The Monsters

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Percy's P.O.V

I was sitting on my bed when Tony burst into my room.

"There's trouble. We need to go now." He said. I grabbed Riptide and my shield-watch and followed him out of the building. The whole team was waiting in the lobby.

"There's trouble in an abandoned warehouse. There have been reports of several missing people in the area." Steve said and I walked outside, everyone followed. I tensed as I felt someone watching me. I scanned the streets but saw no one. Strange. We got into two separate cars and drove away. Five minutes later we stopped. I got out and froze.

"No no no no no. This can't be happening." I muttered.

"What? What's wrong?" Natasha asked.

"I thought she would stay dead for at least another decade." I murmured.

"Who? What are you talking about?!" Clint demanded. Loki and Thor gasped as they saw the two statues of petrified people.

"It can't be." Thor said softly.

"It is. Medusa is back." I uncapped Riptide and it transformed into a sword. I then tapped my watch and it turned into my shield.

"Everyone. Stay outside." I commanded.

"Wait, but we want to help!" Tony protested.

"You can't help me. You'll all die. I know how to handle this situation."

"Percy-" Loki started.

"Nothing you say will stop me. So stay away until I come back." I interrupted and walked inside the warehouse. Statues of people lined the walls. Old people, young people, I even saw a statue of a demigod dressed in full armour. I heard the sound of hissing and I glanced into my shield. I ducked as Medusa swiped at my head. I shut my eyes and swung Riptide around. She dodged but I heard shrieking as I cut off one of Medusa's snakes in her hair.

"Son of Poseidon." She hissed. "I will have my revenge for you killing me." I lunged blindly in the direction of her voice. Laughter filled my ears.

"You missed me." She whispered from behind. I whirled around and swiped at nothing.

"You're getting rusty godling." She mocked. I looked in my shield and saw her coming from behind. I whirled around and threw Riptide. I heard her gasp as it hit her chest, passing through flesh and bone. With an inhuman wail she dissolved into sand. I panted softly and retrieved Riptide. I walked outside and noticed them staring at me.

"What?!" I demanded.

"What just happened in there?!" Natasha demanded.

"I decapitated a three thousand year old lady. Now let's go. I'm hungry." I said and walked away. Loki caught up with me.

"Percy. What you did back there was incredible. Only few heroes have ever defeated Medusa and you've done it twice now."

"Yeah well. It's part of my job."

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