Arriving With Nowhere To Go

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Let's gooooooooo.

Hopefully you are all still in the boom and enjoy!!!


It's almost like a funnel beneath them.

The flat grey stone sliding down to an ominous hole in the centre.

Skyla flies the plan straight over, knowing not to fall for the trick. The sharp jagged rocks that they would've hit if she dared to land, pass by under them safely.

The pilot looks around for a safe alternative to land but it's mostly trees. Out here are the forgotten lands of Unova, where skyscrapers haven't invaded yet.

"Screw it," Hilda hears Skyla mutter and the brunette gets worried.

The plane dives towards the trees, cutting through the sky effortlessly. And with a chance of luck there's a small bare patch that Skyla is aiming for. She turns the plane straight down so she won't overshoot it.

At the last second she pulls up and rattled the plane along the uneven ground. With every sort of braking activated the plane comes to a stop, it's nose touching a tree. Skyla shrugs and hops out to admire the muddy tracks she left behind her.

"Not bad," She smiles and waits for the two teens to climb out.

Ash and Hilda climb out shakily, Pikachu holding tightly to the former. "Great landing," Ash's hand shakes as he gives a thumbs up.

"Let's hope that's the scariest thing you endure today," Skyla chirps and bounces back towards the plane. "The idiots are coming around to all the gym leaders so I better head back. Good luck guys and no pressure!"

"No pressure for sure," Hilda sighs and looks up at the peak of Giant Chasm in the sky. "Let's go Ash."

"We're gonna beat 'em all," Ash gets his confidence back. "We have to."

"Mhmm," Hilda mumbles and follows him into the forest.

It doesn't take much time for the odd tree to be replaced by a mountain of rock rising out of the ground. Some even having cracks, giving a glimpse of what's below even though they'll never know for sure.

Stone becomes more regular until a cave catches their eye. They can feel a brisk breeze rushing out in gusts...

"Should've packed a coat," Hilda says and doesn't even ask as she takes Ash's jacket.

He looks hurt but she rolls her eyes. "You were about to offer anyways," Hilda winks and walks in.

Every word they say to each other echoes through the tunnels. Rugged walls pass by, offering no unique character. The odd Zubat flies by harmlessly, too concerned by the cooler temperature to attack.

"This way," An assertive voice leads a group of footsteps near our heroes. "If your want to stay out of jail you better follow my directions."

"Ash?" Hilda freezes. "Who else would be down here other than Team Archo-Plasma?"

"Be careful of echoes darling," A flashlight invaded their privacy. "They often travel farther than you would like."

"Looker," Ash gives a smile of relief. "Was wondering if you'd be here or not."

"I'll be at every region endangering conflict until one of them kills me," Looker states. "Seems like you have a new partner for this one."

"This is Hilda," Ash smiles. "We travelled through the region together before all this started."

"Nice to meet you," Hilda shakes his hand. "Who are you though?"

"Looker is an awesome member of the International Police," Ash awes.

"Yes," The man sweat drops. "But I may not be much longer if we don't hurry."

The two nod and follow Looker through the caves with the few grunts. "Hurry where?" Ash questions.

"An exit," Looker explains. "We won't find Kyurem, who I'm sure you're aware of by now, before Ghetsis."

"Shouldn't we try?" Ash questions while jogging behind the detective. "Cedr— Professor Juniper said we can't beat them if they have Kyurem."

"Ash," Looker looks back with a hard look. "Unova is the region of balance, and that balance is about to be tipped so we need to get out of here."

Another cold chill stops Ash from questioning any further. Frost is starting to spread across the walls more repetitively now. The temperature dropping with every minute.

"We're close," Looker grumbles but then the mountain grumbles back.

Loose rocks fall on the group, none large enough to cause any injuries thankfully. But the heavy cold air now has dust hovering in it. Not the best breathing atmosphere for a group of running people.

They wrap their arms in front of their mouth and continue forward, hoping for sunlight to meet their eyes. Ash and Hilda are going to have a lifelong fear of caves, tunnels and any other underground place if they survive this mess.

The cold breeze quickens their feet, their bodies respond like they can understand the message. The message to get out.

Another ground shaking rumble passed, this time ice crystals shatter around them. A beautiful but dangerous display of nature. Like the thorns on a rose or Togepi's magic hand waving powers.

The tunnel walls shake more frequently, more vigorously, and more....

The group sees the light but as they take their last few steps on the rocky cave part, crumbling rock falls around them. The spacious cave exit allows them to dodge what they can see but the growing clouds of dust and ice flakes are making it harder.

Ash instinctively grabs Hilda's hand and pulls both of them towards the brief glow in the air. They stumble out into the open with the freezing air only being noticed now that they aren't trapped in a death hole.

The two lay on the mix of stones and grass, far enough away from the exit that they can breathe fresh air. Both of them staring up with wide eyes, neither of them daring to look around and see if someone didn't get out.

"Get up you two," Looker hobbles over with a limp in his right leg. "We need to keep going."

"Going where?" Ash asks and the crumbling Giant Chasm answers for the detective. A piece of the towering landmark breaks off like a slice of pie.

Opening up more of the overcast sky... and random puffs of crystallized particles.

"Go," Looker demands. "I'll catch up, even as a crippled detective."

Ash and Hilda get up, immediately sprinting further into the forest. They didn't even have time to glance back at Looker before an explosion shakes their world...


The ground in Western Unova shakes uncontrollably. Like the tectonic plates far below decided to kick into overdrive. Buildings crumble, trees lose their grip on the thousands of ravines that make up much of the unique landscape.

Lakes and ponds spurt out their water, leaving craters with nothing but a few feet of water left. Some having their lakebed crack and leak their contents deep into the earth.

Pokémon frantically try to find a safe place to take cover as their habitats are ripped apart. Their families split apart.

In the centre of it all, a circle of bright contrasting blues and whites separates itself from the surrounding forest. The trees making up the outer edge are coated in sparkling frost.

As you get close to the middle, ice fills any empty space not occupied by trees, rock, etc. But then you get to the land directly beside Giant Chasm and there's nothing but staggered ice.

The ice is so thick that you may be able to say there could be vegetation hidden underneath. But the form is in long waves that end with sharp spikes at the end. Like it was really water that burst out of the mountain and got flash frozen.

Unova's funnel landmark is gone and replaced by ice. It's just as smooth around the middle but instead of towers of rock hanging around the edges, it's giant needles of ice. Ready to pierce through anything that dares to touch.

As astonishing as this phenomena is, it really doesn't matter what's on the ground at this point.

Because a ship flying through the air matters a whole lot more...

The beast Team Archo has sought after is standing defiantly under it...

Kyurem's slick shape looks like it was moulded by wind and ice. Crystals in the air hit his body and fly off at double the speed. A body of a legendary Pokémon.

The yellow crest is a beacon, warning any onlookers to back off. Unfortunately for Kyurem, it isn't scaring these guys away...

The President of Unova, Ghetsis, stands over the side of the airship. He laughs maniacally as a machine is rolled beside him on the creaking boards.

Not that the creaks can be heard over the massive spinning propellers positioned around the ship.

The shallow body allows the front of the machine to easily point down at its target...

Kyurem growls, cracking the ice around the dragon and ice type Pokémon. The sound may scare away a few thousand Pidove but not a beam of light.

The faint yellow glow connects the crest to the weird machine that looks like a combination of ancient and modern technology. Behind is a herd of scientists, frantically checking every detail so they aren't thrown off the airship.

Kyurem stands in the middle of the ice shams with his eyes closed and body still. His mind is slowly losing any chance of control, but Kyurem isn't even trying to fight it. Like this is supposed to happen.

"We may have had to dig this thing out of ice and stone, but it's working like a charm," Ghetsis smirks at the legendary Pokémon slowly getting ready to follow the green haired villain's every order.

Ghetsis turns towards the land below him so he can admire the sheer destruction he technically caused... but then flames unleash at the ship.

A royal prescience carries throughout the air with this Pokémon. You can tell by the way its white fur flies in the wind that it's the most luxurious in the world. Even more than Marrep wool.

It's cold blue eyes glare down at the airship, a similar glare to the trainer on its back. The trainer's long green hair floats behind him in one long ponytail. His strange white and black clothes flapping from the flying.

Ghetsis hits the deck hard to dodge the flames passing over him. He looks back at his machine and it's scorched.

Ghetsis stands up angrily. "GET DOWN HERE AND FIGHT SON!"


It's gonna be a wild ride to the end... get ready.

Thanks for reading and cya next chapter!

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