First Stop

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Hiccup watched as Willow placed saddle bags on Toothless' new rigs. She filled them with all sorts of goods, and explained what each of them were and where they came from. She kept diving into story after story of how she came by them all, and Hiccup soon got pretty annoyed.

She explained how some of her clients ordered things for her to bring in her next shipment, and how she had to remember it all. Hiccup found it all pretty amazing, and the more she talked, the more he couldn't wait to get going.

Finally, when they had filled their bags to the max, they left the chamber and entered back into the maze. Hiccup was just as confused as the first time they had gone through it. Toothless roared, just to know that there was a way out. At last, they reached the main room.

Willow grabed some jerky off the wall before leapining onto Marina. "Grab some for a snack on the way, I bet you're hungry. Meet you outside!"

The Flightmare raised her wings and took off. The tunnel opened smartly and snapped shut as soon as they were through.

Hiccup took some of the meat and climbed on his Dragon. Toothless raised his wings and the left tunnel opened. They took flight into the now lit tunnel. They heard the door shut behind them, and watched as the door ahead began to open. They shot out into the night sky and quickly spotted Aurvendiel's Fire shinning above them.

The pool in the center of the forest clearing was ablaze with blue algae. The Flightmare was bent over the water, gulping it down as if she had been starved.

Willow was sitting atop her peacefully, chowing down on her jerky. After a few minutes, Marina informed them she was ready to go.

They took flight, heading south.

"So, where are we off to first?" Hiccup asked.

"Snove and Daniel, Glacier Island," Marina answered.

"Every time we go we trade them extra thick wool for the glacier water. It has healing properties."


"After that, we'll keep heading south, hitting the different trading spots."

"Great! We can't wait!" Hiccup exclaimed.

They flew for a few more hours, spotting some islands here and there. Finally, Glacier Island slid into view. They reached the edge, before stopping.

It was very windy, and the dragons had some trouble staying a loft, but they managed.

Willow fingered her belt before pulling up her horn. She put it to her lips and blew, announcing to the inhabitants that she was there.

After a few seconds, a scream like roar answered her call. Hiccup had to squint against the light falling snow to even spot the two, white dragons flying towards them.

"Are those what I think they are?" Hiccup asked.

"Snow Wraiths? Yes," Willow confirmed.

The two dragons came closer, and the first rider roared above the wind, "Willow! Glad to see you've arrived okay! Please, come to our home," the first Dragon rider said.

They turned around and headed inland. Willow looked to Hiccup, before nodding her head and following the two riders.

They flew through the pelting ice and snow, and when they finally landed, Hiccup's hands were frozen to his saddle.

With difficulty, he dismounted, and followed Willow into a large, sturdy tent made of thick furs. Toothless followed him.

The tent looked much bigger on the inside. A warm fire sizzled in the middle of the open room. Two beds lined the back wall, and the two Snow Wraiths had curled up on a massive rug of animal skin. Two boys were inside, one looked about 17, the other could've been 10. They both wore heavy, fur coats, and had thick scarves wrapped around their necks and heads like hats. They had knee-high boots like the one Hiccup wore, with pockets on the outsides.

"What's this?" one of the boys asked, nodded at Hiccup. He unwrapped his hat to reveal long, blonde hair. It fell, just brushing his shoulders.

Willow took the honor of introducing them. "This is my new partner, Hiccup, and his Night Fury, Toothless."

"Night Fury, huh?"

"Is he really toothless?" the younger of the two, a brown haired boy, asked.

"Why don't you find out?" Hiccup asked.

The young boy walked cautiously over to the black Dragon. "Hi, Toothless," he cooed.

The Night Fury nuzzled his hand.

"Do you really not have any teeth?"

Toothless opened his, indeed toothless, mouth.

"Whoa!" the boy exclaimed. He rested his palm on the gums, feeling the smoothness.

Just then, Toothless extracted his teeth, and they shot up like trap spikes. They young boy quickly took his hand away.

The blonde, who had been watching, spoke, "Retractable teeth?"


Toothless laughed, "I like this one."

The brown haired boy laughed and began to stroke Toothless' neck. The black Dragon let his eyes droop and began to purr.

"Hiccup, this is Snove," she pointed to the young boy, "and this is Daniel. They're brothers."

Daniel nodded, "These are our dragons, Grace," the Snow Wraith on the left perked up when she heard her name, "And Whiteout."

At his name, Whiteout rose to his rider's side. "Welcome."

Daniel moved towards the fire. "I'll get started on making -"

"What's this?" Snove held up Toothless' brand new prosthetic tail fin. "It feels different."

"That's, well, that's his prosthetic. He only has one tail fin, so when I found him, he couldn't fly."

"And as I recall, it was your fault," Toothless butted in.

"Yeah, well -"

"What? What happened?" Snove exclaimed, ready for a story.

Hiccup glanced over at Willow.

"Um," she started, "Why don't we get started on making something to eat, then we can exchange stories."

Snove nodded before skipping over to Grace, who gently nuzzled her compainion.

Soon, a large pot was dangling over the fire, suporting some type of good smelling stew. The meal bubbled happily in the pot as Daniel pulled bowls out of a cabinet.

Everyone settled around the fire, Toothless and Marina snoozing lightly behind their riders.

Daniel began to serve everyone, and Snove looked eagerly at Hiccup.

"Tell us the story now?" he asked, leaning forward.

Hiccup began to tell his story. He supposed he should get used to sharing it.

The two arctic brothers listened intently, clearly impressed.

"Anyway, I'm having trouble finding where I belong, so I decided to travel the world with Willow."

"Huh, you really don't know?"

Hiccup shook his head sadly.

"That's tough, man."

"So, anyway," Willow started as she set her, now empty, bowl down. "We have your all's wool, if you want to trade now."

"Sure," Daniel spoke, getting up. Snove followed him.

"C'mon," Snove invited.

They all walked back out into the storm. It was lighting up, but still bitter cold.

The dragons followed and the riders mounted. They took off toward,the mountain. Once they we up, they spoted a snow cave about half way up the mountain. The two Snow Wraith riders led them in.

After a bunch of twists and turns, they landed in an open clearing that was full of blue light. Two Snow Wraiths had been curled up in a corner, but came to greet the two native riders when they flew in.

There were trickles of glacier water streaming down through the open cave through cracks in the ice and snow.

After the native riders' little reunion, they walked over to a pile of glass tubes in the snow.

"How many vials do you want?"

"Oh, just five, I think," Willow answered.

The brothers grabed five of the glass tubes and split up around The cave, their dragons following them. They collected the water from the streams and capped the vials with bits of cork they pulled from their saddle bag.

Soon, they handed Willow the five containers of pure glacier water. It glistened unnaturally blue.

"Thanks," she said as she pulled out their thick wool and handed it to them. "Anything else?"

"Let's get back to the hut before we do anything else," Daniel suggested.

The group flew back to the large tent and entered, hiccup shivering from the sudden heat.

Snove immediately dismounted Grace and dashed over to Toothless. He began rumaging through the saddle bags. Then, he pulled out a bit of scrap metal. It was once one of the spikes on a mace.

"This is perfect!" he exclaimed. Grace obviously knew why, she began to jump up and down in excitment.

"What do you want for it?" he asked as he dashed over to a nightstand next to one of the beds. He opened one of the drawers and looked through it.

"How about this?" He pulled out a circular bit of string. Tied to it was a Snow Wraith tooth. He handed it to Hiccup.

"Sure," Hiccup said as he took the necklace, completing the trade.

"Sweet!" Snove exclaimed, clutching the bit of scrap metal.

"Um, what exactly do you need that for?"

"Oh, well, I thought it looked kind of boring outside, so I'm going to take up ice sculpting! This is just what I needed!"

Hiccup nodded. He really liked this kid.

Willow walked over to him, "It's getting light, where should be bed down for the day?" she asked Daniel.

"Righg, we've built a small tent for visitors right out here," he gestured to the outside. "You guys can spend the day in there, then leave at dusk."


Right, soooo, instead of posting a brand new A/N, I'm just going to put it in here. THE FOLLOWING,IS VERY IMPORTANT IF YOU CARE ABOUT WHEN I UPDATE.

How'd you guys like the chapter??? Sorry it took me forever to write.... I have excuses! I'm officially on summer vacation, I have summer work, and summer league swim team, AND I've been packing for a trip I'm going on... (more about that later)

Anyway, I've been busy, AND every time I get on wattpad to write, I end up finding some story to read instead. I know, I know, stop yelling at me.

Also, page break. Does it look any different to you? I don't think so. I'm pretty sure I found the exact same one on my phone.

Bad news now. I probs won't be updating for another two weeks. I know, it SUCKS, but still, hear me out. I'm going to be going to Alaska for two weeks! (Well, not exactly) but I'll be gone for two weeks. I'll be on a Cruise in Alaska for a full week and actually ON Alaska for three days, but I won't be able to update for two weeks.

Yes, there will be Wi-Fi on The ship, BUT, I'm not allowed to use it. Pluuuuump. You can probs guess why...

Parents: your in ALASKA!! Get your nose out of your phone!

Anyway, yes, I know what your saying, "Phone = Data"

One catch... I'm not allowed to use data. I have unlimited talk and text, so I'm not complaining.

HOWEVER, I will be spending like, close to 30 hrs traveling, sooooo, if I spend my time wisely (after I finish my summer work) I should be able to have AT LEAST one chapter ready for you all when I get back.

Right, so sorry for the close to 400 word A/N, but just thought I should let you know. PEACE!


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