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(A/N: I promise things will pick up soon!)

Your POV

Dis pulled me away from Thorin yet again. I couldn't even fight it. She had as much strength as Dwalin and was as stubborn as her brother. "Dis," I began laughing, "Where are we going?" She didn't say anything stopped running and turned to me, beaming. She pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. "Dis...can't breathe!" She loosened her hold and pulled back a bit. She had tears in her eyes. "I'm just s-so h-happy for you and Thorin!" She began wailing to my shock and dismay. "Oh, Dis! Please don't cry!"

After a moment, her tears stopped and she looked at me with a strange smile. I felt my brows furrow. "Dis, are you alright? You're acting very strange." The smile never left her face but she backed away slowly. Suddenly, I felt dizzy and could no longer stand. "Oh, dear. Let's get you to bed. You must be dead on your feet." I nodded slowly and let Dis help me to my chambers. Once I safe inside, I climbed into bed and went to sleep.

Thorin's POV

It had been quite a while since I last saw Y/N and I was beginning to worry. Finally, my sister returned to the table. "Sister, where is Y/N? I have not seen her since she left with you," I questioned. "The poor thing was so exhausted I took her to her chambers. She fell asleep immediately." I smiled to myself and shook my head. That woman was certainly unpredictable. "Well, I suppose I shall see her in the morning." My sister smiled and handed me an ale which I gladly accepted. I took a long drink and felt...off. The smile had not left my sisters face. I drank another sip and the odd feeling went away. Before long, I felt lightheaded and excused myself to go to bed. I fell into a deep sleep.

Your POV

I awoke the next morning to pounding on my door. "Go away," I mumbled into my pillow. Instead of listening, the rude one opened the door. "Y/N, lass. Let's go to the skin-changer. I want to get back before night fall." I felt him pull my furs off the bed and I groaned. "Fine, fine." I sat up and quickly used magic to change clothes. "Where's Thorin?" Dwalin chuckled. "Still abed. Let's get on." I scoffed and waved my hands. Within seconds, we stood at Beorn's front door. With a warning to Dwalin to be nice, I knocked on the door.

Beorn opened it a moment later and looked down at us. "Beorn, may we come in? I was hoping we could talk." He glared at Dwalin. He really did not care for dwarves. "Why have you brought him?" I quickly explained that Thorin did not want me to travel alone. Reluctantly, Beorn let us inside and offered us a seat. "What can I do for you, My Lady?" I launched into my story as quickly as possible hoping to convince him to help. "You say that you knew my mother and I was wondering if maybe you had anything that might have belonged to her? A spell book perhaps?" Beorn thought for a moment then left the room. Dwalin quirked an eyebrow at me and I shrugged. I saw his muscles tense as he prepared to defend me if necessary, not that I needed him to.

Beorn reappeared with something in his hands. "I do not have any spell book, but this was your mother's. Perhaps it will help. You are very much like her, you know. Not only in beauty, but in your compassion. I must bid you good day now, Your Majesty." I smirked and accepted what he offered then replied, "I'm not Queen yet. Y/N will do." Without another word, I took Dwalin and myself back to Erebor. "There you are, lass!" Balin cried, running to us.

Balin neared us, out of breath. "Thorin has yet to exit his chambers. We went to check on him and he's still asleep." For a moment I was confused. Then Balin said, "Something is not right. Perhaps you should go check on him, lass." I nodded and made my way to Thorin's chambers passing Bilbo on the way. "Hello, Y/N. I haven't seen much of you the past few days. Where are you headed?" I told and he decided to follow me. When I reached Thorin's door, I knocked lightly. Receiving no answer, I opened the door slowly. There was Thorin, still asleep. It wasn't like him as he knew that there were things to do.

I approached his bed and leaned over him. He looked peaceful, but I knew that I had to wake him. I leaned over and kissed his forehead, smoothing back his black, silver streaked hair. His eyes opened and I smiled. "Good morning, my King," I said softly as Bilbo came and stood next to me. Thorin looked between us for a moment and finally spoke. His voice was gruff as he said, "Master Baggins, who is this woman?"

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