The Meeting

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Clint Barton/Hawkeye's P.O.V

I tapped my boots against the floor. I checked the clock in the corner of the room. Tony was half an hour late. I scowled darkly. The Avengers sat around the table. Then the door flew open and Tony sauntered in.

"Hold the applause. I know I'm awesome. Thank you." He smiled brightly at all of us but when no one smiled back, he stopped smiling.

"Glad you could make it on time." Fury said sarcastically.

"Anyway. I need you to detain a certain person." He said and threw a file on the table. I opened it and saw a picture of a grinning twelve year old. He had sea green eyes and a Californian tan. He had a mischievous smile and a swimmers body.

"A twelve year old? You want us to detain a twelve year old?" I asked in surprise. The others looked at me in surprise.

"What?" Natasha asked.

"He is not twelve. That picture is six years old. That's the latest photo that we have on him." Fury said. I gaped at him. He's eighteen and we don't have a picture of him? Weird. I read over the file and was shocked. How could a twelve year old blow up the St. Louis Arch? I finished reading and passed it on. I saw similar emotions on the other's faces.

"Why must we capture an eighteen year old?" Steve asked.

"He has been on S.H.I.E.L.D's radar for six years and is guilty of terrorism, vandalism, blackmail and maybe murder. He has done many things but every time he's in our grasp he is proved innocent by some dumb story. Every time I'm close, he slips through my fingers like water." He said angrily.

"Who is this Midgardian foolish enough to get on your bad side?" Thor asked, a smile on his face.

"His name is Perseus Jackson." Fury said. Thor immediately lost his smile and paled.

"P-perseus Jackson." He repeated. "Thor? Do you have anything to tell us?" Fury asked him.

"Only that Percy Jackson is  definitely not a terrorist. He is the world's greatest hero. His adventures are legends on Asgard." He said.

"Detaining him is the stupidest thing you could ever do. I doubt the Avengers would even be able to do so. But if you do, you might start a war with...his people." He finished.

"Who's side are you on?" Fury demanded.

"If it's in a fight, Percy Jackson's side." Thor replied immediately.

"That's not what I meant." Fury said frustratedly. Suddenly Wanda Maximoff spoke for the first time this meeting. (The Scarlet Witch)

"What are his powers? What makes him so special?" She asked Thor, her accent very noticeable.

"I cannot say without his permission."

"Anyway." Fury glared slightly at us. "Detain him. No if's, and's or but's." He said and left.

"Right. Team let's go to work."

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