pewds says. I glare at him and lay back down. I close my eyes and after what felt like minutes someone shook me awake. "Huh, What" I ask in a sleepy voice. Cry laughs and says "sorry sleeping beauty but we gotta get moving". I get up and quickly say "first potty break". I run behind a tree and do my girly business and then I go back. Pewds and Cry were no where in side. Would they leave me here or were they taken by Slender? Suddenly I heard someone say "boo". I quickly turn and punch that person. "Aww that hurt" a familiar voice says. I hear Cry's laughing and I open my eyes. "Holy cows you scared the crap out of me" I say. Pewds was on the ground holding his ribs where I punch him. "Sorry Pewds, I didn't know it was you" I say. Cry quickly says "told you her instincts take hold when someone scares her". I blink and Pewds says "okay she is like you, ahww that hurt though". I say "I told you I was sorry". Pewds puts his hand up and says "just call me Felix,  Pewds is just my gamer name". I nod and help Felix up. Then something clicked in my head. "Wait you said I was like him, you said it as if it were bad why" I ask. Felix looks down and Cry answers me "your a chaos chain, meaning you have another side that is insane. My mask is able to control me but your insanity was born into you so your powers are unstable". I stare in disbelief and say "I'm lost, I was born human". Felix shakes his head and continues for Cry "your kind made a deal with the devil before they all died. Cry was thought to be the last one but someone of your kind survived,  and sent you down a stream, your parents must've died after that. So practically you look human but you aren't human, you were born unhuman". We start walking again. Then I noticed we the grass was greener and I seen more animals. We were by the entrance to the woods. "Guys this way" I say and run to the exit, they follow close behind. We made it out and we were at the parking lot were the boys must've came in from. "Hey Sara I could drive you home if you want" Felix says. We get in his car,  I'm guessing the two came her together. "So were do you live" Pewds asks. I say "457 State Burns street". (The place I made up was totally random, I don't even think its a real place.) When we get there they both look at me and say "your an orphan". I nod and say "thanks guys for everything, if it weren't for you I would've still been in those woods". I get out of the car and start to walk up the drive way. "Bye" I say and wave. They wave back and pull away. When I go in the lady who owns this place pulls me into a hug. "Are you okay, what happend, where were you" she asks. "Lena I'm fine, I got lost in the woods and two boys found me. They were lost too and that whole time we were trying to find our way out" I say. She looks at me her face drained of color. "You were in those wood, and survived.  Did the two boys you met make it out too?" She says. I nod and say "we almost got hurt by Slender and the Pewds hit him, a few times we had to shot him but I stabbed him pretty badly so I doubt he is getting out of those woods". She looked at me and says "you fought Slenderman, stayed in Slender woods for a week, and survived". I yawn and say "Lena I'm going to bed cause we only had an hour or two of sleep, Pewds woke us up when henhad to go to the bathroom". She nods and I go to my bed room. The orphanage just opened and the last one I was at was full so they sent me here. Lena has taken care of me to her besr ability. I've been the only kid here for a while. I soon let sleep take hold of me.

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