Ch. 15

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Kendall's POV
Maddie killed the bear. A wave of relief washed over me, but there was also that pang of sadness for the bear. What? I love animals! She collapsed on Chloe. I ran over to where Paige lay motionless on the ground. "Paigy?" I hoped she would come back. I knelt down beside her. Despite her bloody body, I put an ear to her chest. Then I heard it. The slow thump, thump of a heartbeat. "Paige is alive!" I screamed. Chloe turned to me. She set Maddie down at the foot of a tree and ran over. Chloe got out her water bottle. I gave her a worried look. "Don't worry, Kendall. We need to use this on her." And at that, Chloe poured some water over Paige's head, waking her up. Paige coughed. "What happened?" "Paigy! Omg I'm so glad you're ok!" Chloe cheered. "I can't feel my whole body." She said in a raspy voice. "It's cause you got attacked." I explained. "Are we gonna die out here?" Paige asked worriedly. "No. Maddie killed the bear." I replied. Paige smiled and turned her head slightly to see the motionless flank of the dead bear. "Come on." Chloe said, lifting Paige off the ground. "Ow! Chloe, be careful! That hurts!" Paige cried. "I'm sorry!" Chloe set Paige down next to Maddie. Meanwhile, I jogged up to where Kenzie lay on the ground. As soon as I touched her, her eyes opened. "Kendall?" She asked. "Yeah, Kenzie?" "Are we ok?" "Yes Kenzie, we're fine. Maddie killed the bear. You're safe now." Mackenzie smiled. "Are you ok?" I asked her. "I don't know. My foot hurts really badly. When the bear jumped on me and Maddie, it like, pulled her and pushed me and I hit my foot on like, a rock or something, and..." Mackenzie trailed off. "I know, Kenz. It'll be ok." I reassured her. Maddie was beginning to open her eyes now. "Kendall?" She murmured. Be right back. I mouthed to Mackenzie and ran over to Maddie. "Mads, are you ok?" I asked, alarmed. "Yeah I think so. I killed it." She said to me. "Yeah Maddie, you did! You are like, the hero, or whatever! You saved the day!" I told her and she nodded slowly. "Is Kenzie ok? Where is she?" Maddie asked, suddenly alert. "It's ok Maddie. Kenzie's fine. She just hurt her foot. She'll be ok." I reassured my friend, who nodded. "Help me up." She demanded. "Uh, Maddie, I think you should just-" "Help me up, woman!" Maddie repeated. "Ok." I reached down and grabbed her hands and pulled. She stood up. "There we go!" She said. "Can you walk?" I asked her and she nodded. Maddie walked over to Kenzie, who, in the meantime, had pulled herself to sit up against the trunk of a huge oak tree. "Mackenzie, are you ok?" Maddie asked. Kenzie smiled. "Maddie! Yes, I'm fine! You're ok!" Kenzie exclaimed happily. "Yeah, Kenz! We're gonna get home!" Maddie said. They hugged. I watched this sister thing and wondered what it was like. My two sisters, Ryleigh and Charlotte, are both all grown up and moved out. I wish I had a sister this close. Just then, we heard, "Guys, over here!" It was Chloe.

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