Discoveries and Decisions

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Thorin's POV

Y/N's song spoke to me. I knew now what it was that I felt for her and could not deny it. She was my One. "Lass, that was lovely and a good note to end the night on I think." I watched as Y/N leaned over and whispered to Balin who nodded. After a few more moments, they walked off together. Curious, I followed them and heard their conversation. "Why does Thorin hate me, Balin? I don't understand." I could almost hear the tears in her voice. "Dear lass, I can assure you that Thorin does not hate you. He is a dwarf of few words, except perhaps in Khuzdul and has a difficult time using them in a way that does not sound gruff or sharp. You mustn't take it to heart."

"I know he thinks he has to be strong all the time and he has shown me some kindness by letting me join the company. But he glares at me all the time and hardly even speaks to me. Either he hates me or I messed up and don't know how." From my hiding spot, I saw Balin pat her hand. "Try not to worry so lass. Thorin will soften to you eventually." I heard her mutter a thank you and goodnight before walking away. Did I really make her feel so poorly? I knew that I would have to fix this and quickly.

We spent a few days among the elves and during those days, I spent most of my time to myself. I needed to refocus on the mountain, on reclaiming Erebor. I knew I would not be able to do that until I fixed things with a certain female. I did not know how and I would not have time to think on it. On the third night we were in Rivendell, I was sitting alone with my thoughts on a bridge overlooking a lake. I heard footsteps and turned to find Y/N approaching me. "I didn't know anyone would be here. I'll go." As she turned to go, I said, "Stay, please." She turned back and came to stand next to me.

"You've been avoiding us-well me," she began, "Why?" "I'm not." I was. I glanced sideways at her as she leaned on the railing of the bridge. "Thorin...Lord Elrond has invited me to stay here in Rivendell," she said softly. She was avoiding my eyes. "And have you decided if you will?" I was afraid to hear the answer and she chuckled, finally looking at me. She had tears in her eyes. "My heart yearns for adventure, Thorin. It is all I know. I am not sure how much of that I will find here. I cannot continue to slow down you and the company though."

Your POV

I watched Thorin's face as I spoke. After my conversation with Balin, I'd felt a bit better until Lord Elrond's offer. I had come to the bridge in order to think on his proposal and found Thorin. "That is no answer,Y/N," he spoke more softly than he'd ever spoken to me before. I stood and waited for him to say something else. "I do not hate you," he finally said catching me off guard. "I feel many things for you, but hate is not one of them."

I blinked back my tears. "Then why do you act as if you do?" I did not want to fight, but I could not hold back my feelings anymore. "I understand that you are trying to reclaim your home. I no longer have a home so that I do understand. What I do not understand is why you feel the need to make anyone not your kin feel so much lower than you!" The tears were flowing freely and I could no longer speak. That had only happened once before in my life.

I lost parents that day. My fifteenth birthday was met with the death of the two people I loved most in the world. I was on the streets in my homeland of London. No one took kindly to homeless beggars, but I refused to go to the orphanage. I heard about the things that happened there. I did not cry, I was too strong for that. I remembered my mother telling me that I could so anything as long as I believed."I believe," I said with all the conviction I could muster.

The next second, a shadow appeared before me and picked me up. It carried me through the sky, passed the stars and the moon. I was terrified and I flailed in the shadow's arms. We soon approached an island, one that I'd never seen and looked nothing like anything I'd ever read of before. Just before we reached the island, the shadow seemed to realize something and dropped me right in the ocean. I pulled myself to the shore and ran to a nearby tree. I pulled my knees to my chest and finally cried. I cried for my parents and now for myself. I was in a strange place. "What have we here? A little lost girl?"

I was still crying when I felt strong arms pull me close.

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