The Wound

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Clint's P.O.V

"We need to get him to the health bay." Steve said as he and Tony held the unconscious Percy.

"What's wrong with him?" Wanda asked.

"We don't know." Tony said. We quickly rushed Percy to the infirmary and lay him down on a bed.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"Pour some water on him." Thor ordered. I ran to the tap, grabbing a jug on the way. It seemed as if the water was taking forever to fill the big jug.

"Clint, hurry!" Natasha ordered.

"I'm trying!" I growled back. I rushed towards Percy and dumped the entire jug on him. Nothing seemed to happen.

"Move." Loki pushed everyone out of the way, holding a piece of ambrosia in his hand. He forced him to eat the godly food, but still nothing happened.

"It's not working." He scowled. "Thor, send for Apollo." Thor nodded and disappeared through the door. Bruce put his fingers on his neck.

"His pulse is weak." He pulled up Percy's shirt, holding back a gasp. The wound was gone, but the area the bullet hole had been was a dark green colour, little lines spreading across his stomach. The room turned silent.

"Poison." Loki murmured. I looked up as a well built, blonde man walked in. His handsome face was serious, his blue eyes gleaming with worry. The man stopped in front of Percy, studying his pale skin and the green poison.

"Um... who are you?" I asked, frowning.

"Apollo, Greek god of music, archery, healing, prophecy's, etcetera." He answered simply and vaguely. "When did this happen?"

"A few hours ago. He seemed fine a few moments ago, but then he collapsed. Nectar and Ambrosia wouldn't work. Neither would water." Loki informed him. Apollo frowned deeply.

"It must be a poison of some kind. But I have never heard of anything like this before." He muttered. "Give me some room to work, please." Loki and Thor nodded and ushered us all out of the room.

~Le Time Skip~

Almost half an hour later Apollo exited the room again, looking grim.

"I don't have any idea what it is. Even my powers couldn't heal it." He answered the unspoken question hanging in the air.

"This is bad. An incurable poison." Natasha muttered.

"What do we do? How can we cure Percy?" Loki asked.

"I don't know." Apollo ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

"How long until the poison kills him?" Bruce asked the question everyone was too afraid to voice. Apollo's lips thinned.

"Normally a week." He answered. Natasha frowned.

"Normally?" She questioned.

"He drained himself by showing you his powers. Usually it would be okay, but he was already weakened and it most likely got his blood pumping faster." Apollo explained. Bruce's face dropped as comprehension hit him.

"Meaning the poison would be working even faster." He whispered.

"At this rate he has three days." Apollo concluded solemnly. The room fell silent, everyone feeling the same sinking feeling of despair and grief.

"Is there any way to save him?" I asked desperately. Apollo scratched the back of his neck, looking a thousand years older than he did half an hour ago.

"I don't know." He admitted with a sigh. "I need to speak with the other Olympians. I'll come back again to give you the news. Now everyone close your eyes." I closed my eyes, knowing the others did the same. A few seconds later, I opened them again. Apollo was gone.

"What are we going to do?" Wanda asked, her face downcast.

"I guess we can only wait until Apollo comes back." Steve answered. "Let's go see if Percy is awake." We all followed him into the room, where Percy was lying on the bed. He was staring at the ceiling, and didn't look at us as we entered.

"What's wrong with me?" He asked quietly. We looked at each other, before Natasha stepped forward. I think we all trusted her to not waver.

"The bullet the Winter Soldier shot at you was laced with poison." She said, her voice almost emotionless.

"Is there any cure?" He asked, still looking at the ceiling. I looked down and bit my cheek when no one spoke, giving Percy the answer he needed. He let out a soft sigh. "I thought so."

"Apollo was here-"

"Apollo?" He interrupted Bruce, who nodded.

"Yes. He couldn't heal you though. It may be incurable." A stretch of silence filled the room, Percy sitting up and moving his eyes to his legs.

"Percy, we're going to do everything in our power to save you." Tony spoke up, determination clear in his voice. The teenager stayed silent for a few more moments.

"You know... a month ago I would have jumped at the chance to be with Annabeth again." He said softly, "I would have done anything to be with her. But now..." He swallowed thickly, turning his head to look at us. "But now I have all of you. I have a place I belong. I have a new family." He chuckled humorlessly, eyes looking down again. "But now I'm dying." I could see Wanda's eyes filling with tears.

"We won't let you die, I swear." She said. Percy glanced at her, his face filled with sadness and defeat.

"You can't save everyone, even if you are superheroes. You may try your best, but it still can't be helped." He spoke as if he knew from experience. "Sometimes there's nothing you can do about it."

Boom. Here's that update you wanted. The option most voted for, by you, is C, so be prepared for all that is to come. (I'm so excited!) I'll give you a hint... What will happen is going to be quite different from other PJO and Avengers crossovers. Yay! How fun! Lol not really... anyway I should update again as soon as I can, so bye for now Puny Mortals!~

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