CHAP 1: The beginning

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Y/N's POV (point's of view)
Jin: Yah! Kim Y/n wake up! Or you'll be late for school!
Yeah that's my brother Jin, i just don't get it why does he hate me so much? I know i'm adopted but why would they adopted me if they don't even care? Then i snapped out of my thoughts and go to the bathroom to do my moring routine. The warm water hit me in the shower and i start to have flashback about that day.
Mom: Kids follow me.
Brother: Mom why are we hiding? What's going on?
Mom: We're playing hide and seek so just stay in this closet until i come back ok?
Both: *nod*
After that mom left...
20 minutes pass...
Y/n: Oppa where is mom? Where is dad? We've been hiding here for 20 minutes.
Brother: You stay here i'll peek outside to see where they are ok?
Y/n: No oppa i want to come with you.
Brother: Ok but be quite ok?
Y/n: Ok
Then my brother slowly open the closet door we peek outside but there was no one there or no sound in the house it became silent. We were walking on the hall of the second floor near the stairs when *boom* we heard a gun shot. I look at the shadow and saw that it was a man, i pulled my brother shirt and point at the shadow figure so he will notice. We walked down stairs slowly, when we got down there was no sign of the man, i dash out ran to my parents lying on the floor with blood surrounded them.
Brother: Y/N!!!!!!
I ignore him calling me i kept running. When i got to them my tears were streaming down my face, i shake them and called them to wake up but they never did.
Y/n: Mom! Dad! Please wake up! Don't leave us!
Man:*point a gun in your head* I've been waiting for you to come out.
Y/n: NO!!!
He push you out the door and you started running. While you were running you trip on yourself and hit the ground, you hurt your leg you were about to get up again you heard a gun shot coming from your house. You cried knowing that you just lost your brother, the last family member you got and now... He's gone. But to let him know that you're ok you got up from the ground and started to run as fast as you could. Hope he can see you from heaven with his parents.
-End Flashback-
Y/n: Why did you save me oppa? Why can't you just let me join you guys!?
You were sad but you weren't crying the last time you cry was that day.
After done with the shower you brush your teeth, wash your face and went back to your room to change in the school uniform. After changing you went down stairs and go to school.
Y/n: I'm going to school *said with cold expression*
Mother: Honey why don't you--
Y/n: *cuts her off* Nevermind.
You got out of the house, put on your headphones and walked to school while listening to music. Arrived to school you sighed loudly then got inside the school, walking in the hallway you saw the things that you saw every day, people whispering, gossiping and look at you with disgust eyes. You were used to it you didn't care to fight back, the fact they knew about you being adopted in Jin's family it was obvious that they hate you since everybody likes Jin. You went to your locker and took some books then walked to your class, when you got in the class you just go straight towards your seat beside the window.
Few minutes later, the teacher comes in and start the lesson. -TIME SKIP- The bell rang and it was lunch time you pack your stuff and went to the cafeteria, got there you took your tray and sat alone on one table cause you have no friends, not even one. While you were eating Jin walk to your table.
Jin: Yah! Mom's said that dad will be going to Paris for work so don't dare call him.
Y/n: Wow, mom words were so soft and you copy it in a dangerous way. * said coldly*
Jin: Yah! How dare you be disrespectful to your brother.
Y/n: That's the problem.
Jin: What?
Y/n: Your not MY brother.
Jin: You little rat!
Jungkook: Hyung! Don't fight just leave her.
Jin: I've enough! * takes Jungkook's drink and pour it over Y/n*
Y/n: Thanks for making it on the worst bully ever. *said calmly and walked away*
I ran to the school roof top without looking back and just sat on the bench asking why does he hate me, but nothing will answer that. After a few moment, i got up from the bench and go to the school bathroom to clean myself, while i was walking to the bathroom when someone push me till i hit the lockers.

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