Chapter 21

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Yep, this is it. The final chapter. Are you ready?

I hope so. 

Enjoy! :D



Chapter 21

"This is it," I whispered. After other me's near death experience, the both of us gathered every one from the towers and the ground and made it back to the little underground hole we all spawned in with no trouble.

Our injuries were very minor, just a few scratches and bruise, something both Quentins could treat with little hassle. Everyone here was working to get their small injuries treated and to recover for what would soon come next, there was very little talk amongst each other.

"Soooo, are you a pirate?" said one Adam to the other Adam.

"A pirate! You think I'm a bloody pirate!" yelled the Adam with the eye patch to the one with sunglasses.

"Well, uh, you have a..." Adam pointed at his alter's eye.

The other Adam grumbled, "My father stole my eye from me, because I betrayed his trust... that's all I'll say."

Adam with the glasses nodded and said nothing more, I interrupted the silence, "I'd say it's time, if we don't hurry this up, everyone in the overworld will perish. We've destroyed the crystals, I'm sure that now we can kill it without it regening anymore, but we can only do that if we work together."

"He's right," my alter said next to me, "The battle is only going to get harder the longer it drags on, and our time is already so limited, I'm sure each of you can feel the effects since they are stronger here."

"Well what should we do about a plan, we can't just rush in there like a group of fools looking to get killed." alter Jerome remarked.

"We need a variety of attacks, both from the ground and from the sky. Both Jeromes can gain the high ground, and easily launch themselves from the tops of towers to attack, along with arrow attacks from the Mitchs." The group of four high-fived each other with small grins and joking laughs.

I added on to other Ty, "The Jason from my world can fly using his jetpack."

"Yeah! I can probably carry one person with me, but that will exhaust my fuel to do so, so it can't be done to many times."

"You can fly! Like to the stars?" alter Jason commented, it was probably safe to assume he liked space, given his space themed clothes.

"I could if I tried I bet, but I'm not sure if these are space safe clothes." Jason laughed.

"Knowing this, Jason can provide a few aerial assaults--"

"Ooo! Me, I volunteer!" other Jason shouted.

"Alright, Jason,... Jason will be your partner."

"Ok, understood."

"Now besides the Mitchs, the Jeromes, and the Jasons, that leaves me and Ty, both Adams, and the Quentins."

"Right," other Ty said, "the rest of us will stay on the ground. Everyone clear?"

Everyone shouted their agreements and immediately stood up. Both Mitchs walked over to the Quentins.

"Take our swords, we know you guys left yours in the dragon's side, so it wouldn't be good to be defenseless. We have our bows so we're good." The Mitchs handed their swords to the mudkips.


"No problem!" Mitch smiled and added, "Oh and if I don't get the sword back you're a dead fish." he grinned at the last part and walked off whistling.

Alter Mitch looked back as Mitch walked off, "Whoa, is he always like that?"

"Yep," I walked up and patted him on the back, "He gets super defensive about his weapons."


"Alright, let's get going!" alter Ty shouted, and we cheered and pumped our fist in the air.


3rd Person

One head peeked up from underground, checking to see if the dragon was near. After a few moments a signal was sent down below and everyone began to hurriedly file out.

"Alright, everyone get in positions. It's time to end this." green eyed Ty whispered.

Without a word, the Mitchs and Jeromes ran ahead to the two nearest towers and hurriedly climbed up them. The Jasons circled the outside to climb a tower on the opposite side, while the rest of them made their way to the center of a large clearing in between the towers.

A few moments passed, and nothing happened. "Where the nether is that dragon!" Adam with an eyepatch yelled.

"Calm down--" with a mighty roar from the sky, the dragon dived down, mouth open the reveal giant sharp teeth. They were frozen in horror as the dragon's mouth began to light up from the inside, "Run! Everyone out of the way!"

Everyone on the ground scrambled to move out of the way. The fire exploded out of the dragon's mouth and flowed over the ground.

"Ahhh!" one of the Adams screamed, "My hand!" he came screaming out of the fire, clutching a badly burned hand. He was to only one with a bad injury.

"Adam, let us help," the Quentins ran over, but he shoved them away.

"Screw that! I'll just kill the bloody dragon myself!" with one hand hanging at his side, and the other shakily wielding a sword he charged.

"Take this you winged lizard!" he swung his sword, only grazing the face of the dragon as it moved away and launched itself back into the sky, the force which knocked Adam to the ground.

"Ready your bows up there if you have one!" green eyed Ty screamed. As the dragon circled back around, Ty yelled, "Fire!" at the top of his lungs.

Arrows zipped through the sky, as they shot and reloaded and shot again all in a blur. A few arrows bounced off the sides, but some did manage to lodge themselves into the dragon's soft spots.

"Jason! Get ready, when I tell you!" red eyed Ty yelled. The dragon kept flying through, even after arrows continued to deal damage, "Do it!"

A stream of smoke billed from the top of the tower both Jasons were on, then like a rocket two figure shot up from the smoke leaving a trail of their own. They quickly matched the dragon's speed.

"Whoo hooo!" Jason without the suit cheered and laughed as the other Jason carried him, "Here! Let me go here!" he laughed like an excited child.

Jason nodded and released the other Jason from his hold. The Jason spread out his arms to slow his fall, a toothy grin plastered on his face. He dived straight towards the dragon's head as it continued to fly towards the ground.

"Jason's Super Soaring Kick!" with the added height, Jason spun himself in the air and with a force like no other, dealt a kick to the side of the dragon's face that pushed him off course into a few towers, one of which had the Jeromes sitting and waiting. The dragon roared in agony as it was forced to crash to the ground, the sound of something like a giant twig snapping could be heard for hundreds of blocks away.

Jason began to plummet, but he cheered and laughed as he did, then he was caught and was flying safely again, "That was amazing! I didn't know your boots were so advanced like that!" flying Jason gushed.

"They sure are! I may not be able to fly, but I sure as the nether deal a nasty kick!" he pumped his fist in the air.

The Jeromes leapt at the chance to attack the dragon. First jumping from their towers, and diving straight in, both of their axes raised. They took one glance at each other and grinned, "Last on down is a rotten bacca!" One jeered.

"Oh you're on!" the other replied.

One headed straight for the neck, the other for a wing. When they landed, their axes tore through the flesh, one wing being sliced clean through, while the neck had a deep bloody gash. The dragon roared, shook his head sending one of the Jeromes flying and slamming into a tower with a horrifying crash. He fell with a thud.

The dragon then stood, limping on three legs and one surviving wing and bucked the other Jerome off too, but he caught himself on the same tower the other Jerome had slammed into.

"Jerome!" Mitch screamed from the top of a tower, which Mitch was unknown, as for the Jerome, he remained unmoving.

The Jerome slid down to the feet of the other Jerome and nudged him, but no movement was ushered.

"No!" red eye Ty screamed, by this time the Jason landed safely on the ground and they two rushed over to the Jeromes.

"Mitchs, you have to remain focused, focus on the dragon!" green eyed Ty yelled.

Tears were obviously pouring down both Mitchs faces, since from their distance, it was difficult to see which Jerome wasn't moving.

The dragon, clearly agitated, roared and stamped its feet, Ty clenched his fist together and with his sword in his hands ran at the dragon, "B*stard!" he screamed.

Ty paid no attention to his surroundings, he did not notice Adam rushing to him, he did not notice the dragon's tail sweeping towards him. He only noticed when Adam shoved him out of the way, and was in turn, speared through his stomach by the tip of the dragon's tail.

Like slow motion, the shock didn't register on Adam's face until he screamed moments after. Adam still speared by the tail was whipped roughly into the air and flung off like a bug. He flew like a ragdoll, blood flinging from his body.

Jason stormed into the sky without hesitation, caught Adam with ease, but if things couldn't get worse, Jason's jetpack began to sputter, causing their flight to be shaky and jumpy, then it stopped all together when they were well over 20 block high. Neither would survive without a miracle.


All we could do was watch as they fell. Alter Jason leapt at the chance, his childish little grin wiped clean off, instead, replace with a determined look. He took a running start, taking several hops along the way, each bigger than the last. They he took a final leap, the largest of them all, he wobbled in the air, trying to remain balanced, he hovered in one spot, many blocks below them.

"Toss me Adam! I don't know how long this will last, I've never been able to hover for this long of a period! Hurry!"

The Jason still carrying the unconscious Adam, nodded and let go of Adam. The hovering Jason caught him, sunk a few blocks down but remained stable. The other Jason continued to fall, clearly attempting to start up his jet packs again, "Come on! Come on!" He hissed.

He soon passed the slowly descending pair with frightening speeds. The dragon's tail swept through the air, catching Jason as it did. It knocked the air clean out of him as he held on for dear life, but Adam's blood made holding on impossible, and so he slipped crashing into a tower and landed hard on his feet. Jason's suit was smoking, Jason looked up, wincing and holding a shaky thumbs up. Then he collapsed to the ground.

I ran over immediately, we couldn't have another person dying, it was yet to be determined if Jerome had lived, let alone Adam, no way was Jason going to leave this world with hearing from me first.

"Jason! Jason! Say something!" I placed my hands on his helmet and removed it as carefully as I could. Placing my ear over his chest, I felt the labored rise and fall of his chest, he was alive, but unconscious. I whipped around and glared at the dragon.

"Everyone who can still fight, get ready! We're ending this now!" The other Jason had landed safely on the ground, letting my alter and the alter Adam to drag injured Adam over to the alter Quentin. Quentin from my world rushed over to me and started looking over Adam.

"Unless you're healing the three wounded, then hold your weapons up!" I shouted. The dragon was rearing up on it's hind legs, still bleeding badly from its wounds.

"We have to attack it head on! Let's go!" We cheered with determination. Both Mitchs started shooting arrows from the sky, aiming for the already open wounds. Alter Jason, alter Adam, and Jerome from my world teamed to attack from behind. Leaving me and other Ty to attack the front.

We attacked in swift clean motions, never leaving room for the dragon to counter, in and out, in and out we went. The dragon's body shuddered, weakly standing on his legs, his chest began to illuminate with the same purple and red glow.

"Oh no you don't!" I yelled, I looked over to other me, he nodded and we both charged together, our arms outstretched in the same pose of attack, like we were mirrors of each other. In one fluid motion we launched ourselves at the dragon's chest and each made a single slash that together shaped an 'X'. We fell back to the ground ready to do it again when I noticed.

"T-that's a body!" I screamed in horror and fell backwards, "A human body!" A silhouette of a human body was within the glowing chest of the dragon, from the moment I saw it, I knew something was wrong, but it wasn't until now that I was close enough I could see it.

"No way... What is this, wh-who is that!"

"It doesn't matter now!" I grabbed his arm and made a run for it.

The dragon's body shuddered and collapsed to the ground and in a brilliant bright light exploded. The force sent both of us flying, we tumbled and rolled on the hard ground. The flash of the explosion was so bright, it caused us to hold our hands over our eyes as we waited for it to subside. When the light faded it was a few moments before we could actually see.

"W-wait, is it over, just like that?!"

"We did it!" One of the Mitchs shouted at the top of their lung, then both of them began to climb down to the ground.

Alter Ty ran back to where the dragon used to be, "The person! It's still here!" I ran over beside him, by now everyone knew something was up and walked over too.

"What in the world is that!" Jerome gaped.

"I have no idea," I muttered in return. The body just lay there, we had no idea who it is or was, because it was encased it what looked like an obsidian like substance.

Wait...did it move? The body wiggled again, this time causing everyone to gasp and take a few steps back. The body suddenly began to rise, using its hands to push itself up.

We got one good look at its face, two glowing eyes, one purple the other red, before it attacked. I dodged to the left as it seemed to fly with unimaginable speeds at me, "Holy Notch!"

The thing skidded on the ground and turned back to us.

"It sure is not over yet!" alter Adam yelled, while pulling out his sword.

The thing made a move, we tensed, but we didn't expect that move to be a move against itself. Both hands reached up and grabbed its own neck. The thing struggled with itself, as if fighting its own battle.

"What is going on!" Jerome shouted.

The fight over there was getting crazier. From the inside cracks began to appear within the body, and light emitted out of them. What ever was going on, that thing was not going to let itself do whatever it was doing before.

Without warning it exploded in another flash of light. The light faded, it could be seen two people were standing a few blocks away from each other after the explosion, both very tired and glaring at each other.

"Seto!" I shouted, it was him it had to be, from here it was all clear. I ran, dropping my sword somewhere along the way, and ran straight to Seto. He glanced at me, his eyes sad and regretful. The figure opposite from him look just like him, but red clothing and eyes instead.

I didn't care what was going on, or where the nether he's been, I just couldn't lose him again.

"You're alive! Of course you are!" I ran to him, I ran to hug him, something I've been wanting to do from the moment he came home.

I was so happy, so happy that when my arms moved to hug him and I walked up to him, I was shell shocked when I passed right through him. I turned around, Seto had straightened up from his tired, hunched stand, but didn't look me in the eye.

"S-Seto? Seto, why can't I touch you!" I already felt the tears.

Seto didn't say a word, just opened his mouth to say something but never did.

"It's because we're dead, and have been for a long time." a voice said behind me, I spun and saw alter Seto glaring at the sky, his arms crossed.


"T-Ty, I-I can explain!" Seto said beside me. All my friends that could still move slowly walked over.

"Dead?" Mitch muttered, "That's impossible! You were with us the whole journey!"

"Y-Yea!" I stuttered. Seto continued to looked apologetic.

"Just magic, I forced a projection of myself for you all to see, made it look real, but I could never make it alive."

"But what about you Seto," alter Ty looked just as crestfallen as I did as he tried to get closer to alter Seto. Alter Seto's eyes softened for just a moment, then hardened as he backed away.

"Leave me alone."


"You all have to leave, and you have to leave now!" Seto shouted, "You killed the dragon, something I tried to do alone and failed--"

"Got me killed because of you..."

"Come with us!" I pleaded and fell to my knees, "I just found you, Seto, please. I forgive you and all the lies. You can tell me everything when...when we go home back to base."

He shook his head, "We've overstayed our time, the longer we stay the more we screw the world over."

The ground began to rumble and break up before us. I could feel myself being lifted up and pulled away.

"Seto please!" I begged, "just come home and everything can go back to normal!"

"Seto! SETO!" alter Ty screamed.

The both of them just floated there, one sitting cross-legged in the air, and other standing. Seto smiled as the distance between us got larger and waved as another bright light started to envelope both of them.

I screamed, and heard alter Ty's scream join mine. I felt Jerome pull at me harder. Mitcj grabbed Adam, still unconscious, and Quentin grabbed Jason. Alter Jerome was carried by alter Quentin.

The ground began to fall away, "A portal! We can leave!"

I felt numb and limp and let Jerome drag me away.

All 12 of us, including the unconscious ones, were all around the frame of the portal. They took one look back, and then we turned to each other.

"Guess this is it..." Alter Mitch muttered. He looked at Mitch and smiled.

In return he hugged him, "It was nice meeting a fine gentleman like you."

"I almost don't want to leave, it's not all the time you get to come face to face with yourself," alter Adam commented. Alter Jason bawled beside him and alter Adam hugged him to calm down.

The ground below us was almost completely gone, leaving only the dark void below. I looked at alter Ty, he looked at me, and we didn't break eye contact as everyone jumped, one after the other. I removed from my arm one bracelet. And he did the same, we each swapped and jumped. Both of us clutching each other's bracelet as the dark void vanished around us, and we found ourselves back in the overworld. In our separate worlds, with only my friends around me, no alters.

But once again...

Seto... was gone. And I only felt lost in a world where he no longer existed...



I'm sorry guys, so sorry for the sad pain that is probably in your hearts now because of me.

Some mysteries remain, and will remain until book 2 or the behind the scenes book.

Look out for the Behind the Scenes Book later today, then you'll know what will be in it and stuff :D


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