Braids and Magic

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Thorin's POV

There was no describing how Y/N's kiss made me feel. I was never one for sentiment, but having her in my arms made my heart soar. That was when I was absolutely certain that she was indeed my One. When we parted again, I asked her if I could braid her hair. "A courting braid is a dwarven custom. It tells others that you are my beloved." She nodded and presented her hair to me. Once I finished, I fastened a bead with my crest on it to the end and kissed it.

"Come. I shall escort you back to your chambers. I plan to leave at first light," I said, taking her small hands in mine. As happy as I was, my quest could not be forgotten. I needed to complete it and once Erebor was reclaimed, I would make Y/N my queen. "Good night, Amrâlimê. Sleep well." She smiled and kissed my cheek. "Good night Thorin my love. Sweet dreams." I entered my own chambers with a smile on my face.

As promised, my company left Rivendell at first light the next day. It was not long before we were caught in a storm and a fight between rock giants! I pulled Y/N to me so she would not fall and prayed that the rest of my company would survive. The giants soon lost interest in their battle and we were able to find shelter in a cave.

Your POV

I was wet and freezing by the time we found shelter. Then again, so was everyone else. I did my best to dry everyone off using my magic, but it wasn't that strong. I did notice that my magic was definitely stronger in Middle Earth than in the Enchanted Forest and I took every opportunity to practice. I smile as Thorin sat down beside me. "How did you learn that, Y/N? The magic?"

"Papa? Where are we?" I asked my father. I was 17 and curious about the world around me. My father, although a pirate, tried to raise me to be a lady. It was a difficult task considering how long I was on Neverland surrounded by boys. My father still tried. No fighting or pirating at least not until I was of age. "Oz, lass. We are in Oz. I'm going into town, why don't you wait here?" With that, he left me at the edge of the woods.

"Hello! I've never seen you here before!" a female voice called from behind me. I turned and saw a young woman, not too much older than I. She had red hair and brilliant blue eyes. "I'm Zelena. What's your name?" I told her and the two of us became fast friends. I spent every day the crew was in Oz with Zelena. One day she told me that she had been learning magic. "Teach me!" I cried, desperate for something to do. I knew my father wouldn't approve because of what happened to his first love, but I had to do something.

"To be honest, I started learning from the Wicked Witch. It was before she turned into what she is now. I met her in Oz many years ago." I was making flames dance along the ceiling of the cave. I loved that my magic turned the flames many different shades of blue. "I suppose one of my real parents could have had magic, but I never saw it. And my father certainly does not." I spat out the word "father." "You do not care for your father?" Thorin asked, patting my hand. I shook my head. "I love him, of course but his habit of self preservation lead him to abandon me. A pirate's daughter is not exactly welcome everywhere and certainly does not draw many suitors," I said smiling at him again.

I leaned my head on his shoulder as his thumb rubbed the back of my hand. "I can say I'm glad for that. Had you many suitors, I might not have met you," he said softly. The company buzzed all around us, but in that moment they did not matter. "I love you, Thorin." "And I you." We stayed side-by-side the whole night, even in slumber. We woke up as the ground underneath us began to crack and crumble. Soon, we were all falling into a trap.

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