Chapter 8

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Oooooo! Look at that, I got another chapter out for you all! You guys happy? I hope so! :D I'm working on chapter 9 right now, along with well planning Falling to Rise and drawing.

Please tell me you guys are excited for Falling to Rise? I want it to be a really good story, better than DoR, better than LOST. I've spent 2-3 months planning it and still have so muchto plan. XD

That's how much I want it to be good for you guys, so be prepared! :D



Chapter 8

"Is anyone else confused by what the guard said!?" Ian shouted as he paced the floor of our room. We had gotten two rooms, combined by a side door to stay the night. There were only two beds in each so 4 of us were sleeping on the floor or chairs.

The whole team had gathered into one room to eat supper since we asked the innkeeper if we could eat in our rooms.

"About what?" Jerome said in between mouthfuls.

"That wanted poster with that guy on it, doesn't it seem a little strange!" Ian kept pacing the floor as he fumed at something that was apparently a big deal.

"No, why?" I interjected since I had finished my dinner quickly and had nothing to focus on.

"Because the guard is wrong!" Ian said it as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh." I had no real response to Ian's statement

"I knew that guy! He's real, and he exists, he was part of The Reds..."

"Ok, are you sure this is-" Adam started but never finished as Ian turned to faced him. You could see he was extremely frustrated, his glare was enough to make Adam shut up.

"Seto!" Seto looked up from reading his book, for once Ian didn't try to get him to eat food. Yes again he hasn't eaten. Maybe he found this magic he's not telling us that can sustain his energy without food. No reason to hide it though, "Tell them!"


"You know," Ian was getting extremely flustered, Quentin stood behind Ian and grabbed his shoulders.

"Alright bud, time to sit on down, don't want to over stress yourself." Quentin sat Ian down on one of the beds, Ian let out a long sigh.

"It's just not right, can't they tell that the world is changing. That something is not right? Can't they tell the difference between the truth and lies?"

"I never said they were lies," Seto spoke up while still looking at one of his books.

"What? What do you mean? I thought this curse is messing with our head, making things up" I asked.

"Here," Seto held out the book he was reading, "read this."

"Why can't you?"

Seto shrugged.

I sighed and stood up from my place on the floor grabbed the book and sat back down in my spot. Everyone moved closer around me and looked over my shoulder, only Ian and Seto sat back.

Breathing out I started to translate the Mythr Runes, "Alternate Realities. Worlds where life is similar to life here. There are only slight or large differences that can vary from different events in history to a different personality of people than previously known. Alternate Realities show the possibility of life as another world in another time frame. Alternate realities are just another version of our world where the history and the future are on a completely different course."

"English please!" Mitch interjected and I was going to speak but Jason beat me to it.

"If you think about it, what it means is that alternate realities are just another version of our world, where thing can be slightly different or vastly different. And there appears to be a lot of them."

"See Jason, you can solve puzzles just fine, even these mind-boggling twists of words," I told him.

Jason ducked his head in embarrassment and didn't say anything after.

"That pretty much sums it up, and to explain why I had Ty read this to you is simple." Seto took a pause and I knew we were in for some sort if lecture.

"It's common knowledge to know there are different types of magic, from light to dark, from necromancy to spiritual. Too many to count on one finger. What people don't know is how magic works.

Magic can't create anything out of thin air, even if it seems like it can. There are two ways to do magic, depending on how you choose to do it, most people choose to do it the way I've been taught." Seto stopped, probably thinking about what to say next.

"Most people are taught to draw their magic from the world, this is called the creation method. You see the world is made up of magical energy. This energy is what keeps the world in balance. Its a really complicated system, but to make it quick is that sorcerers draw upon that energy to do magic. With that energy the possibilities are almost limitless, though if too much is draw it can throw the world out of balance. Which is very dangerous."

"If it's so dangerous, why do you do it?" I asked, I realized that's probably what I do to since I learned from Seto.

"Because there is so much of the energy the risk is almost not there, the other method is riskier. The other method is what is known as the Thief method.

Basically this method only works if what you're trying to accomplish already exists, that way it just takes that and replaces it with some of your own energy. Your life force. Doing it too much can lead to death."

"Yikes! So does this have to do with reality changing?" Jerome raised his hand and asked his question.

Seto nodded and continued on speaking, "While the method I use is most commonly used it has a limit. The other one seems to have one, but it actually doesn't have one in terms of possibilities, so long as what you're trying to accomplish exists in ANY world it can be made to appear. As long as you have the power. The power, is the only limitation, because it's your life that is being replaced for what you're trying to accomplish."

Adam stood up, "Wait does this mean I can have an infinite supply of budder.... if I have the power to make it appear?" There was silence followed by laughter.

Seto had cracked a grin and was laughing, "Yes, you could. You could also do that without taking it from someone else."


"Moving on, memories can't be just created out of thin air, that's not how magic works, the thief method takes something that exists and gives it to where it's being directed at. The creation method is unable to create memories, trying to would collapse the whole world."

"So these memories we have and others are having are real?" Quentin's eyes were wide.

"Exactly!" Seto grinned and pointed his finger at Quentin, "This curse is combining multiple realities together. All these strange memories, occurrences or alters in history are because they're true in another world. And the curse works in a way that puts everyone under its influence, though that takes time for the magic to spread over the whole world, but that's the point of it."

"But what is this doing to our home, besides changing our history and memories," Quentin said then quickly added, "Like what's going to happen in the end of all this? If we don't stop it."

"Simply put... the world will implode on itself." Seto's face remained calm and straight as every single one of us shouted or jumped up.

"What! Are you serious!? Adam exclaimed.

"Why are you just acting like it's not big deal?" Jerome pointed his finger at Seto who answered in return.

"It won't do any good to start hopping around on shock, remaining level-headed will help us carry out this mission successfully."

"Doesn't mean we can't to react that the fate of the whole world rest on a ragtag group of weirdos..." Jerome muttered to no one in particular.

"Hey, I disagree! We're not weird... We're.... normal?" Adam ended his statement with a question, doesn't exactly help his argument.

"Did you just end that with a question?" Quentin sat back down as he spoke.

"Yea, what you gonna do about it fish." Mitch snickered at Adam's comment as he smirked.

Quentin sent glares at Adam but didn't say anything.

Instead Jason spoke up, "So then why don't we think those three were from this group, uh, the Reds?"

"Because of magic, I've been trying to reduce the effect of the curse on all of us until we're able to end it. So previously we were be affected, but now we're not."

"Oh, that's a relief," Adam said and then walked over to the side door that connected the two rooms, "Well, I'm going to go to bed, we have to wake up early tomorrow anyways. We can talk more doomsday stuff tomorrow" his words droned into a yawn and the door opened and closed. Jason, Mitch and Jerome also got up and said their goodnights.

I decided this was probably a good idea and stole one of the pillows off one of the beds. Against the wall was an empty wooden chair that would provide me at least some sense of comfort.

"Well night guys," Quentin walked over and extinguished the torch. Ian was already soundly sleeping and Seto still sat in the same chair he's been sitting in the whole time.

The night was quiet and dull and only the light of the moon kept my thoughts off of the strange train of events that have been happening. I noticed the moon had risen well above my sight and that many hours had actually passed since we arrived here.

I also noticed only two people were asleep, only Ian and Quentin were sleeping. I could tell by their steady breathing.

"Seto?" I whispered, I could be wrong, he could be asleep.

"Hm?" the sound of quiet movement could be heard, from my position I think Seto sat up.

"Sorry if I woke you up," I felt stupid, he probably was sleeping and I just woke him up.

"Oh don't worry; I wasn't sleeping, just thinking."

"Same," I glanced over the shadow that was Seto, he wasn't moving, or at least just barely, "You said now we won't be affected by the magic of the curse, or at least for now, right?"

"Yes, you keep the memories of what has already happened though, no reason to get rid of them since they're already there.."

"Then tell me, are those your real eyes? Did the altered memories just confuse me?" was I really mistaken?

There was a pause before he answered, "Yes."

I knew immediately, he was lying.

Whoo! Yea, was it good? Did you guys enjoy? I hope so! I got this chapter out super quick, just for you guys! :D

How'd you guys like that ending >:) lol.

I love you all so much, you guys inspire me so much. I'm so happy! :D

I also reached 50 followers! :D I'm getting close to a hundred, it's been my goal for a while to get to a hundred followers on something. And now I'm close here and Deviant Art!



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