Chapter Twelve- Sequoia

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Sequoia looks at Nicole. She's lost in thought, taken aback, then almost looks like she wants to giggle. She doesn't, though, and Sequoia feels a bit disappointed. Laughing would have made this situation a lot easier. He has to figure out a better way to talk to her, now.

He hasn't forgiven her, at least he doesn't think so. But they need her. He and Lila don't know how to do this- this homeless thing. They're just kids. So is Nicole, he realizes, she's younger than me. The realization feels odd. Nicole seems older, and Quinn's just been thinking of her as twelve or thirteen even though she very much looks like a ten year old.

"So," he signs. "Um. How are you?"

Nicole looks incredulous for a moment, then taps her fingers on the table, thinking. "I guess I'm fine. You?"

"Not so good," Sequoia signs without thinking, forgetting to keep up the mask that Nicole is so skilled at putting on. "We can't live like you do. Does it get easier, after a while?"

Nicole shrugs. "I don't know. It's always been like this, for me."

"Can you come? After school? And maybe... stay with us for a while?" Sequoia cocks his head at her.

"I thought you didn't want me." A girl is listening with concern. A strawberry flies through the air. "I thought Lilt-"

Sequoia touches her lightly on the shoulder. "We don't. But come anyway. The fenced in area. Twenty-ninth and Jerret."


"Hey, Nicole!" a boy yells. "Come sit with us! Whatcha doing with that middle schooler?"

Fourth graders can put a lot of venom into the words middle schooler, Nicole reflects as she moves over.

"Think about it," Quinn signs. Nicole nods.


"So, what were you doing?" Cameron looks at her.

Nicole shrugs.

"Is he, like, deaf?" Norah asks.

"No, he just doesn't talk."

"That's weird," Cameron says. "So, is he your boyfriend?"

"What! No!" Nicole shoves him.

"She's gay," Norah says sagely between bites of sandwich.

"No, I'm not," Nicole answers halfheartedly .

"Barely denies it." Cameron grins. Nicole flops into her mashed potatoes.


"Kay, lesbiab. Doesn't Quinn have a sister?"

The bell rings. Nicole considers what Sequoia had said.

Sequoia is thinking about her, too.

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