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The lessons had been going well. Day by day, a little more English was being spoken out loud around Allhalla, though it was very obvious that their tongue was still the preferred language. He never expected that to change. It was part of them and their culture. Amiri was fitting in well to her riryoo status, helping him if he was getting spread a little too thin in helping his people with everyday tasks. The elders of the Clan also approved of her and insisted on the creation of a new heir as soon as possible. Sans listened to the suggestion and even agreed that fatherhood wasn't a bad thing... but he wasn't going to actively go at it unless Amiri was for it as well. He didn't want her to think their child was there solely for duty. Lucky for him, she didn't seem to think that way at all, showing him all the love and affection she could whenever they had the chance. The idea was a concept he would have hated in the Underground, but now, the more he thought about it, the more excited he was at the idea of raising his own.


It was no surprise when Amiri did drop the bomb on being pregnant. They had been riryoo for what was estimated to be about three months now before she told Sans and showed him the soul string that would be their daughter or son. Sans was ecstatic and immediately called for a bones celebration to celebrate the new heir. The entire clan was more than eager themselves. A new heir was a huge deal after everything they had all been through. Of course, there was no drinking for Amiri, and Sans was more than ok with staying sober with her. They danced all night until the sun came up, then cleaned up before taking a day to rest. "Personally, I would like a baby boy..." Amiri whispered as they cuddled in their cot. "Especially if he ends up anything like you..." Sans hummed sleepily, opening his sockets a crack to look at her. "'m hoping for a girl, if i'm being honest. raised paps as my boy... so i wanna see if raising a girl is any different... sides, we haven't had a female tine in generations... we are due for one." Amiri chuckled softly. "I guess we will see..."


"Hello, Papymas, welcome to Allhalla..." Amiri whispered to their children. It had been a shock to the entire clan when the soul string that was meant to carry only one child had split into three. Triplets were extremely uncommon and to have not one, but three offspring only showed just how well of a match Sans and Amiri really was... the firstborn and expected Tine was a young and healthy girl they had decided to name Unna. She had a gentle glow of yellow magic on her skull, which in time would either ignite into flames or fall into hair. The second born was a boy, as Amiri had hoped for. They named him Sen, and he looked like a spitting image of Sans, other than the purple magic of Amiri's flames and Wingdings magic. The youngest was another baby girl named Almendra. Unlike her siblings, the blue glow of her magic seemed to cover her entirely, making Sans and Amiri wonder if she had a little more Fire Elemental in her than her siblings. In the long run, though, it didn't matter. They were their kids... all of them were strong and healthy. That's what mattered.


Sans fell in love with his kids instantly. The month long wait to meet Umma, Sen, and Almendra had been well worth it. After English lessons, he went to help in the nursery to spend as much time with his little ones as he could before something came up that he absolutely had to go and help in clan matters. He couldn't wait to bring them to Ebbot... to show his brother the Triplets and raise them up into fine young skeletons. Umma would be able to live a long normal life before Sans retired and gave her the title of Tine. Maybe Sen would have the same interest in science as Wingdings. Maybe Almendra would want to learn to cook like Grillby and Papyrus. Or maybe all three of them would find their own paths in life. Sans wasn't opposed to that either. Times were changing and the clan had to change with it. They would never lose their culture, they only had to adapt it to the new setting. Whatever happened, Sans and Amiri both would be for them every step of the way. "mommy and i love you, always..."

2 chapters left

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