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This is my first time doing a contest like this, so, bear with me.

Alright, so I want to thank every single one of you for this tremendous occasion.

I mean 100 followers! That's amazing that we've come so far! Thank you all so much! :D

So to thank you all, I'm holding a contest, anyone can join and I will pick 3 winners. Before we go into prizes, let's go into other important things.


1. You can do an art piece in any medium you feel comfortable in, or you can write a short story/one shot however you like---so long it is child appropriate, but ships are allowed, if you really want to do that [CHILD APPROPRIATE].

2. You can only submit one entry per category. So one art piece and one story, if you so choose.

3. Your art and/or story must focus around either my stories Falling to Rise or LOST.

4. Continuing from #3 I'd love to see your theories written or drawn, but they DON'T need to be theories. You can write about anything so long as they center in the worlds I've created, using the characters there too.

5. If you have questions about my books, feel free to ask, but I can't guarantee I can answer them. Since I don't want to spoil anything, but I will certainly do my best to help you all create the best entries you can.

If these rules can't be followed, I'll have to ask you to redo your entry.

Quick note of encouragement.

*Don't be discouraged, if you believe you are not a good artist but want to do an art piece, or vice versa do it. I'm not judging by how good of a writer or artist you are, but the concepts.

I'm the kind of person that goes more for the ideas that people create, over their skill at displaying them.

I will not be judging by skill, but by the ideas you all come up with to write/draw about. I just want to clarify that because I am looking forward to what you guys will submit*


How to Submit:

You can PM me or if you have a book where you post things in you can use that too. Just dedicate the entry to me ir tag me or something. I'll make a list of all the people who submitted things.

If you don't see your name on the list tell me so I can check your entry out.

If you decide to post your entry elsewhere, whether DeviantART or instagram or anything, don't forget to put a link to where it is. That way I can find it using your link.


Now to prizes!! :D

1st Place
*Will receive 2 drawings from me of anything they want.
●1 fully colored with a background and shading.
●1 fully colored drawing with shading and a solid colored background.

*One written piece about any of your OC or minecraft youtubers, because I only know minecraft youtubers.

*Dedicated to a chapter in the story of their choice. *If you choose LOST you will be dedicated in the behind the scenes book.*

2nd Place
*Will receive one fully colored drawing with shading and a solid colored background.

*One written piece about any of your OC or minecraft youtubers, because I only know minecraft youtubers.

*Dedicated to a chapter in the story of their choice. *If you choose LOST you will be dedicated in the behind the scenes book.*

3rd Place
*Will receive one flat colored drawing with a solid colored background.

*Dedicated to a chapter in the story of their choice.*If you choose LOST you will be dedicated in the behind the scenes book.*

I will do my best to deliver prizes ASAP after the contest is done. However if I get grounded, things will be delayed, but I will deliver the prizes.


Now since I'm kind of new the due date can be changed if you all need some more time, but until further notice the contest will end DECEMBER 18

Any Questions? Sorry this might be a lot to read... ^^;


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