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Willow flew back to the ships as fast as she could. Valka had arrived and they had finished off the ships.

"Hiccup's been captured!" she cried.

"What!?" Hanna and Stonescale cried in unison. The took off in the direction the trader had come in.

Valka flew up to Marina. "At least they can't get away, unless they have another boat..."

"Come on!" Marina and Willow led Cloudjumper over the land in the direction of their captured friends.

When they came into view, it seemed as if Hiccup was trying to talk his way out of it. Unfortunately, it wasn't working.

Suddenly, something blood red soared from the clouds down to the Night Fury and his rider. But as they neared, the group's leader called out, "Get any closer, and I'll slit the boy's throat!"

Hanna and the bright red Stonescale didn't pull up; they didn't understand Norse. But Willow and Valka did.

"Hanna!" Valka roared, "Get out of there, NOW!"

Dragon and rider pulled out of the dive, both obviously unwilling.

"Why?" Stonescale roared.

"Because, the guy just threatened to kill Hiccup!"

"Isn't he already doing that? You know, with the whole knife at the throat thing?"

Valka never got to answer. The leader spoke again, "All we want is the Night Fury. Its hide'll fetch a nice price at, well, anywhere!" The guy broke off laughing.

"What are we going to do?" Hanna asked, "We can't just let them kill Toothless!"

"If we don't they will kill Hiccup!"

Suddenly, Marina dove. "Sorry guys," Willow mumbled.

"Wha-" The leader was silenced as the mist hit him. The entire group was frozen in fear.

Marina banked and landed, admiring her work.

"It's okay!" Willow roared up to her companions, "You can come down now!"

The dragons descended and their riders dismounted.

"Good thinking, you two," Valka complemented the Flightmare and her rider.

"Yeah, well, we're gonna have to carry them back, I don't think they're fit to fly," Willow told them, gesturing to the frozen Toothless and Hiccup.

"That's okay," Hanna spoke, taking the leaders knife and pocketing it. She mounted Stonescale and they took flight. The Hobblegrunt grasped Hiccup in his talons and rose higher.

"Wow, no wonder they can fly so fast! If you were this light, Hanna, we wouldn't have a problem flying!" Stonescale said as Cloudjumper picked up the frozen Night Fury.

"I'm just going to ignore that."

"Come on, guys. I'll fly with you back to the sanctuary, just to make sure the toxins wear off." Willow spoke. Valka nodded as they took flight.

As they flew over the ocean, Hiccup began to get some feeling back into his limbs. Soon, he was able to talk again.

"Hey, Willow, Marina?"

"Yeah, Hiccup?" The Flightmare flipped her head down to look at the scrawny Viking.

"Thanks, for saving me."

"No problem."

Hiccup turned to his dragon. "Hey, bud. Think you can fly yet? I don't know how much longer I can take being as slow as Stonescale..."


"Just joking. But seriously, Toothless. My arms are starting to hurt."

"Oh, your arms hurt? You're not exactly light you know!" Stonescale retorted.

"Stonster, you said he was lighter than me!" Hanna exclaimed.

"Well, he got heavier as he thawed."

"Is thawed really the right word?"

"Does it matter?" Hiccup roared, "Toothless, can you fly yet?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Okay, Stonescale, drop me."


"Just trust me," Hiccup said.

"Alright, you asked for it."

The Hobblegrunt opened his talons and Hiccup plummeted towards the ocean. Cloudjumper released Toothless, who soared down to his rider's height.

"Hi," Hiccup greeted him.


They stayed like that for a while before Hiccup spoke up.

"So just plummet, or... any ideas?"

Toothless then put on a burst of speed and shot under his rider. They leveled back out next to Marina.

"Oh! Idea!" Hiccup suddenly announced.

"What?" Toothless asked.

"Nothing," Hiccup brushed it away before continuing, "Anyway, Willow, would you mind a partner on your travels? I need to figure out where I belong. Maybe it's traveling the world with you."

Marina cocked her head, "Really?"

Toothless nodded. Stonescale soared over to them.

"What's this I hear? You're leaving? I thought you belonged here!" Stonescale exclaimed.

"I don't know," Hiccup said, looking down, "I just feel... I don't know. Like, maybe the 'Traveling the world' idea is calling to me."


"You can come too, if you want!" Hiccup exclaimed. "I mean, if it's okay with Willow and Marina."

"I don't know, Hiccup. We've always been alone."

"That's okay," Hanna said, "Our place is here."

"Maybe one more rider and their dragon will be good for us. At least for a while," Marina said.

"You're right. Hiccup, Toothless, you can join us."

"Alright! Let me just go back to my room when we get home to pack."

"Pack what? If your coming with us, all the space you have will be for saddle bags and goods. Nothing else."

"We can live with that." Toothless said.


Astrid ran through the smoke and fire, dodging axes and Vikings to get to her house. Once she had made it, she dashed up the stairs to her room. She grabbed a satchel and stuffed in it a tarp, three knives, a notebook, some charcoal, and a few more knives, just to be safe. She grabbed a shield off the wall and took off back outside.

She ran back into the forest, ignoring the cries of Vikings behind her. She dashed through the trees until she reached the entrance to the cove. Astrid walked into it, keeping an eye out for any stray dragons. Or, more specifically, a Night Fury.

She set her bag down by one of the rock walls and began to explore. She began collecting twigs for firewood and building material. Once she had a pretty large stack, she took out the two longest sticks and walked towards her satchel. She stuck the two sticks into the ground, equal width apart, and pulled the tarp out of her bag. She tied two corners of the tarp to the sticks, then stuck the other two to the rock with knives.

She stepped back to admire her work. This is where she would live until she killed that Night Fury.

"Next thing on the list," she spoke to herself, "fire."

She grabbed her pile of wood and set up a decent fire pit. Once she positioned the stones around the set up, she lit the kindling, and her small fire blazed to life.

She sat down next to it and gazed around the cove. Food was next. The obvious choice here would be fish, but that would be kind of hard to get without arrows or a spear.

Her eyes landed on a tree. A little, brown, fury rodent was climbing up it. Without thinking, she took her ax and flung it at the tree. She missed, and the squirrel got away.

Astrid cursed in anger before getting up to retrieve her ax. It looked like she would have to wait for food.


The icy peaks of the sanctuary finally came into view. Cloudjumper and Stonescale turned to face Toothless and Marina.

"I can't believe you're leaving," Hanna spoke softly.

"I'll come back and visit."

Hanna stared solemnly at her twin brother before flying up to him. She leaned over to give him a hug, her vision going blurry from tears.

"I'll miss you," she whispered.

"I will too."

When she pulled away, she flew back over to their mother, who spoke.

"Hiccup, be safe."

He nodded, "I will."

"Don't die," Stonescale told Toothless.

"I'll try not too."

Hiccup spoke again, "Thanks for everything, you guys. I'll miss you, but I need to find out where I truly belong. I'll be coming back to trade soon!"

"Hurry back," Cloudjumper said.

"Bye," and at that, Toothless and Marina turned to the north, and disappeared into the horizon.

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