Memories Restored

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Thorin's POV

I stood there with Y/N's heart in my hand. I looked between the heart and her for several moments. "How do I, as you said put it back?" She took the box from my other hand and set it down. "Just shove it in right here," she told me pointing to a spot on her chest, "And do it quick cause it's gonna hurt." I fought a frown. I did not want to hurt her at all, but this was her heart that I was literally holding in my hands. I placed my free hand on her shoulder and did as she said.

She let out a sharp gasp then smiled. "Thank you Thorin." I moved to back away, but Dwalin grabbed my shoulders from behind. I struggled to escape his grasp, but he held fast. "Do it, lass. Now before you lose your chance." I did not understand what he meant until Y/N approached me and pressed her lips to mine.

A monster fell from the sky, clutching a beautiful woman in its grasp. She was lovely and kind.

She was fighting alongside my company, protecting us with everything she had.

We shared a kiss on the bridge in Rivendell. A kiss that made everything other than the two of us disappear.

She slapped the Elvenking, encouraged us to escape and we left her.

Y/N reappeared in Erebor just in time for the battle to begin. She saved Fili's life and pushed me away from Azog's blow, dying in the process. Thranduil saved her life.

Memories suddenly flooded back to me. Memories of everything we had been through. "Amrâlimê," I whispered, looking down into her eyes. Her green eyes were wet with tears. "Thorin!" She threw her arms around my neck and I held her close as the company cheered around us. I released Y/N, turning to Thranduil and Bard. "It is good to see your memories returned to you, Mellon," Thranduil said with a smile. Y/N spoke to him next. "Thranduil, I believe that Zelena should spend the remainder of her time on Middle Earth in the dungeons of Mirkwood."

Your POV

I knew exactly what I was doing. "Why in Mirkwood, my love?" Thorin asked me. "Two reasons. One: The cells in Mirkwood are fortified against magic. I discovered that when we were there. Not that it matters because of the cuff." My second reason was because of what she'd done to Thranduil. "What a queen you will be, My Lady," Bard commented with a laugh. "Will you dine with us tonight? I do believe a celebration is in order." I laughed and hugged Thorin close. I hadn't realized just how much I'd missed him until I had him back.

"Aunt Y/N?" Kili asked, looking sheepish for once. I turned to him and smirked. I had to admit, the title was growing on me. "Yes, Kee?" He rubbed the back of his neck and asked, "Without your heart, could you...I mean were you able to...?" The longer he talked, the redder his face got. "Feel? Yes I could, but not deeply. It was more like a hint of a feeling rather than the feeling itself. I gotta say, I enjoy having my heart better than not," I finished with a laugh. Then I remembered something.

"Hold on. There's one more thing I have to do." I stopped walking and called out, "Rumplestiltskin." "There's no need to shout, dearie." We turned to find Rumplestiltskin behind us. I took my sword off my hip and held it out to him. "My end of the deal, Rumple. I don't think I'll be needing it anymore anyway." He took the sword from me with his usual impish grin and annoying giggle. "Thank you, dearie. I'll see you again." He was gone in a cloud of purple. "Who was that?"

"That was Rumplestiltskin. The Dark One if you will. I made a deal with him to get that cuff to stop Zelena's powers. Works better than squid ink." At their looks of confusion, I explained. "Squid ink has magical properties that can incapacitate a magical being for a short amount of time. It can also be used to dissolve barriers or to write actual spells. It's powerful stuff, but as I said it's only temporary." Thorin chuckled. "You really have been everywhere and seen everything, haven't you?" It was my turn to laugh.

"So, my friends, when is the wedding?" Bard asked us both and we exchanged a glance. "All things considered, I do believe the sooner we wed, the better. Do you agree, Y/N?" I felt my lips curl into a smile and I nodded. "I think you're right, love." Bard smiled at us as we continued to hold onto one another tightly. I knew one thing for certain. That I was never letting anything happen to Thorin again if I could help it.

As that thought hit me, I realized the irony of my situation. A woman raised as a pirate was now betrothed to a king and was soon to be queen. I had to laugh a bit at myself. The three kings turned to me with quizzical looks. I explained my thoughts and they all joined in my laughter. " Amrâlimê, I believe that it would take a pirate lass to rule at a king's side. I would not have you any other way." 

(a/n: This isn't the end. There is still more to come when our heroes meet new/old friends.)

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