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Ok, I need some help here.

This is about Book 2: CONNECTED

All my plans are butt. Like really bad butt.

I don't know what I'm doing, and I need advice. Now, I DON'T want to cancel the book, I don't want to, let's make that clear. But I am at a loss of if I should or should not.

Let's put this into perspective.

In the time it has taken me to make HALF of a plot plan for book 2, I have been able to complete THREE separate plot plans for TWO other books (yes two, it's complicated). Those books have nothing to do with LOST. If you don't understand, it just means that I'm lacking the inspiration for it.

LOST was a good book when I started, and many of you like it, and I still get new readers enjoying it. However I'm not incredibly proud of this book. This is the first book I've finished here, and I am proud of that, but in comparison to Falling to Rise, which I started writing WHILE writing LOST, the writings are VERY, VERY different. Falling to Rise is infinitely better in a lot of things I did not care to do for LOST. Planning namely one of them.

I've been trying my best to save this series and stuff, but it's just not working. Which is why I need to ask, and I will do what ever it is you all decide. And I will tally the decisions by the time I go to bed today. Which is 9:30 MST, or 3.5 hours from now.

Should I write CONNECTED or Should I work on other stories

Before you decide I should mention. If I do write CONNECTED, updates will be slow, it will take quite some time to get it out to you all, and it will probably much shorter than LOST.

If I don't, then I can spend my time working on the other stories I mentioned I had made plans for. Something that I think would be more enjoyable for me and you, as I have big plans.

NOTE: If any of you say, I want you to write it, but I want you to be happy and do what you want, or something implying that you don't have a concrete decision for one side or the other. DON'T do it. I WILL cry, I'm asking for your decisions, not neutral opinions, either you have one and comment, or you don't and you don't comment your neutral decision, Please, I am begging you don't do that, it doesn't help me at all.

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