A Boy and a Game

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Your POV

I tensed when I heard his voice. "Well, what have we here? Our little Lost Girl all grown up," he said, reappearing in front of us. "Hello, Pan. I take it that you won't send us home then?" I asked, lacing my voice with as much venom as possible. "Now, why would I do that, love?" I felt Thorin tense beside me. I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder before I spoke to Pan again. "You don't want me here, Pan. I'm an adult. You don't like adults on Neverland."

"True, but I do enjoy happy reunions." Confused, I asked him what he meant. He smirked and answered, "I won't tell you that, but I will tell you that if you want to find out, you'll have to play a game." I rolled my eyes. Of course. He waved his hand and Dwalin disappeared. I could see the anger in Thorin's face as the other kings stood in awe. "Where is he?" Thorin growled at the boy. "That's the game, isn't it?" Pan sneered at my husband. I held Thorin back, knowing that if he attacked Pan, he probably wouldn't live to see Erebor again.

"Give us a clue, Pan. It's only fair." Pan thought for a moment before saying, "Your secrets will come out." That was all he said before he disappeared. I felt three pairs of eyes on me as I sat to think. The sun was setting and a chill was coming in. I quickly started a fire and Thorin sat next to me. "Do we have secrets, Amrâlimê?" "Everyone had secrets, love," I muttered before concentrating again.

It was dawn before I finally realized what Pan meant. "Queen Y/N, did you sleep at all?" Thranduil asked me. Thorin and Bard were both still sleeping so he spoke softly. I shook my head. "Mellon, you must sleep. We will undoubtedly find your friend, but we all must rest. You in particular," he scolded gently. I sighed, "I know, Thranduil and please call me 'Y/N.' " He gave me a soft smile. "Have you told Oakenshield?" Once again, I shook my head.

Thorin's POV

"Have you told Oakenshield?" I heard Thranduil ask. "No. When could I have? It's been rather hectic lately and now we're here. Not exactly the time nor place to tell Thorin anything like this." I tried to contain the rage I was feeling. What was going on between the two of them? What was so horrible that my wife, my love could not tell me? I had no more time to ponder as I felt Y/N shake my shoulder. "Thorin, love. You need to get up. I know where Dwalin is."

I turned over and sat up to face her. I studied her face. Though it showed signs of fatigue, there was also a look of hope and determination that made her look even more beautiful. There was also something different that I couldn't place. It made her seem brighter despite our surroundings. "Where is Dwalin?" I asked her. "A place called the Echo Caves. If we start now, we should be there in a few hours." I stood and brushed myself off. "Lead the way," I told my wife.

We doused our fire and Y/N led us toward a thick forest. "God I hate this bloody jungle. I always have." I grunted as I avoided a tree root. "I don't feel very comfortable journeying through some vast forest without a weapon," Bard said. Y/N suddenly stopped walking causing me to nearly topple over her. "Sorry. Thorin. My dress is caught and I believe Bard is right. We definitely need weapons." I helped her with her dress. "I am afraid I cannot help with weapons as our weapons are all back in Dale."

With a quick wave of her hand, Y/N was no longer in her dress but in her trousers and tunic. No matter how many times she did it, I would never get used to seeing her use magic. She waved her hand again and I felt a familiar weight on my side. I looked down and saw a sword. Thranduil and Bard were also equipped with weapons now. "I know they aren't our usual swords, but they'll have to do for now. Shall we go find Dwalin then?" 

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